Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 237 The Xiao family can't tolerate bullying from outsiders!

Chapter 237 The Xiao family can't tolerate bullying from outsiders!
"Xin'er grandniece, please save your cousin Tang Yu!"

Xiao Ao entered the hall, and as soon as he entered the hall, he immediately knelt down and pleaded.

Seeing Elder Xiao Ao like this, Xiao Xin'er was shocked and didn't understand what happened.

And Xiao Batian said quickly: "Xiao Ao, what are you doing?"

Immediately, he pulled Elder Xiao Ao up.

However, Xiao Ao didn't get up after death, so he begged again: "Xin'er grandniece, I used to make things difficult for you, but Xiao Tangyu is your cousin, and his nature is not bad, and he didn't bully you much before, for the sake of the family Come on, please save him, we are the only one in the Xiao family who can save his life."

"What happened, Elder Xiao Ao, you should get up and talk first."

Xiao Xiner was also stunned.

"You promise me first, and I'll get up!"

Xiao Ao said very stubbornly.

"But I don't even know anything, and I don't know if I can help you. How can I promise you kneeling on the ground like this? If I can help, I promise, so the head office will do!"

Xiao Xiner said quickly.

"it is good!"

Hearing Xiao Xiner say this, Xiao Ao knew that it would be a bit unreasonable to make trouble if he knelt down again, so he stood up.

At this time, Xiao Zhe, the innate ancestor of the Xiao family, also heard about this and came over immediately.

Soon, many senior members of the Xiao family gathered in this hall.

Everyone was waiting for Xiao Zhe to tell the story.

"Xiao Ao, what's the matter, tell Xin'er quickly."

Xiao Zhe said.

"Grandpa, Xin'er, it was my grandson Tang Yu who had an accident. Now his life is at stake!"

Xiao Ao cried.

"What happened, isn't that child Tang Yu at Zhanling University? And he has a master at the peak of the spiritual realm guarding him. How could something happen?" Xiao Batian said.

"That mentor Wan Tian is no longer Tang Yu's master, that timid guy, bah!"

Xiao Ao said angrily.

"what happened?"

Xiao Xin'er feels that this matter seems a bit complicated. Xiao Xin'er is developing so well now and has been blessed by the Ancient Writing Research Association for 10 years.

In addition, her status is also very noble, and it is reasonable to say that it is impossible for Wan Tian to abandon Xiao Tangyu!

Xiao Ao slowed down his emotions and explained slowly: "It's like this. Not long ago, Zhanling University organized a trial. During this trial, a student organized eight or nine students to besiege Tang Yu. They wanted to snatch his treasure, but they underestimated Tang Yu's strength. Tang Yu defeated everyone by himself, and the student at the head attacked Tang Yu with a one-time rune weapon at a critical moment, injuring Tang Yu. , In anger, Tang Yu directly used the plant guardian spirit to penetrate the student in many places, not only seriously injuring him, but also causing the student's legs to be disabled."

"It's not a big deal, right? That student attacked first, and Wan Tian should be enough to protect Tang Yu's cousin, right?"

Xiao Xiner wondered.

"Yes, if that student has an average background, Wan Tian can definitely keep Tang Yu, and this matter is not a big deal. But that student is a member of the Zhan family in Zhanling City, and the Zhan family has a great legacy that has been passed down for 10 years. There are many awakened people in the Void Realm in the family, and the strongest one has reached the eighth level of the Void Realm, second only to the existence of a sub-god. Even the War Spirit University is not willing to provoke such a big family, and Wan Tian is A mentor at the pinnacle of the realm of gods, how dare he go against the Zhan family? In the first moment, he not only saved Tang Yu, but also severed the relationship and severed the master-disciple relationship with Tang Yu." Xiao Ao said angrily, hating Wan Tian. Timid.

"and then?"

Xiao Xiner asked.

"However, the Zhan family put pressure on Zhanling University, and Zhanling University expelled Tang Yu for deliberately wounding others. Tang Yu felt ashamed about this matter and did not tell us, but found a share in Zhanling City. At work, the Zhan family is still reluctant to let Tang Yu go, framed Tang Yu again and again, and now he is imprisoned for the reason that Tang Yu killed a Zhan family member, but one of Tang Yu's classmates can't see it. Only then did I secretly inform me, otherwise I would not know! According to the information that the classmate got, I am afraid that in the next few days, the Zhan family will try Xiao Tangyu internally, and he will be sentenced to death!" Xiao Ao said with a look of despair.

"Is this still a law?"

Xiao Zhe said very angrily.

"The major cities in the world are run by families, and the police in those cities also have to obey the orders of the major families. The Zhan family is one of the two major families in Zhanling City, in charge of the transportation and laws of Zhanling City. This kind of procedure, the Zhan family has the right to judge a person!" Xiao Batian sighed.

This is the case in the Galaxy Era. Strength is the top priority, and status is the top priority.

For example, gods, if gods take action to wipe out a city, they will be locked up for a hundred years or thousands of years at most.

It is impossible for the Federation of Gods to put a god to death for a group of mortals.

Zhan Jia is almost one of the masters of War Spirit City. It is too easy to kill someone.

"Our Xiao family has been subject to the Ancient Writing Research Association for 10 years. The Xiao family should be afraid, right?"

A clan suddenly spoke up.


Xiao Ao shook his head: "The blessing of the Ancient Script Research Association is to protect our Xiao family from being attacked and genocide, not to protect the safety of each clan. If it protects the safety of each clan, the Ancient Script Research Association will send all Humans can’t do it, and it’s even less likely that the Ancient Ancient Script Research Association will help with this kind of clan’s crime being executed.”

"So, in this matter, only you, Xin'er's grandniece, can hope to rescue Tang Yu!"

Xiao Ao begged Xiao Xiner with his eyes.

"Zhanjia, I know, I take care of this matter!"

Xiao Xiner agreed immediately.

No matter how Xiao Tangyu was with her in the past, he was after all the direct line of the Xiao family and her cousin.

When did the Xiao family get bullied by outsiders?

If Xiao Tangyu did something wrong in this matter, she would not help, but if Xiao Tangyu was deliberately framed, let alone the Zhan family, even if it was a family of gods, she would still not let it go.

The Xiao family cannot tolerate bullying from outsiders.

"Elder Xiao Ao, I will first ask my master to investigate the specific situation, and then I will personally go to the Zhan family to ask for someone."

Xiao Xiner assured Xiao Ao.

"Thank you Xin'er grandniece!"

Xiao Ao seemed to want to kneel down again, but was stopped by others.

But Xiao Ao's eyes were filled with gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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