Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2211 Condensed into a physical object

Chapter 2211 Condensed into a physical object

"This is the world of consciousness, so the way to leave here is only through the door of consciousness."

"Where is the door to consciousness?"

Lin Tian looked at the Blood Demon, and now stared at him closely and asked, if he dared to cheat in any way, then Lin Tian would take action immediately.

"The door of consciousness is where you came from. The body of the dragon sculpture is the door of consciousness. If you pass through the body of the dragon sculpture, you can leave this ancient and powerful world of consciousness."

"Is it that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple. Maybe you want it to be complicated?"

Lin Tian thought it was right, don't let him think about something that was originally very simple, so at this moment Lin Tian entered the mouth of the dragon sculpture with a few of them.

They entered through the mouth and then passed through the body. When they came out, Lin Tian found that they had returned to the real world.

"Great, I finally came out of the conscious world!"

When they walked out, the blood demon suddenly shouted: "See you soon, I hope we will never see you again!"

"Hey, you haven't told us yet, how should we leave the formation here?"

But the blood demon turned into a burst of blood mist and floated away, but he didn't tell them how to leave here.

"Too bad, I didn't pay more attention just now. If I had been more careful, I wouldn't have let the Blood Demon escape like this."

Lin Tian felt a little disappointed. Now that the Blood Demon is gone, how should he get out?
"Do you still have to figure it out on your own?"

"Rainbow Bridge, that's right!"

Lin Tian thought about it and realized that the direction in which the blood demon escaped just now was in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge. The blood demon was heading towards the rainbow bridge. In other words, the direction where he could get out must be in that direction.

Although Lin Tian knew that the direction of departure was in that direction, when they flew in that direction, they saw the Rainbow Bridge constantly retreating.

So if they follow the current method, they will never be able to reach the Rainbow Bridge.

"What should we do?"

Lin Tian now felt a little hesitant in his heart. He originally thought that after following the blood demon out, he would be able to leave here, but he did not expect that the blood demon would escape directly after leaving the world of consciousness.

Maybe the Blood Demon thought that Lin Tian would not keep his word and would kill him after leaving the conscious world, so he escaped.

But he escaped, what should Lin Tian do?

Lin Tian and the others had no way to leave here. They had tried many methods before, but none of them worked.

"You guys should also think of something!"

Lin Tian looked at Qiangwei and Liu Wushuang, hoping that they could find a solution, especially Liu Wushuang. He was an ancient sword spirit, so he had little experience. So Lin Tian asked Liu Wushuang to think about it carefully, maybe he could Thinking of a way to leave.

"We can't go over, so let it come over!"

Liu Wushuang thought for a while and suddenly said this. Lin Tian felt very strange and asked: "What, let it come?"

"Yes, we have always been heading towards the rainbow wall, but did you just see the signs when the blood demon escaped? If you pay attention carefully, you can observe that his escape only took a moment."

"Yes, it happened in an instant, and he left from here."

"So, I feel that we are heading in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge, but we don't have to go there. Entering that consciousness space before gave me some inspiration. Is this place also part of the consciousness space?" "You are Are you saying this is also part of the consciousness space?”

"If this is also part of the consciousness space, and people's consciousnesses can sometimes blend, that is to say, we can also use our consciousness to control the space here."

Lin Tian thought that what Liu Wushuang said was too fantasy. He didn't understand some of it, so he said, "I didn't understand. Can you explain it carefully again?"

Liu Wushuang began to explain to Lin Tian.

"At first when we entered here and couldn't get out, we thought we were in an illusion. Later we found out that we were not in an illusion, but seemed to be in a formation. But now it seems that we were in an illusion and formation!"

"Illusion Formation?"

"That's right, it's the formation formed by the illusion. The formation eye of this formation is hidden in our own consciousness. Have you heard of Zhu Youshu?"

"Zhu Youshu, I've heard of it, is a medical technique that can control people with their consciousness and help them cure their illnesses."

"Yes, the situation here is similar to Zhu Youshu. We should use our thoughts at this moment to let the rainbow bridge come over!"

"Is it really possible? Can it really be done with thoughts?"

"Trust me, it can be done."

Sword Spirit Liu Wushuang said that as long as you follow what he said, you can do it, but why does Lin Tian feel a little unconvinced?

Because Lin Tian had never experienced this kind of thing before.

But now there is no other way. At this point, he can only take one step at a time. If he can really leave, then Lin Tianzhen really wants Amitabha.

Several of them sat cross-legged on the altar, facing the Rainbow Bridge, and then they began to silently chant in the distance, meaning to let the Rainbow Bridge come this way quickly.

"No, why didn't you move?"

"To materialize consciousness, it requires a certain amount of practice. It can only be done through practice."


Regarding consciousness training, there are indeed many things that Lin Tian does not understand, and now that he said this, Lin Tian began to train according to Liu Wushuang's instructions.

After a while, Liu Wushuang condensed a bead in front of him, and then said: "Did you see it? There is a bead in my hand. It seems that I guessed it right. This is still the world of consciousness."

"Where did you get these beads?"

"It is formed by condensing consciousness."

"It is formed by condensing consciousness?"

Lin Tian felt very surprised. Can this consciousness be condensed into a physical object? Liu Wushuang explained: "According to our own cultivation level, even if the cultivation level reaches the Holy Saint, there is no way to condense the consciousness." Become physical.”

"Oh, so how can you do that?"

"But it's different here. Don't forget what the blood demon told us. The blood demon said that this space is the consciousness space left by the ancient great power. In this consciousness space, the ancient great god remains. of conscious energy.”

"What does that represent?"

What Liu Wushuang said was very profound, and Lin Tian had to listen to his detailed explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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