Chapter 2222 Predators

"I've told you a long time ago that there is a very powerful formation here, so you should not be able to break it."

Lin Tian said this to Xiao Xiner, and Xiao Xiner felt a little unconvinced in her heart, so she said: "Who said I can't crack it? Just let me try again, maybe I can crack it."

Lin Tian thought to himself that although Xiao Xiner said she was not shy, her abilities were only limited. Even she couldn't break this formation. Can she break it?
Obviously, there is no formation that she can't break, so she shouldn't have any way to break it either.

After trying some times, she still failed, because no matter how hard she tried to crack the formation here, she still failed in the end, because the formation was really too powerful.

"Hey, it still doesn't work. It failed."

She now felt that she had really failed. There was no way to break such a formation by relying on her own strength.

"What did Sword Spirit Liu Wushuang say?"

"He said that we have to wait until the night of the full moon to break the formation, so we should go back now. After we go back, we will wait patiently. We will come back when the night of the full moon comes."

"It seems like this is all we can do."

Lin Tian thought to himself that Xiao Xiner was like this. Could it be that she couldn't believe in herself from the beginning?

If this formation was so easy to break, then he wouldn't have waited until now.

They had already gone back at this time. Qiangwei saw Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner coming back together, so she smiled and said at this time: "Did you go out? Where did you go?"

"Xiao Xiner asked me to take her to see the ancient ruins, so I have already taken her to see the ancient ruins."

"What's going on? Is there no way to get in?"

"Yes, until now, there is still no way to get in."

"Do you feel very disappointed in your heart?"

"I do feel very disappointed in my heart, but this is also good. On the night of the full moon, we can go in. Liu Wushuang knows the method of breaking the formation, so we can only rely on him when the time comes. .”

Liu Wushuang smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I know the method of breaking the formation, but the method I know may be known by others, so when that time comes, there will inevitably be a fight."

After all, everyone wants to enter the ancient ruins. If this is the case, then there will definitely be a bloody storm.

All cultivators know that if they search in ancient ruins, they may find some opportunities, and they all hope to go in and find their own opportunities.

"I understand. Let's relax at this time. Let's eat and drink together. Don't think too much about other things. Thinking so much about some things will not help at all."

Lin Tian felt that there were some things that he thought too much about and it was of no use, so as for him, it would be great to eat and drink together down there at this time, feeling that he could live happily like this.

At night, Lin Tian asked Xiao Xiner not to come out at night. Xiao Xiner didn't know why Lin Tian told her not to come out at night, so she felt something strange.

"Why can't I come out at night? Do you think I'm still scared?"

"If you come out at night, you will encounter a lot of dangers. I know you won't be afraid, but I still don't want you to come out at night!"

"Have you forgotten what we came here to do? We came here just to practice. Since we are coming here to practice, of course we can't be afraid of danger." Xiao Xiner felt that since they came here to practice this time, so Speaking of not being afraid of danger, if I were afraid of danger, then I wouldn't be here.

"Okay, if that's the case, even if you want to go out, you must be by my side, you know?"

"Well, don't worry. Even if you have to go out, I will definitely be by your side. In this case, I think you should also be relieved."

They went out together in the evening and walked on the street. Xiao Xiner said, "There doesn't seem to be many people on this street."

"Because it is very dangerous to go out at night, so people generally don't go out at night."

"Oh, so what kind of person goes out?"

"Generally speaking, people who go out are there to hunt down other cultivators and then rob the cultivators of their treasures."

"Then if you put it this way, the more powerful you are, the easier it will be for you to come out to look for prey at night."

"You're right."

"If this is the case, then we don't have to be afraid anymore. With the combined strength of you and me, even if someone with the Holy Saint cultivation level comes, they will not be our opponents, don't you think so?"

When Lin Tian heard what Xiao Xiner said, he thought to himself, this is also true. Their strength is really strong, so what do you have to be afraid of at this time?

Others can only be afraid of them, but they are not afraid of others.

Even if they encounter an opponent, no matter how formidable they are, they can still deal with it safely.

After walking for a while and not encountering any enemies, Lin Tian felt a little disappointed in his heart.

But just when he felt a little disappointed in his heart, suddenly a bat-like person appeared in front of him. This person seemed to have wings and shouted: "Those two brats in front of you, stop!"


Lin Tian looked at the man, who seemed to be very old, and said, "Are you asking us to stop?"

"That's right, hand over all the money you have on you to me. After handing over the money, you can leave!"

"Huh, we don't have any money on us. How can we put money on us when we go out at night? Don't you know that it can be very dangerous if you go out at night? Many people come out at night just to rob each other?"

"Oh, it seems that you know the rules of the night here very well. But since you two know what dangers will happen at night, why do you still go out at night?"

"Even if I know what's going on at night, we still come out because we are the predators, not the preyed upon."

"What, you said you are predators, haha, don't be too funny, just you?"

"It's up to us, what's wrong, old guy, don't cover your face at this time, tell us quickly, who are you?"

This old guy is covering his face at this time, so Lin Tian can't see the other person's true face clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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