Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2297 Heaven or Hell

Chapter 2297 Heaven or Hell
Once he falls into this trap, it will be difficult to get out again. He has fallen into such a trap.

There are many mechanisms in the ancient ruins. Lin Tian originally thought that Ruo Xiaoxue could lead them to bypass those mechanisms, but he did not expect that despite all the calculations, he still missed it.


A skeleton attacking Lin Tian was pinched by Lin Tian's throat tightly, and then with just a twist, the skull's head was broken off.

Those skeletons seemed to be full of spirituality. When they saw Lin Tian, ​​they knew to attack him.

So many skeletons exuding a rotten smell really made him feel very disgusted. He thought to himself how could he come to such a place, it almost made him sick.

But now that they are here, they are their enemies. If there is no way to defeat these enemies, then there is no way to save Xiao Xiner.

There is no way out now, the only option is to move forward.

"Xin'er, just watch, I will definitely defeat these skeletons and rescue you!"

"Stop talking nonsense and be careful!"

Although Xiao Xiner wanted to break free now, she was held down by several skeletons and had no way to break free with her strength.

There is no way to use her cultivation here, and her pure power is not strong, so there is no way to break free.

But Lin Tian is different. Although he usually pays attention to cultivation, he also pays attention to single-layer physical training.

After so many years of accumulated training, his body has become very strong. In this environment, he feels that he is able to handle it with ease.

Those skeletons attacked him, but in the end they were knocked to the ground one by one.

After a fight, he was already a little out of breath.

Although he was a little out of breath, fortunately, most of the skeletons around him had been knocked down by him.

"Xin'er, I'm here!"

The skeletons suppressing Xiao Xiner seemed to be afraid and ran away at this time.

"Really a spiritual skeleton."

Lin Tian walked to Xiao Xiner's side and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but what the hell is this place? It's really weird!"

"Isn't it? It's really a very strange place. Let's go!"

"Are we leaving at this time?"

"That's right, let's leave here now. I really don't like this place!"

They swam up together. When Ruo Xiaoxue saw them emerging from the lotus pond, she said, "It's really great, you finally came up!"

After they came up, Lin Tian said to Ruo Xiaoxue: "We saw a lot of golden skeletons down there just now, and we couldn't even use Xiuwei. If I read it correctly, it should be a confinement circle. "

"It's all my fault. I didn't observe carefully. It turns out there is a confinement circle below!"

"It's not all your fault. If it's to blame, it's our fault for coming down without careful observation."

This can't all be her fault. If there is a fault, it should be everyone's fault. This is a place full of agencies, and everyone should pay attention to safety. "What should we do at this time?"

"Let's keep moving forward!"

They did not want to stay in this place again, but Ruo Xiaoxue said at this moment: "If we go down and take a look again, maybe we will find something!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that in dangerous places, there are likely to be treasures!"


Lin Tian felt that what Ruo Xiaoxue said was quite reasonable. There are often treasures in dangerous places. Lin Tian said to Ruo Xiaoxue: "If this is the case, then I will go down again. You guys wait here." Just stay on!"

"I will go with you!"

Xiao Xiner wanted to go down with him. Lin Tian thought that this was not possible. It was too dangerous down here, so he said, "I feel that I should go down alone. After all, it is too dangerous down here!"

"Just because it's too dangerous, I can't let you go together. How about the two of us going down together?"

"If you want to go down together, then take me with you!"

Tang Jingwen didn't expect the three of them to be so long-winded, so she said, "Why are you all so long-winded? Since we all came together, let's go together. Lin Tian, ​​you must not go into danger alone!" "

"That's right, since we came together, then if you want to go down, let's go down together!"

At this moment, Tang Jingwen thought to herself that if there really was any treasure down there, then she couldn't let them go down while she was up there.

If you were up there, you wouldn't know what was going on down there.

So even if some treasure is discovered in the end, she won't have any share in it.

So after thinking about this, she had an extra thought. If she wanted to go down, then she would go down together.

Lin Tian did not expect that Tang Jingwen would have such scheming thoughts in her heart, so he said: "Okay, if you insist on going down with me, then we will go down together, but if we really encounter something If it’s dangerous, then we must fight side by side!”

"What are you talking about? If we are really in danger, of course we will fight side by side, because we are a group now, aren't we?"

"Okay, Tang Jingwen, no more words, let's go down together!"

They dived in again at this time, and after Tang Jingwen went down, she felt full of surprise. She really didn't expect that there would be such a place under the golden lotus pond.

The contrast between this place and the place below is simply too great. This place is very dilapidated and decayed, and there is a very strange smell everywhere.

But it's different up there. The place up there is like heaven, but here it's like hell.

This heaven and hell are originally together.

She felt very amazed now, and said to Lin Tian: "It seems that I really don't want to stay here for a moment. The smell of this place is simply too unpleasant!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm already here anyway, so let's take a look before leaving!"

She was originally asked to stay up there, but she was unwilling and wanted to come down with them. Now she just came down and felt regretful. Does this make sense?
(End of this chapter)
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