Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 247 Recruitment begins!

Chapter 247 Recruitment begins!
nine in the morning.

Xiao Xiner notified the security guard, released the blockade of the gate, and allowed others to enter the crowd.

Those who come to apply for a teacher can also come in naturally without being blocked.

There are not only security guards but also many robots inside the experimental high school.

These robots are guarding various important construction sites, and maintenance is ongoing, but these robots are somewhat rigid, and they are only temporarily responsible for protecting the experimental high school.

A real experimental high school does not allow a large number of robots, and only a small number of robots are allowed to handle tasks that are difficult for normal people to handle.

But at the moment, the experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University has just been built, and there are not many security guards recruited temporarily. Therefore, a large number of robot guards must be arranged to maintain order.

Otherwise, if so many spectators entered the experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University, the order would be chaotic.

These robots have simple intelligence and can answer many people's questions.

After many people entered the experimental high school, some robots in charge of introducing the experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University began to introduce to many audiences and visited some buildings.

At this time, many talents knew the origin of the experimental high school.

Suddenly, everyone exploded and started talking.

"I didn't expect that Galaxy University has established an affiliated experimental high school. If you say that, if you can enter the experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University, wouldn't you be able to enter Galaxy University?"

"You think too much, the experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University is just a high school, and students still have to take the college entrance examination. However, this experimental high school is backed by the behemoth of Galaxy University, and its resources are definitely much better than other high schools. It has just been established. The threshold is not high, I think it's time for us to send our sons to this high school."

"I think it's better to wait and see. Although the experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University is under the jurisdiction of Galaxy University, we still don't know how much Galaxy University attaches importance to. What if it is the same as its high school? And the tuition fee for such a high school must be very expensive. Bar."

"That's right, we have to wait and see. If it opens for a year, and Galaxy University thinks that this high school is not good and closes, what will the children do? It will delay their studies!"

"Xinghe University is a university after all. The teaching methods of universities are very different from high schools. The experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University is not necessarily good."

"Yes, yes, people from other high schools are admitted to Galaxy University every year. They don't necessarily have to come to this school. Besides, whether children can be admitted to university depends on their talent. The usefulness of the school is not necessarily great."

When many people visited the experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University, Xiao Xiner had already arranged the recruitment.

Experimental High School Affiliated to Galaxy University, Recruitment Building.

Under Xiao Xiner's order, a dozen security guards arranged everything and waited for the candidates to arrive.

ten o'clock.

This is application time.

Soon, a candidate arrived with a text message notification.

After a while, about 200 people gathered downstairs.

"There is actually a high school built here. The experimental high school affiliated to Galaxy University, is it possible that Galaxy University is really going to open an affiliated high school?"

"Such a big school, the name of the school is suspended in the air at the school gate, and the establishment of this high school must not be concealed from various departments. If it is false, it has been sealed up under the banner of Galaxy University. It must be true."

"It's true, I checked on the Internet, not only in Guanlin City, but also in many big cities on earth have established experimental high schools affiliated to Galaxy University, and they were all established in the past few days. It seems to be a big move by Galaxy University. what!"

"No matter what my background is, the treatment is the most important. If the treatment is not good, I will not do it."

The candidates were shouting and talking.


A person came out of the recruitment building and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This person is Xiao Xin'er. "Are you the person in charge of recruitment?"

Everyone stared at Xiao Xin'er and asked slowly.

"Yes, I am a complicated person for recruitment, and I am solely responsible for the recruitment work!" Xiao Xiner affirmed.

"only you?"

Some were skeptical.

After all, Xiao Xiner is too young, at the age of 21, can she be the recruitment director of such a huge high school?

As for Xiao Xiner's strength, they couldn't see it.

Their realm is too low, and they are only at the peak of the blood realm, and there are too few recruiters in the Xiantian realm.

On the other hand, Xiao Xin'er was in the spiritual realm and practiced the Turtle Breathing Technique, and her breath was completely restrained, so these people couldn't see it.

Young and girls are often looked down upon.

Therefore, many people looked down on Xiao Xiner.

"Xin'er, these are looking down on you. When the test will be conducted, you have to be stricter." Lin Tian couldn't help saying.

"Well, these people are of different levels, so naturally they have to be stricter."

Xiao Xiner nodded.

Immediately, she said, "I'm the only one in charge of the recruitment this time, my name is Xiao Xiner. There are two parts to the recruitment test. The first is the theory test. If you are not even proficient in the teaching content of high school, even No matter how powerful you are, you are not qualified to be a teacher. Although high school teachers teach many subjects, the high school affiliated to Galaxy University has high requirements for teachers, so the theoretical test must be excellent before passing the first link.”

As soon as Xiao Xiner finished speaking, a big man retorted: "Xiao Xiner, right? I'm here to apply for a physical education teacher. Is it possible that I also have to take a theory test? Can't I be strong enough? Why do I need to understand theory? ?"

"What's your name?"

Xiao Xiner looked over.

"My name is Zheng Zhuang!"

This man named Zheng Zhuang showed off his muscles when he introduced himself, and the breath of the peak of the blood-changing realm was also exposed.

"Are you very strong? I have a stone here, if you can move it, I will allow you not to participate!"

Saying that, Xiao Xiner wiped from the Void Ring, and a gray stone appeared on the ground.

"Void Ring!!!"

Many people didn't notice the stones on the ground, they only noticed Xiao Xin'er's Void Ring, and they were immediately surprised.

For them, the Void Ring is a rare treasure, so everyone reveals a look of greed or envy.

"A stone that I can't move?"

Zheng Zhuang disapproved and walked to the gray stone.

"Get up!"

He moved the gray stone with all his strength, but it only made the gray stone shake a little, and he couldn't move it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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