Chapter 2323 Like-minded

Now Lucia seemed to see hope in despair. Originally, their food was enough to last for a few more days. What should they do after a few days?

If they had not received any foreign aid, they would all have starved to death within a few days.

But now they should be saved.

Lin Tian gradually let Nicholson approach their spacecraft, and at this moment Lin Tian shouted loudly: "It's me, can you hear me?"

Lucia was really surprised when she saw it was Lin Tian. She didn't expect it to be Lin Tian.

"It's Lin Tian. Look, it's Lin Tian who sent the signal towards us."

Lin Xin and Jerrold in the car also felt very surprised. Lin Xin said excitedly: "He's still here, it's great."

All of them felt very happy. They originally thought they were dead this time, but unexpectedly they survived.

Nicholson asked Lin Tian to come to Lucia's spacecraft, and Lin Tian asked: "Lucia, what's going on with you? Why do you keep docking the spacecraft here?"

"When we came out of another dimension, we encountered space-time turbulence. At that time, all the energy was used up, so we can only stay here."

"Oh, so that's how it is. So if you can't meet me, what will you do?"

"What else can I do? If I can't meet you, I can only wait here to die."

Lin Tian didn't expect that the matter would be so serious. He looked at Gerald and said, "Jerald, you are finally back."

"Yeah, I'm finally back, Lin Tian. I didn't expect that the first person I saw when I came back would be you. You know, you are a very important person to me. Because of you, I have It gave me the motivation to practice.”

"Am I really that important to you?"

"Of course, you are the most important person to me."

Jerrold is a madman in cultivation. In his world, he is already the strongest person, but now Jerrold vows to surpass Lin Tian in this world.

"Okay, now you all can relax, because it's safe now!"

Lin Tian also sighed. To be honest, he was really nervous along the way. Everything had been unexpected.

But now that you have come here and found that they are all fine and that nothing unexpected happened to them, your nervousness has also been relieved at this moment.

"When can we leave here?"

"You can leave here now, but I think you haven't had enough to eat in the past few days. I still have a lot of delicious food here, let's bring it to you!"

When Nicholson saw Lin Tian's generosity, he said to Lin Tian: "We don't have enough food either!"

"Don't be so stingy. Take it here now. When we go back, I will make it up to you."

"Forget it about compensation. In fact, everything I am doing now is to compensate you."

Nicholson will never forget that he deceived Lin Tian, ​​so he is doing everything willingly now.

Then Nicholson took out all the food here, and said: "This is the food on our spaceship. You can eat whatever you want. After eating, we can go back together!"

Lin Xin looked at him and asked, "Who is he?"

"He is also an interstellar traveler, just like Lucia."

"is it?"

Lucia looked at him and said happily: "It seems that we are still on the same side!"

"Yeah, I'm from the Earth too!"    "If that's the case, then we can go on interstellar exploration together in the future, what do you think?"

"I think this is good too!"

Lin Tian felt that it was only a matter of time before they became good friends. If they had the same interests, they would be like-minded.

Jerrold has been hungry for the past few days, so now that he has something delicious to eat, he should fill his stomach quickly. Only when he feels full can he have the strength to continue on the road.

They have all eaten a lot now and replenished their physical strength.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave now. When we get back there soon, we'll practice together!"

"Then let's hit the road now!"

Each of them felt very happy, because now all the crises were lifted, and all they had to do now was to go back as soon as possible.

"We don't know how many more days it will take before we can go back?"

"According to my calculations, it will take us about ten days to go back at this time!"

When she heard that it would take so long to go back, Lucia said, "Why does it take so long to go back?"

"Don't you know how long your spaceship has been drifting in the void of the universe?"

"It's been about half a month, right?"

"That's right, so if we go back now, it will take a certain amount of time. Don't be anxious in your heart. As long as we want to go back, we can definitely go back as soon as possible."

It takes time to go back, so they can't be impatient at this time. Since it took a lot of time to come, it will also take a lot of time to go back.

"What about food?"

Nicholson suddenly felt that something was not right. Suddenly, there were several more people. So what should we do if there is a lack of food?

"I feel that if we haven't had anything to eat in the past few days, we will be hungry!"

"It's okay. We can still sustain ourselves for a few days in terms of food. It doesn't matter if we are hungry in the last few days. We can just save a little and eat."

"Okay then, I'll just listen to you."

Now Lin Tian is their backbone, so whatever he says is what he says.

Following Lin Tian's method, sure enough, after a few days, they ran out of food.

"I'm so hungry!"

Lin Xin felt a little hungry, and Lin Tian felt that she could bear not eating, but what should Lin Xin do?

"Nicholson, can we stop on a nearby planet and find some food to eat first!"

"But I don't know much about these nearby planets. If we go down at this time, what if there is any danger?"

"Don't worry, if any danger occurs, I will be responsible!"

Lin Tian didn't feel afraid at all. He had encountered so many dangers before, and he had overcome them all, so now he didn't feel worried at all.

(End of this chapter)

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