Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2259 Can't Help but Save

Chapter 2259 Can't Help but Save
"You take good care of him here, I'll go to work first."

Since at this time, Lin Tian has become Qian Shasha's bodyguard, he should go to work now.

He only took a short leave, and he had to go back now.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of the two dogs. You can go first!"

Xiao Xiner said that she was taking care of this place, so there would be no problem. Lin Tian thought that if this was the case, he would go first.

Although he has found a very good job at this time, he is still worried about it in his heart.

After all, this was not his home. He felt that if he had the chance, he would definitely find a way to go back.

Returning to Tianbao Holy Sect and finding Qiangwei and Liu Wushuang was what he wanted to do most at this time.

Although he wanted to go back as soon as possible, it was so easy to go back there. If it were that easy, he would have gone back by now.

After returning to the mountain, Qian Shasha felt relieved when she saw that he was really back.

"I quite appreciate the fact that you ran away after you didn't get the money!"

"How could I just leave after getting such a small amount of money? You look down on me too much, don't you?"

"I've underestimated you a little bit. Okay, now you just stay with me. Wherever I go, you follow me. Anyway, you know that you are now my bodyguard, and... Personal bodyguard!”

"All right!"

Lin Tian followed Qian Shasha to the back of the mine. Lin Tian didn't know what she wanted to do when she came here.
She suddenly stood on a cliff. Lin Tian felt something unexpected in his heart. Was she going to jump off the cliff?

"I said you must not overthink it. If you have anything that is over your head, you can tell me and I can share it with you."

"Don't bother me!"

Qian Shasha asked Lin Tian not to disturb her thinking, because she had important things to think about at this time.

"Are you thinking about something?"

"I told you, just stand aside and don't talk."

Since Qian Shasha asked herself to stop talking, Lin Tian was standing aside without speaking. She must be thinking about something, looking thoughtful.

But even if she seems to have something to think about, she shouldn't think about it while standing on a cliff.

What kind of things must she think about while standing on a cliff? This is really unsafe.

It's just that she didn't let Lin Tian disturb her, so at this time, he didn't say a word and just stood quietly beside her.

Time passed bit by bit, and after about an hour, she walked down the cliff and sighed.

Seeing that she had now walked down the cliff, he said, "What were you doing just now? You know, I am very worried about you."

"Don't you want to ask me why I was standing on the cliff just now? In fact, there is one thing I want to investigate clearly."

"Is there something you want to investigate clearly? Can you tell me?"

"In that case, let me tell you that this is where my father fell off the cliff."

"What, you said your father fell off the cliff here?"

"Yes, but until now, I don't believe he committed suicide, so I come here often. I want to find out one thing, who killed my father." When did this happen?”

"Not long ago, a month ago."


Lin Tian nodded. Qian Shasha lost her father not long ago, so she must be very sad now, right?

"Don't feel sad in your heart. It's better to grieve and accept the situation."

"Let's go. We have to discuss some business today, so you must always protect me and deal with all dangers. Don't think that because of your high cultivation level, you will be careless. Do you understand?"

"Well, don't worry. I will be responsible for your safety. You can rest assured about this."

Lin Tian was with her today. She had negotiated several business deals and seemed to have a lot to do.

Lin Tian originally thought that rich people's lives were very superior and they could spend a lot of time having fun, but she was different. She seemed to have to do a lot of things every day.

In the following period, Qian Shasha really had to do a lot of things every day, as if she had endless things to do.

On this day, Qian Shasha was doing some research in the mine, but at this moment, several men escorted a person towards this side.

"Are you Qian Shasha?"

Qian Shasha looked at the leader and shouted, "Who are you?"

The person being held was Qian Dehai. Qian Dehai shouted loudly at this time: "Niece, save me, save me!"

"What's wrong with you, second uncle?"

"Your second uncle owes a lot of money to our gambling den, so at this time, you should come up with the money as soon as possible, otherwise we will make him look good!"

"Niece, please hurry up and save your second uncle. If you don't come out with the money now, they will kill him!"

"Second uncle, why are you gambling again? Haven't I already told you that you will lose nine times out of ten bets, so why don't you listen to me?"

Qian Dehai also knew that he shouldn't go to the casino, but sometimes he just couldn't control himself and would go there as soon as he had some money.

This time he was cheated in the casino, so he lost a lot of money in one fell swoop.

"Niece, please save me one more time, okay?"

"All right!"

What else could Qian Shasha say at this time? Although Qian Dehai was an incompetent person, he was still her second uncle anyway, so she couldn't just ignore him, right?
"How much money does he owe you? I'll give it to you!"

"Twenty thousand gold coins!"

"I'm going to write you a note right now. You go to the mine to get your money!"

Qian Shasha wrote a note at this time and gave it to them. The wretched man said: "Then I will ask for the money now. If I can't get it, I will come to you again!"

"Don't worry, you will definitely get the money!"

Qian Dehai was safe now and said, "Niece, my uncle really wants to thank you this time. Otherwise, they will definitely not let me go."

(End of this chapter)

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