Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2076 Unexpected Thoughts

Chapter 2076 Unexpected Thoughts

Lin Tian didn't think this was too much. After all, this was just treating others in their own way.

"How did you deal with Tang Jingwen, so I will deal with you now. So there is nothing excessive at this time, it's just you who brought it upon yourself!"

Now, when the other party heard what Lin Tian said, he felt that Lin Tian came here for Tang Jingwen this time.

"Lin Tian, ​​you really think too highly of yourself. If you push us into a hurry, don't blame us for counterattack."

The lava puppet has been refined at this time, so he is no longer afraid of the opponent.

Even if the other party used a powerful trick at this time, he still felt that he didn't have to be afraid of the other party at this time.

Even if the opponent uses it, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will not be able to hit him.

Lava puppets can be defended, so this defensive power is also very amazing. Lin Tian believes that the lava puppets he created have amazing combat effectiveness.

Xuanyuan Pengxiao really had no way to get close to Lin Tian, ​​because when he wanted to get close, he would be blocked by the lava puppet.

After several attempts, he all failed. After a while, he felt really disappointed because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't attack him.

After trying once or twice, he felt that the next attack was still unable to hit Lin Tian, ​​and all his efforts were in vain.

Tang Jingwen didn't expect that the lava puppet was so powerful, and now she seemed a little envious.

If he could have that lava fire crystal, then the Tang Sect would not be smashed.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are really powerful. With you here now, I don't have to worry about anything!"

"You didn't have to worry about anything. Now that I'm here, no one can hurt you. Brother Xuanyuan is unable to resist at this time. After a while, they will beg you for mercy one by one!"

"I don't need them to beg me for mercy, I just need them to pay the price!"

"What price do you require them to pay?"

"I need them to pay with blood!"

"Is what you said true?"

Tang Jingwen said: "Yes, what I said is indeed true. What they did to our sect before was really too much, so now at this time, I hope they pay the price with blood!"

Lin Tian thought to himself that Tang Jingwen really didn't expect to say this. You must know that he is not a person who likes killing, so at this time he smiled and said: "I feel that it is better to let this matter go, because it is easy to resolve enemies." Jie, do you think so?"

"Lin Tian, ​​how could you do this? Didn't you already promise me? Since you promised me, then help me get revenge now, okay?"

Lin Tian thought to himself, what else can he say at this time?

Yes, he had promised her, but at this time, if he asked Xuanyuan to pay the price with blood, there was really something he couldn't do.Although these two people are said to be a little hateful, they have not done anything harmful. Although they say they are hateful, isn't it enough to teach them a lesson at this time?
"I feel that you should not worry so much at this time. Although these two people are hateful, I will help you teach them a lesson in a while!"

"Well, since you said so, what else can I say? I can only do what you said!"

After a while, Xuanyuan Pengxiao felt that he was no longer their opponent, and no matter how he attacked, it had no effect.

The lava puppet was simply too powerful, so powerful that he couldn't understand it.

"Why is it so powerful? I feel that this is a little impossible. At this time, I still can't understand why this lava puppet is so powerful!"

Lin Tian felt a little hesitant in his heart at this moment. These two people really seemed to have no strength to resist at all. The lava puppet was very powerful, and now it was completely crushing them.

It is simply impossible for the other party to resist at this time. It is precisely because the other party is completely unable to resist at this time that he feels a little hesitant in his heart.

He didn't know if he should continue to attack. What if he accidentally let them die?

He didn't like killing people, so if they were killed by Jia, Lin Tian would really feel a little unbearable in his heart.

"We beg for mercy, Lin Tian, ​​please let us go, okay? As long as you let us go, I, Xuanyuan Pengxiao, am willing to join the Tianbao Holy Sect!"

"I would also like to join!"

The Xuanyuan brothers were all begging for mercy at this time. Lin Tian did not expect that the Xuanyuan brothers would propose to join the Tianbao Holy Sect at this time, which really surprised them.

Tang Jingwen immediately shouted: "It's impossible for you to want to join Tianbao Holy Sect. Tianbao Holy Sect cannot accept you, so don't have any wishful thinking at this time!"

"Wishful thinking, Tang Jingwen, don't sow discord here. We really want to join the Tianbao Holy Sect at this time!"

Lin Tian smiled and said at this time: "Is what you said true?"

"What we said is indeed true. I, Xuanyuan Pengxiao, really want to join the Tianbao Holy Sect, because today we have seen the true power. We dare not go against the Tianbao Holy Sect. I only ask you to forgive me at this time. us!"

Tang Jingwen knew that if they joined the Tianbao Holy Sect, it would be very troublesome, so she said to Lin Tian: "You must not agree to them. The reason why they did this is just to prevent you from killing them. So don’t be fooled this week!”

"Do you think I'm someone who'll be fooled?"

"I sense you might be fooled!"

Lin Tian looked at Tang Jingwen and said: "There are some things that you and I have completely different ideas. I think we have to be merciful and merciful. Since they have already begged me for mercy at this time, why should I?" Want to kill them?"

"Do you really think so? Your idea really surprises me!"

Tang Jingwen didn't expect Lin Tian to think like this. How could he have such thoughts?

(End of this chapter)

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