Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2184 Energy cannot be imbalanced

Chapter 2184 Energy cannot be imbalanced
"You just found out!"

Lin Tian thought Lucia had discovered something terrible.

In fact, Lin Tian has long known that this earth is not the original earth. It is another earth in parallel time and space.

Lin Tian looked at Lucia and continued: "Actually, I have already discovered it."

"You found it too?"

"Yes, look who this is, my daughter!"

Lin Tian now said to Lucia: "You know, I don't have a daughter, but after I got here, I found out that I have a daughter. This is not parallel time and space, what is it? This possibility can only occur in parallel time and space." sex."


Lin Xin said hello to Lucia.

"Parallel time and space, yes."

Now Lucia's expression was still very nervous, and then she said: "So, we must go back within a month, otherwise, we may never be able to go back."

"go back?"

Lin Tian looked at her now and asked: "You said we want to go back, where are we going back to?"

"Of course we have to go back to our original time and space. The time and space we are in now is another time and space, so we have to go back."

"You said you have to go back, but I feel it's good to spend time with my daughter here!"

Anyway, Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner were waiting here. He felt that it didn't matter whether he went back or not. As long as their family was here, it would be the happiest thing for Lin Tian.

Besides, Lin Xin finally had another parent. If she and Xiao Xiner went back, what would Lin Xin do?

"No way, Lin Tian, ​​did you say you don't want to go back?"

"Well, even if I don't want to go back, so what?"

"So what, maybe you don't even know how serious the consequences are!"

"Are the consequences serious? Where are they serious?"

Lin Tian didn't feel how serious the consequences would be, but Lucia said: "If we can't go back within a month, then the other time and space we are in may disappear by then."

"Will it disappear?"

Lin Tian thought to himself that this is impossible, how could it disappear? This is absolutely impossible!

"Yes, it will disappear."

"Don't scare me, this is absolutely impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. According to my research, matter in two worlds in parallel time and space cannot enter each other. But now we have entered this time and space from another time and space, which disrupts the relationship between the two time and space. Energy is conserved, do you understand?”

"If the conservation of energy is broken, what will be the result?"

"The result is that we have to go back within a certain time. If we don't go back within a certain time, both worlds will collapse!"

"What does collapse mean? Does it mean a sudden collapse? That's incredible!"

"The collapse I am talking about is the collapse of data. In fact, any world is composed of data. The collapse of data means that both worlds will disappear."

"Then why does it take a month? Why doesn't it collapse immediately?"

"This month is a balance period. Within this month, neither world will collapse. But if this balance period passes, both worlds will collapse, our two worlds, and all people." They will all disappear from the world, including me and you." Lin Tian felt a little incredible when he heard her theory.

Although she felt a little unbelievable, Lin Tian could only believe her at this time. After all, she was a scientist and she should have her own experience in scientific research.

Now the energy of the two parallel time and spaces is out of balance. In other words, if they will not go back within a month, then this energy imbalance will have very serious consequences.

All they can do now is to go back immediately.

But when Lin Tian looked at Lin Xin, he felt a little reluctant to let her go. After all, she was his daughter. How could Lin Tian leave her and go back?
"Is there any other way? Of course I want to go back, but if I go back, what will happen to my daughter in this world?"

"You mean, she is your daughter in this world?"


"If that's the case, then take her back with you!"

"But if you take her back with you, won't the energy still be imbalanced?"

"Let's think of a way. We can go back to our original world and bring some matter over. As long as energy is conserved!"

"Oh, is it enough to conserve energy? In other words, take her back and then bring back a substance with the same energy as her. Is that enough?"

"Yes, as long as energy is conserved, the data of the two parallel worlds will not collapse."

Lin Tian also understood what she meant, that is to say, he can take Lin Xin away now, but then Lin Tian must bring some material back from another character dimension. In this case, the two The energy in parallel time and space will not be unbalanced.

"Okay, if that's the case, then just do it, let's find a way to go back now."

"If I want to go back now, I still need a few things."

"Oh, what else is missing?"

"Last time we accidentally traveled through the turbulence of time and space, but this time we want to go back, it won't be that easy."

"What are you saying, it won't be so easy to go back this time?"

Lucia nodded and said: "If you want to go back this time, then you must have a particle accelerator. There must be a particle accelerator on my spaceship."

"Then you make a particle accelerator!"

"You think too highly of me. It's not that simple to build a particle accelerator, so one month is definitely not enough."

Hearing that one month was not enough time, Lin Tian frowned and asked, "Then our plan to go back will be ruined."

"Although we don't have a particle accelerator, some people do, such as the Alliance. They have a very good particle accelerator there."


Lin Tian looked at her and said, "Are you going to ask the alliance for a particle accelerator?"

"No, because if we want it, they will definitely not give it to us. What we have to do now is to steal it and steal the Alliance's particle accelerator into our hands."

"Stealing, that's not a moral thing."

"Morality or immorality doesn't matter now. What matters is keeping the world safe. Do you understand?"


Although Lin Tian didn't quite understand, Lucia looked really serious.

(End of this chapter)

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