Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2300 Distribution completed

Chapter 2300 Distribution completed
After arriving at Qingfeng Inn, Lin Tian found Qiangwei inside the inn.

Although she really made a lot of money from Lin Tian last time, she didn't dislike working just because she was rich.

She was still working as before here, and Lin Tian was very surprised when he saw her.

"You came?"

Qiangwei was very happy to see Lin Tian now. She didn't expect Lin Tian to come back to find her.

"Yes, we have already explored the ancient ruins."

"Did you find anything?"

"I just found some obsidian, nothing else."

I heard that only some obsidian was found, but Qiangwei seemed a little surprised. It's impossible to only find those kinds of obsidian in ancient ruins, right?
However, even if there may be other treasures in the ancient ruins, if they are not brought out, they do not belong to them.

"Yes, there are, but I didn't bring them out. There are many agencies there. You wouldn't know it unless you went there."

Now Qiangwei seemed to regret a little, and said, "If I had known this, I would have gone with you."

"Do you know you regret it now?"


"By the way, we have to go back too!"

Hearing that Lin Tian was going back, Qiangwei asked, "Don't you guys stay in Bell Blue City for a while longer?"

"This is a good place to practice, but we already plan to go back."

"Okay then, maybe we won't see each other very often in the future, right?"

"If you miss us, you can go to Tianbao Holy Sect to find us."

Qiangwei pursed her lips. He seemed to have something to say, but he couldn't say it at this time. It was as if he was holding back the words that came to his mouth.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"No, since you are going back, I won't send you off!"

She seemed to have some intention of retaining him. Although he felt that Qiangwei seemed to want to retain him, she did not say these words in the end.

After getting along for such a long time, they actually developed a very strong friendship between them.

As a friend, Qiangwei certainly didn't want him to go back at this time. If he could stay here, then she wouldn't have to be so lonely.

Because Qiangwei has never had many friends in this place. This is where she works. Although she says that her life is enriched by a lot of work every day, this kind of life actually has its shortcomings.

This kind of life seems fulfilling, but in fact, if you don't have friends, wouldn't your life be a bit boring?
After Lin Tian said goodbye to her, he had already gone back at this time.

Soon they returned to Tianbao Holy Sect, and at this moment, Lin Tian felt that his spirit was a little tired. Although he did not spend too much energy on the way, it consumed too much energy.

During the treasure hunting process, his mental strength was actually highly tense. Although he didn't get anything good in the end, in any case, this plan was not in vain.

"You are finally back, don't you know what treasures you got?"

Mao Erwa saw that they were back now, so she rushed over happily. "Er baby, why are you so happy? We haven't gained much this time!"

"You said there was nothing gained this time. Do you think I would believe it? I won't believe it. There is nothing gained this time. Anyway, if you go there together, I think you will definitely get some treasures! "

He is a relatively smart child, so he knows that they must not have returned without success this time, but must have gained something.

"It's Obsidian, I just got some Obsidian this time!"

"Is that all?"

Mao Erwa felt that there was some disbelief in his heart, but even though he felt some disbelief in his heart, it was all true.

They went through this time, and although it was not without harvest, the harvest was still very different from their previous hopes.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Mao Erwa also felt a little disappointed.

If we can find some other protection, Maoerwa might be able to ask for one or two pieces, but now we just got some obsidian, what's the use?
Although the obsidian is said to be extremely precious, it does not directly help his cultivation now.

"Well, you don't have to be too disappointed. Although you didn't get anything good this time, maybe you can get it next time?"

"Are you telling the truth? Will you go there next time?"

"It's impossible to say for sure. If there is a chance, I will definitely go there!"

Ruo Xiaoxue looked at Lin Tian at this moment and said, "Can you give me some obsidian?"

"What do you want Obsidian for?"

"Refining magic weapons, no matter what, I have made a great contribution this time, so you can't not give me any obsidian. Do you think you are a stingy person?"

"Haha, of course I am not a stingy person, you should know this!"

This time Ruo Xiaoxue did make a great contribution, so at this time, Lin Tian took out some obsidian and gave it to Ruo Xiaoxue.

"You deserve all this, is that enough?"

"Well, it's almost there!"

In fact, Ruo Xiaoxue felt quite happy this time. Although the harvest this time was not big, it was not nothing.

Normally, you need some materials to refine magic weapons by yourself, and this obsidian is a good material for refining magic weapons.

There are some magic weapons that cannot be made with ordinary fine iron because the density of fine iron is not enough, but obsidian is different and can create many perfect magic weapons.

Fairy Bibo held a banquet to celebrate their success. The amount of obsidian harvested this time was a huge fortune.

Now Holy Ancestor Di Ming also felt very happy. He rushed towards Lin Tian and said: "Brother, I didn't expect you to gain so much this time. You can't take it all as your own. You still have to take it for yourself." All this wealth will be donated to the sect, right?"

"I'm telling you, Holy Ancestor Di Ming, we asked you to go with us at the beginning, but you didn't go. Now it's better. We found these obsidians, but you want to reap the benefits for nothing!"

"Brother, what are you talking about? Am I the kind of person who takes advantage of others?"

Holy Ancestor Di Ming looked at Lin Tian with an expression of joy on his face.

(End of this chapter)
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