Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2175 Demonstrate strength

Chapter 2175 Demonstrate strength
But now Shi Xingshan feels that the opportunity to change his destiny has finally come.

He didn't expect that Lin Tian would be willing to be friends with him. If he really became friends with him, his destiny would completely change from now on.

Not only is it now popular to drink spicy food, but he can also gain some status and status.

So when he thought of this, he laughed happily.

Seeing the way he was smiling now, Lin Tian felt really strange, so he asked: "Shi Xingshan, are you okay? Why are you smiling so obscenely now?"

"Do you think my smile is obscene?"

"That's natural. Your smile now is really very obscene!"

"I'm just happy in my heart. I'm really happy that you are willing to be my friend, because no one has been willing to be friends with me since I was a child. When I think of people like you, Man, I really can’t even sleep now!”

"Are you really that happy?"

"Of course I'm very happy. Don't you think I should be happy?"

Xiao Xiner also smiled and said: "Well, I think you should be happy, okay, let's not talk so much now, let's enjoy life!"

They continued to enjoy life at this time, and when they came out, they went to a very luxurious seafood restaurant for a meal together.

They didn't go back until two o'clock in the morning, and Bald Man had already fallen asleep.

But they were a little loud when they came, and Baldhead is now awake.

Seeing that they came back at this time, Baldhead asked curiously: "Why are you coming back at this time? Do you know that it is too late to come back at this time and disturb others' sleep!"

"I'm really sorry, today is our fault!"

"When did you learn to apologize?"

The bald man smiled, said nothing more at this time, and continued to sleep.

They continued to work the next day, but while they were working at this time, they suddenly heard a roar, and then Baldhead felt something was wrong.

His face suddenly became very ugly, and then he shouted loudly: "Run quickly, it looks like it's going to collapse!"

Baldhead has been working here for a long time, so he really knows what will happen here. Now that he sees it at this time, it is about to collapse, so he asked Lin Tian They leave quickly.

But now, even if you want to leave, it's already too late.

There was only one cable car, and Bald Man pushed Lin Tian and Shi Xingshan up, and then said: "You should leave now and leave me alone!"

Xiao Xiner also climbed up, and Lin Tian asked at this moment: "Then what should you do?"

"Leave me alone, you go up now and then put the cable car down!"


Lin Tian and the others successfully went up, but at this moment, there was a bang, and the bald head was hit inside.

Lin Tian did not expect that the mine collapsed so quickly, and the bald head was now buried inside.

"What should I do?" Lin Tian felt really nervous in his heart. The bald head was still inside. Although he usually didn't have a good impression of him, but anyway, they were together just now. Bar!
They are coming up now, but the bald head is smashed here. How can that be done?
"Come here quickly, the bald head is down there, dig it up together!"

"There is no other way. It will take half a month to dig this place out. I'm afraid he will starve to death even if he is alive by then!"

"What do you say at this time? We must dig up this place no matter what at this time. Since we are all workers working in the same place, we absolutely cannot ignore it at this time!"

"Yes, we absolutely cannot ignore it at this time!"

They started digging together now, and the digging speed was very fast, because Lin Tian had already shown his true cultivation as a cultivator, and the digging speed was of course very fast.

"I go!"

Others saw Lin Tian digging so fast and thought to themselves: Why is Lin Tian so powerful? Is this Superman?
It was at this time that they learned that Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner were both cultivators. The boss of the gold mining company felt very nervous when he saw Lin Tian's skills.

I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful cultivator in my company. He had been hiding his identity in the past. Why on earth was this?

"Sir, what level of cultivator are you?"

The boss of the gold mining company came over at this time, handed over a towel, and said: "Wipe off your sweat and continue digging!"

"Time is running out!"

Lin Tian felt that time was very tight at this time, so he had to dig out as quickly as possible at this time. The bald man was underneath, so he had to dig him out as quickly as possible.

Finally, Lin Tian dug out his bald head.

One of the bald man's legs is now useless. Although he is still alive, his leg is useless because his leg has been broken.

"It hurts, it really hurts!"

Lin Tian said to the boss of the gold mining company: "Is there any compensation?"

"Yes, of course there is. The compensation will not be less than a penny."

Lin Tian knew that the gold mining company would compensate Bald Man, but Lin Tian also knew that if he had used his cultivation earlier, Bald Man would not have lost a leg at this time.

Now that I think about it carefully, I really feel a little regretful.

Lin Tian then took out some money and gave it to the bald man and said: "This is all my thoughts. Take it for a good treatment. Maybe your legs can recover."

Although one of Baldhead's legs has been broken at this time, with today's technology so advanced, maybe his leg can be restored.

After the bald man was sent to the hospital, the boss of the gold mining company stood next to Lin Tian and asked: "Master cultivator, you are really amazing. I didn't expect that there is someone like you in our company. "

"Okay, don't brag now. I don't like being flattered."

"Of course, sir, I wonder why you work in my company?"

Lin Tian smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, just to experience what it's like for ordinary people to work."

(End of this chapter)

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