Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2313 Find a Guardian

Chapter 2313 Find a Guardian

Although they don't have much money on them at this time, Lin Tian knows that he has obsidian. This obsidian seems to be worth a lot of money here, right?

Otherwise, Nicholson would not take them in. After thinking of this, Lin Tian no longer worried about anything.

They saw a restaurant on the roadside and walked in at this time.

After arriving at this restaurant, the owner of that restaurant came over and asked, "Do you need anything to eat?"

“Whatever, I’ll pay for whatever I have, but I don’t have any money on me right now, can I use this to pay?”

Lin Tian took out the obsidian directly.

"This is?"

"This is Obsidian!"

When the restaurant owner heard that it was obsidian, he confirmed it, and then he looked very happy and said: "Boss, are you really sure you want to pay with this?"

"Are you really sure, by the way, this is expensive?"

"Well, of course it's very expensive. Don't make this joke. Just this one piece is worth millions!"

"What, this piece is worth a million?"


Lin Tian thought that Nicholson had taken so many obsidian from him before. It seemed that Nicholson was still a little greedy.

"Well, in that case, we will use this obsidian to pay the bill. Although it is a bit expensive, I can afford it. By the way, these two children look like they haven't eaten for a long time. Do more Give some to them.”

"Yes Yes!"

The boss went to cook at this time. The owner of this small restaurant usually has a very difficult time running, so he is the only one in the restaurant at this time.

Although at this time, the earth has experienced so many years and has developed a lot, there are some things that have not changed.

For example, the poor are still poor, and there are still some people who are working hard to make money every day.

There are some things that cannot be changed no matter how long it takes. Everything seems to be destined. This may be the law of this world!
  Although some things have already changed with the passage of time, there are some things that will not change no matter how much time passes.

After waiting for a while, the owner of the restaurant prepared a table of delicious food. After all, the obsidian given by Lin Tian could buy his restaurant.

"Well, kids, don't be polite, just eat more now!"

Seeing the two sallow-looking children, Lin Tianzhen really didn't know how long it had been since they had eaten.

Since it seemed like they hadn't eaten for a long time, I asked them to eat more this time.

The little boy thanked you at this time: "Thank you very much, uncle. I didn't expect you to be such a good person. We, brother and sister, have been having food for so long, and this is the first time we have met such a good person like you." Woolen cloth!"

"What you said can't be true. Is this the first time you have met a good person like me?"

"It is indeed true. Although we have met many good people before and they gave us money, they have never invited us to dinner. You are different from them. You are great good people!"

Lin Tian didn't expect that this child was quite good at complimenting others, so he seemed very happy at this moment, and said to the little girl, "Are you my sister?"

"Yes, I am the younger sister. We, brother and sister, have been living together for several years. My parents died when I could not speak. After they died, we became street children. , all rely on my brother for food, that’s why we are alive now!” Even though the little girl looks young, only seven or eight years old, she does speak very fluently.

Xiao Xiner saw that the little girl was too sensible, so at this time she said: "Lin Tian, ​​no matter what happens this time, we have to help them, what do you think?"

"Of course I am willing to help them, so now specifically, what are you going to do? How can you completely help them?"

"Of course we have to keep some money. What they need most right now is money!"

Although money is not everything, and there are some things that money cannot solve, at this time, perhaps what they need most is money.

"But they are still so young now, and I feel that they lack a guardian now!"


"But who can be their guardian?"

Lin Tian frowned. Xiao Xiner said that they lacked a guardian at this time, but how could it be so easy to find a guardian for them?
  Xiao Xiner thought for a while and said, "I do have a candidate. I wonder if you agree or disagree?"

"Go ahead!"

"Nicholson, how do you feel about him?"

Hearing Xiao Xiner say Nicholson's name, Lin Tian shook his head and said: "This is not possible. Who is this Nicholson? He is an interstellar traveler. If he says that one day he will leave If you are here and can’t come back, who do you think will take care of these two children?”

"Well, what you said makes some sense. So Lin Tian, ​​what do you think we should do at this time? What should we do to help the two of them?"

"Noodle shop owner, how do you feel about this person?"

"Well, judging by his appearance, he should be a good person!"

Lin Tian looked at the owner of the restaurant and felt that the owner of the restaurant was a good person, so at this time, Lin Tian said to the little boy, "Can we find a guardian for you?"

"No, we don't need a guardian!"

"Obey, if you have a guardian, then you can study like normal children. Don't you want to study?"

The little girl felt a little tempted at this time, so she said: "Brother, otherwise we should listen to uncle!"

"But I'm really not used to being controlled by others!"

"It doesn't matter. There will be no control. You are still free!"

"OK then!"

Now Lin Tian shouted to the boss: "Boss, come here, I have something to discuss with you."

The boss now came over and asked, "If you have any orders, just tell me!"

"These two children lost their parents at a very young age. They have no guardians and they look very pitiful now. So, can you be their godfather?"

"What, let me be their godfather?"

"Yes, just take care of them and give them food and shelter. I won't treat you badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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