Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2147 Conquering the Lightning Bat

Chapter 2147 Conquering the Lightning Bat

"How is the monster doing now? Did it escape?"

Lin Tian was now concerned about whether the Divine Winged Lightning Bat had escaped, but Xiao Xiner smiled lightly and said, "You don't have to worry about this, he has been caught."

"What, caught it, who caught it?"

Lin Tian now looked at Xiao Xiner and continued to ask: "Did you catch it?"

"How can I have such great ability? It wasn't me who caught it, but Fairy Bibo caught it."

"What, she caught it again?"

At this time, Lin Tian felt a little disappointed in his heart. He did not expect that the divine winged lightning bat would be caught by Fairy Bibo.

After Fairy Bibo captured the Divine Winged Lightning Bat, it meant that the Divine Winged Lightning Bat would be Fairy Bibo's mount from now on, and it would have nothing to do with her.

"What's wrong? Do you feel very disappointed?"

"Of course I feel very disappointed in my heart. You don't know. In fact, I really want to get the divine winged lightning bat, but the divine winged lightning bat has been surrendered by Fairy Bibo, so naturally I can't get it. We’ve arrived at the Divine Winged Lightning Bat, do you know?”

When Lin Tian said this now, Xiao Xiner smiled and said: "Haha, Lin Tian, ​​what are you thinking about getting that divine winged lightning bat? Isn't it just a flying mount? You already have an alloy chariot. Isn’t it?”

Hearing Xiao Xiner say that he already had an alloy chariot, Lin Tian sighed and said, "Xin'er, how can you say that? How can that alloy chariot be compared with that divine winged lightning bat?"

"Why can't we compare? Lin Tian, ​​what exactly do you want to say?"

"The Divine Winged Lightning Bat is a living creature, and the Alloy Chariot is a dead creature, so the Metal Chariot cannot be compared with the Divine Winged Lightning Bat. Xin'er, do you understand?"

Just when Lin Tian said this, Fairy Bibo heard everything Lin Tian said clearly at the door, so at this moment she smiled and said: "Haha, Lin Tian, ​​you want to get the divine wings." Lightning bat?”

Lin Tian nodded and said: "Well, of course I want it, but since you conquered the divine winged lightning bat, it belongs to you, and I won't ask you for it."

"Oh, can it be said that you really want it in your heart?"

"Of course I would."

However, Fairy Bibo smiled faintly and said: "You know, I know that you like the divine winged lightning bat, but you cannot surrender the divine winged lightning bat. After I surrendered the divine winged lightning bat, it has automatically Acknowledge me as Lord.”

"What? I automatically recognize you as my master?"

"Yeah, so Lin Tian, ​​do you feel very disappointed?"

When Lin Tian heard what Fairy Bibo said, he really felt a little disappointed in his heart.

But even now, no matter how disappointed he is, what can Lin Tian do?

Now that the Divine Winged Lightning Bat has automatically recognized its owner, Fairy Bibo will be its owner from now on, and it seems to have nothing to do with Lin Tian.

"I do feel a little disappointed in my heart, but even if I feel a little disappointed in this matter, what's the use? I feel it's of no use at all."

"Okay, Lin Tian, ​​I know you are unhappy in your heart, but there is nothing you can do about it, don't you think so?"

Xiao Xiner looked at Lin Tian who was a little unhappy and said, "Lin Tian, ​​don't be so unhappy. If you are not happy about this matter, then I really look down on you." In fact. Xiao Xiner also hopes that Lin Tian can let go of his obsession. After all, there are some things that you can't just get if you want them, but require some ability.

Fairy Bibo was able to obtain the Divine Winged Lightning Bat with her own abilities, which is really a very remarkable thing.

You must know that the situation at that time was very dangerous. If Fairy Bibo had not subdued the Divine Winged Lightning Bat at that time, everyone's life might have been in danger.

"Well, since you have said that, what else can I say at this point?"

Although Lin Tian said that he felt a little unhappy in his heart, he also knew that it was reasonable to have some things that he could not get.

You can't let Lin Tian take advantage of everything, right?
"Come here after a while, I'll help you check your body, and let you see the power of the Divine Winged Lightning Bat."

"All right!"

After a while, Lin Tian found Fairy Bibo, and Fairy Bibo checked his body at this time and found that his body was recovering well.

"Your body has recovered well at this time, but you still need to continue to rest. If you don't take a good rest in the next period of time, it is very likely that permanent damage will be left."

"I really suffered a big loss this time. I didn't get anything, and I was struck by lightning by this god-winged lightning bat."

Lin Tian gritted his teeth and felt really sad in his heart. After so many hours of practice, he never expected that at this time, he would not even be able to deal with a divine winged lightning bat.

"Lin Tian, ​​don't complain. If you don't suffer setbacks, how can you make progress, so you should be more open-minded at this time."

She asked Lin Tian to be more open-minded, and Lin Tian felt that it made sense. At this time, he can only be more open-minded.

The Divine Winged Lightning Bat had already been surrendered, and when the Divine Winged Lightning Bat saw Lin Tian coming, it screamed, as if it was about to attack Lin Tian at this moment.

At this time, Lin Tian felt his heart tremble, thinking, maybe, this divine winged lightning bat is still attacking him at this time?

"Why is this god-winged lightning bat attacking me now?"

"Be good, don't attack Lin Tian, ​​stop!"

When Fairy Bibo said this, the divine-winged lightning bat stopped attacking Lin Tian, ​​as if it could understand the words.

"It listens to you so well."

"That's natural. It has signed a contract with me now and recognizes me as its master, so I can communicate with it mentally. If I make it not attack you, it will no longer attack you."

"God-Winged Lightning Bat, let me tell you, I will teach you a lesson in the future."


Hearing what Lin Tian said, the Divine Winged Lightning Bat seemed to suddenly become angry at this time, and screamed several times.

"Lin Tian, ​​don't provoke it, be careful it bites you."

Fairy Bibo now smiled faintly. This divine winged lightning bat had just been subdued, and its temperament was not yet stable.

(End of this chapter)

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