Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2245 Chen Xuelian’s kindness

Chapter 2245 Chen Xuelian’s kindness
Zhou Qing's departure made Chen Changshan feel a little disappointed. After all, he had worked in the Marquis' Mansion for many years.

If it hadn't been for Lin Tian this time, he might have continued to work in the Marquis' Mansion.

Although his strength has always been so weak, he is still a close confidant around him.

He can act as his eyes and ears, allowing him to know everything in the Marquis's house.

But now it's useless to say anything. He has decided to leave, so Chen Changshan naturally feels a little reluctant to leave.

After Zhou Qing left, Lin Tian seemed to be able to see what he was thinking, and said: "Little Marquis, do you feel sad in your heart? Is Zhou Qing really that important to you? "

"Even if a stone stays by my side for a long time, it will develop feelings. Zhou Qing has been in my house for many years. He is actually equivalent to my younger brother to me."

"is it?"

Lin Tian really didn't expect that he thought so in his heart. If so, then his consideration was really inappropriate.

"I don't have to let Zhou Qing go, but if he keeps going against me, then I won't be able to continue my work here, don't you think so?"

"It's whatever you say now. I feel a little sleepy, so I said I'm going to rest for a while."

He had already turned around and left. Lin Tian thought to himself, had he done something wrong?

But when he thought about it carefully, he actually felt that he had done nothing wrong. There are many things in this world that need to be done one by one.

There are some things that don't matter whether they are right or wrong. As long as you keep doing them, you may achieve the same goal.

If Zhou Qing stays here, it will make it impossible for him to continue doing these things. His job here is to make the generals in the Marquis' Mansion become more and more powerful. This is his Work!
If someone interferes with his work, it will definitely not be allowed, so it is really a good thing for him to leave at this time.

For Lin Tian, ​​it is a very good thing, but for Chen Changshan, it may not be the same thing.

As he said, even if you stay with a stone for a long time, you will develop feelings for it.

But this person is different from a stone. A stone has no emotions and cannot do bad things. But a person is different. A person sometimes makes many mistakes.

If a person cannot be forgiven for the wrong things he has done, then what qualifications does such a person have to stay in the Marquis' Mansion?

Think about it carefully, isn't that the same thing?
Although he has left now, it may not be a bad thing for him after leaving.

After leaving here, maybe he can live the life he wants.

Lin Tian can also continue to carry out his work. Isn't this a good thing that everyone is happy with?

There are many different people in this world, and everyone has his own unique ideas. Everyone's ideas are very different, so the world becomes rich and colorful.

Because this world is created by people, different people can create different worlds. Only his own heart knows what kind of person Lin Tian is.

What he wants to do is generally difficult for others to understand.

But Lin Tian doesn't want them to understand. As long as he can keep doing it, that's what he hopes for most at this time.As for when he can go home, he actually has expectations in his heart, but at this time, even if he has some expectations in his heart, there is currently no way to realize it.

So he plans to stay here now, no matter when. Since he stays here, he must do things well here.

In the next few days, while he was teaching those generals to practice hard, he was also investigating a matter.

The matter he was investigating was actually about Chen Changshan and Chen Xuelian. What happened to them when they were young? He must investigate this matter clearly.

If he couldn't investigate this matter clearly, then he would have trouble sleeping and eating in the next period of time.

Chen Xuelian saw how hard Lin Tian worked every day, so she sent him meals every day, because cultivation itself is a very hard thing.

So at this time, she brought food to Lin Tian, ​​on the one hand to replenish his strength, and on the other hand, it also allowed them to understand each other.

If they can become friends, then of course it is a very good thing.

Chen Changshan also hopes that she can get along well with him. If she can keep him, it will be a great thing for the Marquis Mansion.

Now is the time for the Marquis Mansion to hire people, and people like Lin Tian are the talents they need, so people like this must stay well.

Although this was something they all knew, Lin Tian didn't know that they actually thought so in their hearts.

If he knew what they thought in their hearts, he might have backed down.

Because in this case, he felt like he was being taken advantage of.

"It's time to eat, Lin Tian."

Now Chen Xuelian brought food to Lin Tian again, and Xiao Xiner next to her became a little jealous after seeing it.

"I said Miss Chen, why do you come to deliver food every day? If you didn't come, we would still have food."

"How can this be the same? Lin Tian works so hard every day, so his nutrition must be balanced. Only in this way can he have more energy!"

No matter what, Chen Xuelian is also a young lady in the Marquis's house, so she is very particular about her words, but Xiao Xiner really has nothing to do with her.

"Okay, Lin Tian, ​​since it was sent here with good intentions, then you can eat it."

Xiao Xiner seemed a little angry, but Lin Tian smiled lightly and said: "Xin'er, don't be angry, we may be able to go back when, so do you have the need to be angry now? "

When they go back, they can say goodbye to everything here, so he feels that no matter what, they still need to be patient.

Lin Tian spoke very quietly, and only Xiao Xiner could hear it. Chen Xuelian next to her couldn't hear her even if she wanted to, but she just didn't know what the two of them were talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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