Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2285 When there are few people

Chapter 2285 When there are few people

Precisely because it is very difficult to find a person in the vast sea of ​​​​people, Lin Tiancai is offering a reward of tens of billions of spiritual crystals.

"Do you see any here?"


I have been searching around this ancient ruins, but still haven't found anything.

"Should we go back? What do you think we can gain if we keep searching like this?"

Qiangwei felt that her stomach seemed to be a little hungry, so she wanted to go back for a meal at this time.

"You want to go back now. Don't you want to stop looking for a while? Don't you know? There are tens of billions of spiritual crystals. If you can find Gerald, then you will spend the rest of your life. There’s no need to worry.”

"Haha, finding someone is important, but we must also think of a good method. If we don't think of a good method, then I think the probability of finding the person we want to find is low."

"Okay then, let's go eat first, and I'll also think about how to find that person."

They went to a nearby restaurant together and ordered some food.

At this moment, Qiangwei frowned while eating her meal: "Where did this person go? Now this city is covered with his portraits. If you really saw him that day, If so, then why hasn’t he appeared yet?”

"Isn't it like what I said? He didn't want to go back, so he hid on purpose."

"Oh, if that's the case, then we might not be able to find him during the day."

Now Qiangwei seemed to suddenly understand the truth, that is, if he didn't want to go back, he would definitely not come out during the day.

"Well, what you said makes sense. If he doesn't come out during the day, he will definitely come out at night. I think if we come out to look for him at night, then we might find him."

"Are you going to find him at night?"

"Yes, I think it's better to do it at night."

If we take action at night, we might actually be able to find Jerrold. You must know that people like Jerrold have always done very weird things.

He would really do this in order to prevent others from finding him.

"Then I'll listen to you. We'll come out to look for him at night!"

After they finished eating, they returned to the room together, and Qiangwei was resting now.

It was at night that they woke up.

"The process of finding Gerald must be very difficult. Do you want to go with me?"

Hearing what Qiangwei said, the sword spirit Liu Wushuang smiled faintly and said: "What are you talking about? You are my master, so if you say where you want to go, then I will go with you."

"All right!"

"Then shall we go to that ancient ruins?"

"That's right, since the last time I saw Gerald was near that ancient ruins, so when I wait at that ancient ruins this time, I might actually be able to meet Gerold."

They acted as they said, and they headed upward at this time. When they got there, they found that there was no one there.

"Look, there's no one here anymore!" I thought there would be people here at night, but I didn't expect that there would be no one here at night.

"No one is just right. If there is no one, then maybe Jerrold will come out, because Jerrold will choose a place where there is no one, right?"

"Just like you said, let's just wait here at this time!"

They found one to hide, and now Qiangwei felt like she was waiting for something to happen.

"Liu Wushuang, do you think it's a little silly for us to do this?"

"It does look a little silly, haha, but there is nothing you can do about it!"

They do look a little stupid now, but they can only do this at this time. If they say not to do it, what else can they do?

If we continue to wait here, we don't know how long it will take, and we don't know if Gerald will show up.

But since they have already made the decision to wait, they will not give up halfway.

Although if you wait here, you may not be able to wait for Gerald, but now you can only try your luck.

No one can guarantee that something will be successful until it is done successfully. All they can do now is give it a try.

Although you may not be able to wait until Gerald if you try, but if you don't wait here, then it is very likely that you will never see Gerald.

"I'm so impatient to wait. I really can't imagine what we are waiting for here. If we can't wait for Gerald, our wait this time will be in vain."

"Yeah, if Jerrold doesn't show up, then we really have waited in vain, but what else do you think we can do besides doing this at this time?"

At this time, they have no choice. If they don't wait here, there will be no other chance to find Gerald.

"want to sleep."

When Liu Wushuang said that he wanted to sleep, Qiangwei felt very dissatisfied and said: "What's the matter with you? Didn't you sleep during the day? Why are you still sleeping now? Could it be that you are just a sleepyhead?" ?"


Liu Wushuang nodded, and then said: "Otherwise, let me sleep for a while, and you continue to wait. I will take your place after a while."

"Okay, then it's settled."

The reason Liu Wushuang was not energetic was because he felt that if he didn't wait for Gerald, wouldn't his wait tonight be in vain?

No one likes to do useless work, and this is also true for Liu Wushuang. If waiting all night is in vain, then of course he will feel that his heart will be unbalanced.

If there is a lot of investment in something, but only a vain hope, then people will have little confidence in this matter.

His current situation was exactly like this. There was little hope of spending a whole night waiting for Gerald to show up, so naturally he wanted to sleep.

But Qiangwei knew that apart from this hope, she had no other chance to find Gerald.

No matter how difficult it is, she must persevere anyway. She believes that all her investment will bear fruit, even if she doesn't wait for Gerald, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)
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