Chapter 2196

Lin Tian was quite surprised. Now he always feels that there is something wrong with him.

It seems that something suppressed in the body is now ready to move. Yes, the purpose of Lin Tian coming here is to experience. If it is not for experience, who would want to come to Bell Blue City?
"Thank you for the reminder. Can you tell me if there is anything interesting in Bell Blue City? I want to see it."

"I think you are quite rich. If so, then the most suitable place to go is the Wanbao Pavilion."

"Wanbao Pavilion?"

Lin Tian heard that there was also a Wanbao Pavilion here, and thought what would Shui Linglong think if she heard that there was also a Wanbao Pavilion here?

"What does Wanbao Pavilion sell?"

"It specializes in selling some cultivation items. Of course, it is not easy to enter Wanbao Pavilion. First of all, you must have money. The entry fee alone costs one hundred thousand spiritual crystals."

"One hundred thousand?"

Lin Tian nodded and asked Qiangwei: "Are you free? If you are free, can you come with me?"

When Qiangwei heard what Lin Tian said, she said, "Really? Does this gentleman want to invite me?"

"Yes, let's go together, how about it?"

"Okay, if you want to go together, then let's go together, as long as you can afford the money, that's fine."

They went to the Wanbao Pavilion together, and when they arrived at the entrance of the Wanbao Pavilion, they were stopped by someone at the door.

If you want to enter the Wanbao Pavilion in Bell Blue City, you must pay to enter, and the entrance fee is one hundred thousand spiritual crystals.

Lin Tian is a rich man, so at this time Lin Tian took out 20 spiritual crystals as the entry fee for the two of them, and then walked in.

"You are really a rich man!"

"Of course. Would you come here if you didn't have money?"

"You know, there are a lot of people who come here just because they don't have money."


"You can make money when you come here. If the poor come here, they may be able to make money from here."

Lin Tian smiled. This world has always been a world for the strong. Only the strong can rule and dominate this world. Even if the weak come here, I am afraid this is not where they should come.

"There is no distinction between rich and poor in this world, but only strong and weak. In my opinion, this is what it looks like."

"Yes, I'm weak, but why did you bring me to this place?"

Qiangwei thought to herself that if Lin Tian's theory was true, then why would he bring her to such a place? Lin Tian looked at Qiangwei, so at this moment he smiled and said: "Qiangwei, you know I am a What kind of person?"

"I don't know what kind of person you are, can you tell me?"

"Let me tell you, I am actually a strong person, but I will not bully the weak. On the contrary, I am a good person."


"You are a good man?"

Nowadays, good person should be a derogatory term, but I didn't expect that the man in front of me would still call himself a good person. It seems that he is really a strange person!
"Yes, I am, ahem, let's not talk so much now, let's take a look at the treasures here!" The treasures in this Wanbao Pavilion are much more grand than the Wanbao Pavilion opened by Shui Linglong, and the treasures here There are really many things that Lin Tian has never seen.

"We have to hurry up, we only have one day to choose."

"is it?"

"Well, yes, we must make a choice at six o'clock in the evening and leave here, otherwise we will be kicked out when the time comes."

"It's really interesting. There are so many treasures here, so Wanbao Pavilion isn't afraid of someone stealing them privately?"

"Of course you are not afraid. Every treasure here is said to have been registered by Wanbao Pavilion. If someone steals the treasures from Wanbao Pavilion without permission, he will be killed if he is caught."

"Really? Is the Wanbao Pavilion very powerful?"

"Of course it is very powerful. You know, Wanbao Pavilion is very powerful. It is said that there is also a holy and powerful guardian here."

"Oh, it turns out that it is like this. It is protected by the most holy and powerful man. No wonder I can sleep peacefully."

After entering here, Lin Tian saw that there were really many treasures here. There were so many treasures in Wanbao Pavilion that Lin Tian was dazzled.

This Wanbao Pavilion actually has several floors, and there are a lot of treasures inside every time. If you like the treasures, you can take them out to the door to check out.

After walking around, Lin Tian felt that although the treasures here were very novel, there were no treasures that he liked.

"Nothing I like."

After hearing what Lin Tian said, Qiangwei smiled lightly and said, "Really? Is there nothing you like, or are you saying you can't afford it?"

"You said I can't afford it, but let me tell you, I have plenty of money. When I say I don't like anything, I really don't like anything. Although the things here look precious, they can be bought outside. owned."

"Don't worry, there are still some things upstairs. The more precious these treasures are, the more they will be placed upstairs, right?"

"Well, what you said makes sense, so let's go up and have a look now!"

They were now heading upstairs together, and at this moment, Lin Tian felt that after entering the upstairs, he saw something he had never seen before.

After some inspection, Lin Tian stopped next to a relatively ancient scroll.

"This scroll."

Lin Tian opened the scroll and saw a very strange symbol on the scroll, which looked like a starry sky map.

"Look, what's written on it?"

Lin Tian handed the scroll to Qiangwei. After seeing it, Qiangwei smiled lightly and said, "I don't have any research on this. How do I know what is painted on it?"

"Cosmic starry sky."

Lin Tian did not expect that what was drawn on the scroll of this ancient genealogy would be the starry sky.

Because this is a cultivation world with very backward technology, so in this world it is possible to draw the starry sky, and the starry sky a few light-years away can be drawn in such detail. What does this mean?
This shows that a long time ago, someone had already mastered some knowledge about the universe, so it is said that such a scroll of ancient genealogy was left in this world.

The scroll is made of gold thread and looks very extraordinary from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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