Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2089 Bewitching people

Chapter 2089 Bewitching people
Coming from the golden age, Ruo Xiaoxue felt like she was in a dream.

To her, 3000 million years is as simple as a dream, and the years have not left any traces on her body.

In the next few days, if Xiaoxue stayed in Tianbao Holy Sect, Lin Tian taught her some knowledge about the world.

Originally, Lin Tian thought that with Ruo Xiaoxue, she could reveal some of the black technologies of her time, but he didn't expect that this girl was too tight-lipped and refused to talk about it no matter what.

Since she didn't say anything, Lin Tian didn't ask any more questions.

There are some things that are better to ask than not to ask. If she really wants to say it voluntarily, Lin Tian feels that she will say it herself even if she doesn't ask.

Just when Lin Tian and Ruo Xiaoxue got along very well and had developed into friends, Xuanyuan Pengxiao had been searching for them in the far north for about half a month.

But after searching all the way for half a month, he really found nothing.

"How could this happen? Do you think my trip was in vain?"

He felt that he was really unwilling. How come this trip was in vain? He came to find the Extreme North Xuan Bing, but where was the Extreme North Xuan Bing?
After searching all over the North Pole, no Far North Ice was found. Or is it just a legend?
Did he just come here for a legend? If he still can't find the arctic ice, then should he go back?
If he goes back, he will definitely feel unwilling in his heart.

Some things didn't seem to go so smoothly. If he returned to that family, maybe everyone would laugh at him and laugh at him as a whimsical fool.

Only the strong will be respected, while the weak will only be treated like a fool.

He had known before that these so-called human relations were actually just divisions between strong and weak people. People who are strong will worship, follow, be timid and fearful, while those who are weak will not be affected by anything. It's wrong, whatever they do is wrong, and no one will sympathize with them.

Even if these weak people are bullied, they can only consider themselves unlucky. This is the reality.

Therefore, he felt that he could not be disappointed with himself. Even if Jibei Xuanbing was just a legend, he could not give up, because as long as he did not give up, there would still be hope.

If you give up now, there will be no hope at all.

Lin Tian still didn't know that Xuanyuan Pengxiao was almost frozen into a lump of ice in the far north in order to defeat him.

Time flies, and two months have passed in the blink of an eye. To say that Xuanyuan Pengxiao has not come to Lin Tian recently, Lin Tian really feels that there is something unexpected.

Why did Xuanyuan Pengxiao come to Lin Tian? This is really strange. Could it be because he knew that he was not as strong as Lin Tian, ​​so he didn't come to Lin Tian during this period of time?
There were some things that Lin Tian didn't care about. Did he think Xuanyuan Pengxiao was missing?
It's a good thing that he disappeared, because Lin Tian himself didn't like him, and wished that he would never come to him again.

If Xiaoxue is practicing swordplay in the front yard, her skills are still relatively unfamiliar, so some of her moves are very inaccurate.

Maoerwa saw how unfamiliar she was with sword practice, so she laughed and said, "Sister, your posture is really not standard at all. Do you want me to teach you?"

"I said Erwazi, can you stop laughing at me like that? Didn't I just start practicing?"

Mao Erwa has been in Tianbao Holy Sect for some time, and he is also very hardworking in cultivation. Although he was a little lazy in the past, there has been no sign of laziness recently.

After all, lazy people will not achieve great development. Mao Erwa now understands this truth.

If you want to go a long way on the road of cultivation, you must learn to endure hardships and stand hard work.Who can go further depends entirely on motivation. Hard work is the motivation. There is no skill in this.

"Oh, can you stop practicing?"

Ruo Xiaoxue felt very disappointed, and she didn't want to practice sword practice at all, because she felt that sword practice was really hard work.

Lin Tian heard her complaint and said: "That's not possible. Since you want to stay in our Tianbao Holy Sect, you must practice the martial arts of our Tianbao Holy Sect. If you don't even want to practice martial arts, don't you think so? Do you want to eat and drink for free in our Tianbao Holy Sect?"

"Well, can't it?"

"There is no free lunch in the world. It's not okay to eat and drink for free, you know?"

"I understand, so is there anything else I can do instead of practicing swordsmanship, because I really don't want to practice swordsmanship. This swordsmanship practice is really hard, and the key point is that it's boring."

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled and said: "Well, of course there are ways to replace sword training. For example, can you teach me some of the black technologies of your era, such as soul and body, how to separate these? Can you teach me something like that?"

"Well, do you want to learn?"

"Of course it is!"

"Then I'll teach you!"

Lin Tian didn't expect that she would agree at this time, so he said, "Then tell me how to learn!"

In fact, Lin Tian was already quite anxious. After all, if she could learn some of the black technologies of her time, she might be of great use in the future.

"Do you know the weight of a soul?"

“Does the soul have weight?”

“A scientist once did an experiment where he placed a dying person on a scale and measured the weight he lost when he died. As a result, at the moment of death, he found that the person’s weight dropped by 21 grams! "

"Oh, is that so? I've also heard of such an experiment, but is it accurate?"

"Of course the experiment is accurate. Generally speaking, the soul can only leave the body after the human body's functions are weakened and after death, but some people can separate the soul from the body through special methods."

Lin Tian felt more and more interested, so he asked: "What method?"

"The method of soul leaving the body is actually very simple. It is a method of meditating and then letting the soul leave the body. Sakyamuni meditated under the Bodhi tree for many days. His soul left the body and even flew. I went to outer space and saw the entire universe!”

After Lin Tian heard this, he coughed lightly and said, "I said Ruo Xiaoxue, can you please stop telling these stories? These are just legends. How can you believe the legends?"

(End of this chapter)

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