Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2270 I didn’t know before

Chapter 2270 I didn’t know before

He was originally a person striving for fame and fortune, but now that he knew this was a vein of spiritual stone, he naturally would not let go of this benefit.

"But Lin Tian has already made a reservation with the village chief of Tianyang Village. What should we do now? Mr. Wang, you have many ways. Now help me think of a way!"

"What, if that's the case, it's really going to be a bit difficult."

Wang Yude thought to himself that since Lin Tian had already made an agreement with the village chief, what should he do now to get this mine back?

"Well, it's just settled. I think our only way now is to intercept this business before they actually trade it!"

"You mean we should find the village chief now and then make a deal with him?"

"That's right, this kind of thunderous method must be used now. As long as there is a written document of the transaction, even if that Lin Tian comes to visit again, it will have no effect. They had only verbally agreed on the deal before. This should be of no use."

"That's right, Mr. Wang, what you said is indeed good. Now do as you say!"

They walked out of the mine happily, and when they walked out, they saw Lin Tian and Qian Shasha in the distance.

Qiao Yurong also saw the old village chief pressing his fingerprints on a piece of paper, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

"It's over."

Lin Tian saw Qiao Yurong here and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Why are you here again?"

"You signed it?"

At this time, the old village chief said with a smile: "Yes, I signed it. Boss Lin is really happy, so now we have officially signed the transaction agreement."

Qian Shasha took out the storage bag and said, "Here are 2000 million, it's all yours."

"Okay, okay."

The village chief was so happy that he couldn't even open his mouth from ear to ear.

Although the village chief was so happy that he was grinning from ear to ear, Qiao Yurong was so angry that he couldn't describe it in words.

"How could this be possible, village chief, do you know what a stupid thing you have done?"

"I'm stupid. Where am I stupid? Master Qiao, although you are famous far and wide, you can't insult me ​​like this. I am the mayor of this village no matter what. Why do you call me stupid?"

"That's a spiritual stone mine. It may be worth tens of billions, but you sold it for only 2000 million. Are you stupid?"

"What, that's the spirit stone vein, that's impossible, right?"

"Is it impossible? I just saw it. It is indeed the spirit stone vein. It's just a pity that you sold it so cheaply!"

Qiao Yurong felt that it was really a pity, but now looking at Lin Tian and Qian Shasha, he suddenly laughed and said: "Now I will give you a chance to hand over the transaction agreement. Maybe I will let it go now." You, otherwise, you will die here now!"

"What, are you saying you want to rob me openly now?"

Qian Shasha didn't expect that Qiao Yurong would do this. If you are too soft, then you have to be hard, right?

Lin Tian heard what Qiao Yurong said, so he laughed at this time: "The dignified young master of the Qiao family, I really didn't expect that he would do such a thing now. It is really degrading!"

"What did you say?"

"I said you were degrading, but even if you want to rob openly now, it is impossible. With me here, you can't do anything now."

"Hmph, what are you!"

Qian Shasha looked at Lin Tian and asked, "Can you do it? He is a master of Golden Immortal!"

"Master Jinxian is nothing in my eyes!"

"Do you still have the detonating talisman?" Lin Tian then asked Qian Shasha. Qian Shasha nodded and said, "Well, of course there is!"

"If there is, then there is no need for me to do anything now. I can just throw the detonating talisman over."

"What, a detonating charm?"

When Qiao Yurong thought of the detonating talisman Qian Shasha used last time, he felt a little scared now.

He had seen the power of the detonating talisman last time, so it was only at this time that he felt a little scared in his heart.

Qian Shasha took out the detonating talisman and said to Qiao Yurong: "Now I will give you a chance. Are you leaving now, or do you want to have a taste of this detonating talisman?"

"What if I don't leave?"

"If you don't leave now, then I will let you have a taste of this detonating talisman."

"is it?"

Qiao Yurong took out a fan with his hand, then held the handle of the fan, and suddenly several steel needles hit Lin Tian and Qian Shasha.

"It's actually a hidden weapon."

Lin Tian didn't expect that he would be so shameless at this time and even want to use a hidden weapon to hurt people.

But Lin Tian's reaction was also very fast. Before the steel needle flew over, he waved his hand and the steel needle fell directly to the ground.

"What, you were blocked?"

Qiao Yurong didn't expect that Lin Tian could block the hidden weapon launched by him with just a wave of his hand. How could this be possible?
What is his level of strength?

Just when he felt some doubts in his heart, Qian Shasha threw the detonating talisman at him mercilessly.


After a huge noise, Qiao Yurong and Wang Yude were blown away directly.

"Let's go!"

Qiao Yurong dragged Wang Yude and flew away. When Qian Shasha saw that they were trying to escape at this time, she planned to chase them.

But Lin Tian smiled and said: "Forget it, it's better not to chase him now!"

"Why not pursue it?"

"The most important thing at this time is not to chase them, but to make a magic circle to protect this spirit stone vein. After all, this spirit stone vein is now ours, don't you think so?"

"But that's right. It would be wrong to leave such a huge amount of wealth here and chase them."

The old village chief looked at them and gritted his teeth with hatred and said, "You actually lied to me and lied to me so much!"

"When did we lie to you?"

"Then Master Qiao said that this vein is a spiritual stone mine, worth tens of billions, but now you bought it from me for 2000 million. Isn't this a lie?"

"You can't say that. We didn't know this was a spirit stone vein before, right, Lin Tian?"

Qian Shasha said to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian quickly nodded and smiled: "Yes, old village chief, you can't blame us. We didn't know there was a spirit stone vein here before!"

(End of this chapter)

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