Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2055 Nerve Paralysis

Chapter 2055 Nerve Paralysis
"Oops, it's coming towards us!"

Fairy Bibo felt very nervous in her heart. Although the deep-sea giant squid was not very strong, the ink it spurted made her feel very scared.

The ink from the deep-sea squid might cause dizziness, so at this time, she felt she had to leave quickly.

"Let's go quickly!"

"It's too late, it's coming!"

The deep-sea giant squid is also very fast, because after all, it is on the bottom of the sea and is its territory.

This deep-sea giant squid attacked Lin Tian directly. Lin Tian did not expect that the deep-sea giant squid actually sprayed out ink, directly dyeing the sea water black.

"I'll go, what is this?"

Lin Tian coughed and felt that his head was a little dizzy at this time.

As soon as Fairy Bibo saw this situation, she immediately controlled the sea water and smashed it towards the deep-sea giant squid. Under the attack, the deep-sea giant squid seemed to feel some pressure and swam away quickly at this time.

"Are you OK?"

Fairy Bibo came to Lin Tian's side, but Lin Tian had completely fainted at this time.

"Wake up quickly!"

But Lin Tian showed no sign of waking up for the time being.

"I really didn't expect that we would encounter something like this today. It seems that we shouldn't have come here today. You don't know when you will wake up. What should you do?"

After taking Lin Tian ashore, the bull-headed python saw Lin Tian fainting and his whole body was dark, so he asked, "What's going on?"

"It's the ink of the deep-sea giant squid!"

"Oh, haha, that's what it looks like. But don't worry, he shouldn't be in any danger. It's just that the ink has the effect of making people dizzy, so after two days, he will be able to wake up. !”

"I'm speechless. I'm really speechless."

After they arrived here, Fairy Bibo felt that they must seize the time to do research. Only by completing the research on the formation here could they go out.

But now, the difficulties encountered are increasing, and Lin Tian has also fainted, so all the work falls on her as a woman.

She felt that the pressure on herself was really heavy. She wondered if she would be able to persevere in the next period of time.
What should I do if I can't persist?

In fact, sometimes I really want to give up, but since I have persisted, of course I have to continue to persist.

If you insist on giving up at this point, isn't it too wasteful?

Although sometimes I felt that I wanted to give up, but in the end I canceled these ideas.

Because sometimes once you give up, there is really no way to pick it up again. Now that they are working together, no one is willing to give up.

You will encounter many difficulties on the road of life. Sometimes you think of giving up when you encounter difficulties. That is very wrong.Because there are some difficulties that if they give up, there will be no way to overcome them, and by then they will be trapped in the current predicament forever.

If they don't bravely use their own strength to overcome difficulties, then they will be trapped forever in the end, so sometimes people cannot give up when they encounter difficulties.

You must have the courage to work hard in order to have the courage to overcome difficulties.

There are really many such things in life, and everyone's attitude towards difficulties is completely different. Some people face difficulties when they encounter them, but some people give up when they encounter difficulties.

Those who give up when encountering difficulties are doomed to be losers and will never be able to become the master of life. Therefore, at this time, no matter what difficulties or crises you encounter, you must persevere. Can.

After a few days, Lin Tian finally woke up. He wiped his face and felt some sweat on his face, so he got up at this time and wondered how long he had slept.

He remembered that when he was at the bottom of the sea, he was sprayed with ink by a deep-sea squid, and then he fainted. But now when he woke up, he found that his head was covered with sweat.

It seemed that my body was very weak during the period when I fainted, so I was sweating a lot.

"You finally woke up!"

Fairy Bibo saw that he had woken up at this time, so she felt very happy. You must know that during the period when he fainted, she was really worried about him.

Worried about what to do if he says he can't wake up?

But now I see that he has woken up, so I feel relieved.

"It's really great. You finally woke up. You know, during the past few days when you didn't wake up, I was really worried about you. I was worried that if you said you couldn't wake up again, , what should we do?”

"What happened last time? Why did I faint? Can you tell me what happened?"

The ink of the deep-sea giant squid can cause dizziness and paralyze people's nerves, so Lin Tian didn't know this.

But after Fairy Bibo told him about this, Lin Tian nodded and understood in his heart what was going on.

It turned out that the last time he was at the bottom of the sea, the ink from the deep-sea squid paralyzed his nerves, so he fainted. It took a few days for him to wake up.

It's better now. He has woken up, so he feels much better at this moment.

He has woken up at this time, so he still needs to continue doing what he should do, otherwise, it will be delayed for a longer time.

"You have really worked hard these days. If you hadn't worked hard to take care of me, I might not have been able to persevere!"

"Don't say such words of thanks to me, because we are just taking care of each other at this time. I have taken care of you. I believe that when I encounter any danger, you will also take care of me, right?" Yeah?"

"What you said makes sense, but this time I really want to thank you, otherwise, I might die!"

"There are many dangers in seawater, so you must be more careful next time. If you encounter danger, you cannot just sit still and wait for death. You must respond flexibly!"

Lin Tian thought that what she said made sense, and he must be more careful next time.

(End of this chapter)

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