Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2320 Emergency Departure

Chapter 2320 Emergency Departure

Nicholson really felt guilty in his heart. He had been driving for a long time and it was time for him to take a good rest.

"Okay, you take over from me. If anything goes wrong, just call me!"

Lin Tian took over from Nicholson and now continues to drive the spacecraft forward.

During the flight, Lin Tian thought that if Lucia went back, would she bring Gerald back?

If there was nothing wrong, then I must have brought it back. In this way, they flew all the way. After about a few days, they finally arrived at their destination.

"Great, we are back now!"

After Tianbao Shengzong landed, Lin Tian felt really happy in his heart, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it as excited.

"Okay, now that I've sent you back, it's time for me to leave!"

Nicholson really felt very ashamed of the things he had done for himself. Since he had already sent people there, he now felt that he should go back.

"Don't leave yet. You've worked hard along the way, so you should finish your meal here before leaving!"

Lin Tian felt that he had indeed worked hard. He had really lost a lot of weight along the way. Since he was almost home, I would finish my meal here before leaving.

"That's not good?"

"There's nothing wrong with this. This is my home. After you arrive at my home, of course I want to entertain you as a guest!"

"Well, if that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obey!"

He felt that since he was here, he should finish eating before leaving. When Saint Ancestor Diming saw Lin Tian coming, he seemed very happy and shouted: "Lin Tian, ​​you are finally back. Where are they?" Didn’t they come back with you?”

"What, you mean they haven't come back now, neither Lucia nor Lin Xin have come back?"

"Yes, didn't they go with you? Why haven't they come back now that you are back?"

Lin Tian felt a thump in his heart and wondered what was going on. Could it be that they didn't come back later?

Originally, Lin Tian thought that Lucia and Lin Xin should have come back long ago, but after hearing what the Holy Ancestor of Diming said, they did not come back.

Since they didn't come back, why didn't these two time and spaces collapse?

"I don't know what is going on. Something happened when we went there, so I was separated from them. It took me a lot of effort to come back. Now I feel a little hungry. We Let’s talk while eating!”

"Okay, let's talk while eating now!"

Although they have not returned now, the two parallel spaces have not collapsed, which means that they are still safe now.

Since they are still safe now, Lin Tian feels in his heart that he shouldn't worry too much.

He felt that he was a little hungry, so he decided to eat and then go find them after he was full.

"Nicholson, come and eat with us!"

"Well, thank you for the treat!"

"Well, don't be so polite with me. When you come here, it's like coming to your own home!"

Diming Saint Ancestor looked at Nicholson and felt that this person seemed to be different from his own species, so he said: "Is this a foreigner?" "Yes, he is a foreigner. Fortunately, he met him this time. When we got to him, if we hadn’t met him, then we wouldn’t have been able to come back so smoothly!”

"Oh, you are Lin Tian's friend, then you are my friend. It is as if you have come to your own home. Just be casual and don't be polite!"

Nicholson didn't expect him to be so hospitable, so he was very happy at this time.

After a while, a table of dishes was served. Nicholson had never eaten here before. He saw so many dishes on the table. Although he had never eaten before, it looked like It's really delicious.

"Eat, you have worked hard along the way, so eat more now!"

"Well, then I'm not welcome!"

Nicholson picked up the chopsticks and started eating without ceremony. Although Lin Tian said he had something on his mind, even if he had something, he still needed to do it one by one.

Although sometimes I feel very confused, everything needs to be sorted out, so that I can do it one by one.

If you feel anxious in your heart, then just do it randomly. That is not a good idea.

After eating, Nicholson felt that he had finally filled his stomach. He had really felt very hard these days.

Now that his stomach is full, he wants to take a nap.

"Is there a place to sleep? I plan to have a good sleep now!"

"Of course there is a place to sleep, you can sleep here for a while!"

Lin Tian asked Nicholson to come to a room and said: "This is the room I arranged for you. You can have a good rest here. After you have a good rest, I still have something I want to ask you for help with. "

"If you have anything else you want me to help with, just tell me now!"

"Now is not the time. You should have a good rest. I will talk to you after you have slept well!"

Lin Tian sighed, and Nicholson said: "Okay, I'll go to sleep!"

Nicholson fell asleep in the room, and Xiao Xiner said to Lin Tian: "When should we leave!"

"We have just come back at this time, so there is no need to be so anxious about everything. Nicholson is already tired enough. We should let him have a good sleep now!"

"But I'm really worried about our daughter. Do you think our daughter will be in danger now?"

"You must believe that they must be safe now. According to my current guess, there must be a reason why they did not come back at this time. But since these two parallel time and spaces have not collapsed, it means that they are safe now. .”

Xiao Xiner felt that what he said was right. If something unexpected happened to them, then the two parallel time and spaces would collapse.

But nothing has happened now, which means they are still safe.

"Then let's go back and rest. After reviewing, let's get on the road as soon as possible!"

After Xiao Xiner finished speaking, she took Lin Tian back to rest. After they had rested, they had to set off as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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