Chapter 2263

That Qian Dehai seemed to be a simple-minded person, so he would naturally not find out that there was another mystery in it.

But Lin Tian felt that this matter was definitely not that simple. Qiao Yurong was willing to spend money to buy this mine. Of course he had his own purpose.

If according to what Qian Dehai said, Qiao Yurong only wanted to buy that mine because of his good intentions. This is unreasonable.

Because there are many reasons that are too far-fetched and cannot be justified at all, Qian Dehai actually takes them seriously. Is he a fake fool or a real fool?

"Don't think about this matter too simply, or you may be tricked!"

"Lin Tian, ​​what's going on with you? You're just a little bodyguard, so why are you interrupting now?"

Qian Dehai's attitude towards Lin Tian was very bad, so Lin Tian smiled lightly and said: "Do you think I am just a bodyguard? Even if I am a small bodyguard, I am also Qian Shasha's bodyguard, so I am just a bodyguard." What's wrong with reminding her not to just believe your words?"

"I am Qian Shasha's second uncle. Do you think I can harm her?"

"Although you have no harmful intentions, what if you are taken advantage of?"

"Am I being taken advantage of?"

Qian Dehai felt really angry now. He pointed at Lin Tian and said, "Eldest niece, tell me what he said. Do you think I am a person who can be easily taken advantage of?"

"Second uncle, please leave first. Lin Tian is right. I think you are being taken advantage of."

"Niece, why do you even say that?"

"Okay, no matter what, this mine is a family property left to me by my father, so I am not willing to sell it, no matter how much money the other party gives me, I am not willing to sell it!"

"Well, if that's the case, then even if I didn't say anything today, my trip would be in vain!"

He felt very angry at this moment and left in a hurry.

After he left, Qian Shasha looked at Lin Tian and said, "You also think there is something wrong with this matter, don't you?"

"Well, of course this matter seems very wrong. If you think about it carefully, what is Qiao Yurong's purpose in wanting to buy your mine? Logically speaking, he spent so much money , if I want to buy your mine, I won’t be able to make much money, right?”

"Based on the current mining resources, he really shouldn't make much money by buying my mine. But does he know what unexploited mineral resources are hidden in my mine?"

"Maybe it's possible, but in any case, the other party is obviously eyeing your mine, so you can't sell it no matter what."

"Of course I can't sell it, because it was left to me by my father, so no matter how much money the other party offers, I won't sell it."

She sighed again at this moment and said: "Actually, what I am most worried about is my second uncle. His character has always been like this, and he can easily be taken advantage of by others. Maybe he has been taken advantage of, and even Counting money for others."

"Humph, it's not him I'm worried about."

"Oh, really, then who are you worried about?"

Lin Tian looked at Qian Shasha and said: "Of course I am worried about you. Although your second uncle is easy to be taken advantage of by others, he has nothing worth worrying about. But you are different. You are a Little rich woman, so even if they want to miss you, they will still miss you."

"Well, there is some truth in what you say, but you are by my side to protect me, so you shouldn't let me get hurt, right?"

"Of course I won't let you get hurt. Don't worry, as long as I'm by your side, your safety will be guaranteed." The two of them seemed very happy chatting. Qian Shasha felt that she hadn't been so happy for a long time. She was happy. She hadn't been like this for a long time since her father passed away.

The two of them were talking and walking, and Qian Shasha said at this time: "I have a big business and I plan to go out of town, so please prepare yourself and let's leave now!"

"Are we leaving at this time, but I haven't said goodbye to my friends yet!"

"Oh, do you have any friends here?"

"That's natural. Can I say goodbye to my friends first and then go with you!"

"Then hurry up, I'm waiting for you!"

Lin Tian was thinking about Xiao Xiner now. If she went there, would she be able to take care of Wang Ergou by herself?
"I still need some money. After all, I want to leave some money for my friends."

"This is simple, I'll just give you some more money!"

She gave Lin Tian some money, and Lin Tian thanked her briefly and left, thinking that nothing would happen to her after she left for a while, right?

Just after taking two steps, Lin Tian said to her: "Take this."

"what is this?"

"This is the detonating talisman. If you encounter a bad guy, then throw this detonating talisman at the enemy. This can protect you."

"There's a bunch of them here. Do you need that many?"

"The more the merrier, so when I'm not with you, you must put this bunch of detonating talismans on yourself, do you understand?"

"Well, I see, you go!"

Qian Shasha saw that Lin Tian still cared about her very much, so she felt very moved in her heart.

Lin Tian returned to the hospital, saw Xiao Xiner, and said, "Xin'er, are Ergou okay?"

"Well, it's still pretty good. I've had surgery recently, so I should be recovering soon!"

"Let me tell you something. I have to perform a task in the past few days. My employer asked me to discuss a business with her. It seems that I have to go to a far away place. In the next few days, I You won’t be able to come back.”

"Oh, you are going to a place far away. How many days will it take?"

"I don't know how many days it will take. Anyway, I won't be able to come back until the business is over!"

Now Xiao Xiner feels a little reluctant to leave. He doesn't know how long it will take to come back this time. Originally, they decided to return to Blue Star as soon as possible, but now that they are doing this, they don't know when they can come back. go back.

"Well, there are some things that you shouldn't be too anxious about. Just go ahead and I'll wait for you."

Xiao Xiner asked Lin Tian to do the task first, and the matter of going back could only be put aside for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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