Chapter 2295
They continued to walk forward at this time. This path was already somewhat different from the path they had taken before.

The roads here are paved with black slates. I don’t know what special materials those black slates are made of. It feels very unusual.

While walking on the road, they felt a warm feeling under their feet. This feeling was very good, as if there was energy coming from the soles of their feet and then into their bodies.

"It can't be a black energy stone, right?"

Lin Tian squatted down and studied it carefully. It really looked like a black energy stone.

"It's the black scale stone!"

Ruo Xiaoxue now explained: "This black scale stone is a special material that can maintain a constant temperature all year round, so the floor made of this black scale stone here at this time has the function of protecting this ancient ruins."

"Oh, I see."

"Don't waste any time now, follow me and keep going forward. If we keep going forward, we should be able to find more interesting things!"

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. If you follow me forward, I won't let you down!"

Lin Tian now feels more and more interested, and now Xiao Xiner also feels very happy in her heart. If there is any treasure that can be obtained this time, it must be something not simple.

Tang Jingwen felt very calm, because she didn't think much about anything at this time. She didn't think about any treasures, but thought it would be great if she could be with Lin Tian!
If others knew what Tang Jingwen was thinking, they would definitely laugh at her.

"Do you see there? There is a golden lotus there!"

At this time, Tang Jingwen said: "Then can we go there?"

"We can go there now, so we have to step on this golden lotus!"

"Are you telling the truth? Am I going to step on this golden lotus? Why is this?"

Tang Jingwen felt that there was something unclear in her heart. If what Ruo Xue said was true, why did she feel that it was a bit fantasy when she said it now?

"I'm explaining too much now, and it doesn't make any sense. Anyway, just do what I say!"

There are some scientific reasons. She feels that it is too late to explain at this time, so she just needs to do what she said at this time.

As long as they do what they say, that's fine. But if they don't listen to themselves, then only they themselves will have to bear the bad consequences in the end.

"Okay, listen to Xiaoxue."

Lin Tian now asked everyone to follow Ruo Xiaoxue. As the saying goes, do not trust those who employ people, but do not trust those who are suspicious. Since Lin Tian believes in Ruo Xiaoxue at this time, he believes that Ruo Xiaoxue can definitely lead them to the most correct place. .

They were following Ruo Xiaoxue at this time, stepping on the golden lotus.

"This is actually a shadow?"

Unexpectedly, the golden lotus was an illusory shadow. Stepping on the lotus, lotus flowers appeared every step of the way, and the lotus actually carried them forward.

"Is this a ship?"

"What is going on now? Is this lotus walking on its own?"

They seemed to have stepped onto a small boat, and now the boat was taking them away. Ruo Xiaoxue said: "This is a magical place. It's normal for you not to understand. This is called the Lotus Boat. Although the boat is small, it is But it can take us to where we want to go!”

"Xiaoxue, you are really powerful. How do you know these things?" "Didn't I say that I come from that era? Since I come from that era, of course I know some things that belong to that era. technology, don’t ask so many questions at this time, anyway, I think there should be good things when we get to the front!"

"All right!"

The lotus carried them forward, as if they had crossed a sea of ​​ice and reached a place.

"This is a mountain?"

At this time, they actually saw a mountain appearing in front of them. Lin Tian frowned and asked, "Did you say we went out?"

"No, we didn't go out. The golden lotus carried us here just now, so we shouldn't have gone out, right?"

"Well, you're right. It seems that I haven't gone out. This is another world, a completely independent world!"

"is it?"

Lin Tian was really surprised when he looked here now. He didn't expect that this was true. They really came to a completely strange world.

In this strange world, there are many places they have never seen before.

There is a golden sun in this world. You must know that in the previous world, the sun was not golden. However, in this world, there are many things that are different from the previous world.

There is a mountain here, and this mountain also looks like it is made of gold.

"It looks like an ink painting."

Lin Tian felt something unexpected. Could it be that this world is painted with ink?
This is amazing too!

"Yeah, how do you know this is actually a world of paintings?"

"Is what you said true? Is this really the world of paintings?"

"Yes and no. Anyway, you'd better stop talking so much at this time and come with me!"

What Ruo Xiaoxue said now made them feel a little incomprehensible. Although they said they didn't understand what the world was like, they were still following Ruo Xiaoxue.

"You see what that is?"

"Is this the lotus pond?"

He didn't expect that after arriving here, there would be a lotus pond filled with golden lotus flowers. Lin Tian sighed: "I didn't expect that there would be such a place. This is an independent world, and this world Everything seems to be very different above, by the way, Xiaoxue, why did you bring me here?"

"Go in and take a shower. This will improve your strength!"

"No way, as long as you enter this lotus pond, can your strength be improved?"

"That's right, you should believe me now!"

"Ok, I trust you!"

Anyway, he's already here, so since he's here, of course he has to try it. If he doesn't even dare to try this, then what else is he doing here?

Now Lin Tian entered the lotus pond, and suddenly found that there was no water in the lotus pond. Instead of water, there was a kind of golden energy.

(End of this chapter)
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