Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2112 Correspondence

Chapter 2112 Correspondence

"what is this?"

Lin Tian was very surprised when he saw a red butterfly mark on his arm.

"Fairy Bibo said, this is called the mark of flying together."

"The mark of flying together?"

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at the red butterfly mark, so he frowned, and then asked: "How come there is such a mark on my arm, how did it appear!"

"He also said that it was Xuanyuan Qingxuan who did it. It must be because after you had a drink with him last night, you had this mark on your arm!"

"This is impossible. When I was drinking with him last night, he didn't even touch me, so how could he put this mark on my arm!"

Regarding the memory of last night, Lin Tian still remembered it very clearly. The two of them were very happy when drinking, but Xuanyuan Qingxuan didn't make any marks on his body.

"What do you know? Who is Xuanyuan Qingxuan? He is a very powerful cultivator. You have not seen his abilities before, so nothing is impossible!"

Lin Tian thought for a while, and Lin Tian himself had heard of this mark of flying together. He heard that this mark made two people fall in love with each other and get married.

It is said that as long as a couple signs the mark of flying together, they will love each other from now on and never be separated.

But that's not right. Xuanyuan Qingxuan is obviously an old man. What's the use of him forming the Mark of Flying Together with him? It's useless. Besides, even if the two of them form the Mark of Flying Together, Lin God wouldn't fall in love with an old man, would he?

"Well, I'm speechless."

Lin Tian smiled at this moment, and then said to Xiao Xiner: "Xin'er, don't worry, no matter what, I only like you and will never fall in love with other women!"

"I can't say for sure. You already have the mark of the love affair on your arm, so anything is possible. If another woman with the mark of the love affair appears, I think you will definitely like it. Hers, the reason why you think you won’t like other women besides me now is because the woman with the Flying Wings Mark hasn’t appeared yet!”

When Lin Tian heard what she said, he felt a little nervous in his heart, and said, "Then what do you think I should do now?"

"What else can be done? Since this matter was caused by Xuanyuan Qingxuan, I think you should ask him to find out what is going on?"

Xiao Xiner felt that Lin Tian couldn't have an extra mark on his body for no reason, so she absolutely couldn't bear this tone.

Lin Tian thought that Xiao Xiner was right, how could there be a mark on his body, so he said: "Xin'er, don't worry, I will definitely find Xuanyuan Qingxuan and ask this matter clearly. of!"

"He is very powerful, so if he wants to go, we will go together, because we are husband and wife, sharing blessings and hardships. Now that we have to face Xuanyuan Qingxuan, let us go together!"

Xiao Xiner wanted to go with Lin Tian. Lin Tian wanted to go together, so he went together. After meeting Xuanyuan Qingxuan, Lin Tian could express his feelings.

But when they wanted to go out, they were stopped by Fairy Bibo: "You are not allowed to go!" "Why are you not allowed to go?"

Lin Tian didn't know why Fairy Bibo stopped them. Fairy Bibo said at this moment: "In Tianbao Holy Sect, everyone can unite to fight together, but if you go out, then you and Xin'er will be together." Taken together, he is no match for Xuanyuan Qingxuan!"

"Then what do you think we should do? This mark of flying together is on my body. Should I just let this mark stay on my body?"

"You can write a letter and have it sent to Xuanyuan Qingxuan, and then ask in the letter what exactly is going on!"

Lin Tian thought about it and realized that what Fairy Bibo said was really right, so he said, "Okay then, I will compile a book at this time and send it to Xuanyuan Qingxuan!"

Lin Tian then wrote a letter and asked the disciples of Tianbao Holy Sect to go to the Xuanyuan family and deliver it to Xuanyuan Qingxuan.

Xuanyuan Qingxuan opened the letter, read it and said with a smile: "Lin Tian, ​​I knew you would come to ask me at this time, but I didn't expect that you would ask me through a letter. Could it be that you don't dare to come yourself? ?"

"It's not that our elders don't dare to come, it's just that the sect master won't let him come!"

The messenger disciple of Tianbao Holy Sect answered truthfully.

"So that's the case. If that's the case, then I'll also write a letter and you can bring it to him for me!"

Xuanyuan Qingxuan picked up the brush, spread out the paper, and then wrote a letter to Lin Tian.

The disciples of Tianbao Shengzong brought the letter to Lin Tian. Lin Tian was shocked after opening it and reading it. The content of the letter turned out to be like this.

"Lin Tian, ​​you and I had a great chat tonight. You and I have been friends for many years. Fortunately, fortunately, I have a daughter who is still unmarried. On the day I brought her back, I decided to marry her to you. Then we will fly together. I will give you the red mark first, and when my daughter comes back from practice, I will give another mark to her body, and then the mark of Flying Together will be truly completed."


After Lin Tian read the letter, he slapped it on the table. At this time, he really didn't expect that Xuanyuan Qingxuan had really made the mark for him.

I drank with him last night, but Lin Tian didn't notice any little tricks on his part!
Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that Lin Tian was tricked by Xuanyuan Qingxuan. Lin Tian has a wife, so how could Xuanyuan Qingxuan do this?

He actually wanted to marry his daughter to Lin Tian. Lin Tian felt that Xuanyuan Qingxuan, an old fox, was selling some kind of medicine, but he really felt very unhappy in his heart.

So at this moment Lin Tian said to Xiao Xiner: "How can this Xuanyuan Qingxuan do this? By doing this, he is simply challenging my bottom line!"

However, Fairy Bibo next to her said: "I didn't expect Xuanyuan Qingxuan to regard you as his default son-in-law. But I heard that she does have a daughter, and she is very beautiful."

Lin Tian sighed, no matter how beautiful she was, it shouldn't have anything to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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