Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2029: Cultivation to no avail

Chapter 2029: Cultivation to no avail
Star Jue is not an ordinary skill, but a skill handed down from the Tianbao Holy Sect. According to the wishes of the ancestors of the Tianbao Holy Sect, this skill can only be learned by Lin Tian.

Now that Master Yunmeng asked about this, Lin Tian felt some hesitation.

"What's wrong? Are you saying you don't want to show it to me?"

"No, then just take a look and don't learn how to do it?"

"I know, give it to me quickly!"

Lin Tian handed the technique to Master Yunmeng, thinking that even if Master Yunmeng saw it, it wouldn't be a big deal, right?
Master Yunmeng glanced at it and said with a smile: "This technique is so strange!"

"What's wrong? Do you see the clues?"

"Yes, the method of practicing this technique seems to make sense, but in fact it is just like ordinary people walking on a single-plank bridge. This method of cultivation is really too dangerous. If it were me, I would be too lazy to practice it. Such a harmful technique."

When Lin Tian heard what the layman Yunmeng said, he felt a little speechless. He really didn't expect the layman Yunmeng to say that the star technique in the sky star stone turned out to be a harmful technique.

"Forget it, if you don't understand, just say less!"

"I don't understand?"

Master Yunmeng now sneered and said, "Don't think that I don't understand. In fact, I know something about this matter of cultivation."

Lin Tian felt a little funny in his heart at this moment. He didn't expect this person to be so self-righteous.

How could such a self-righteous person cultivate to the current state?
In any case, she is also the most holy person. People who can cultivate to the most holy person are very extraordinary, but I didn't expect that the other party would say this at this time.

"Forget it, since you don't like this technique, don't say anything more now. If it's okay, we still have a lot of techniques in our library. If you want to learn it, you can learn from it. !”

"Library Pavilion?"

Master Yunmeng asked at this time: "Really? Is there any technique suitable for me to practice in Zangshu Pavilion?"

"Maybe there is, you can go and take a look!"

Now layman Yunmeng nodded and said: "Well, let me go and have a look!"

After a while, Lin Tian continued to look at the sky here, feeling a little confused in his heart.

"I don't know if what I'm doing right now is right. If it's wrong, then it's Master Yunmeng who is right."

He felt a little confused at this moment, and sighed. He would not continue to practice today. If he continued to practice, he might not make any progress.

Back in the room, Xiao Xiner looked at Lin Tian and asked, "What's wrong? Are you not practicing anymore?"

"Well, I feel that no matter how hard I practice, I can't continue practicing!"

Lin Tian felt a little confused in his heart. He looked at Xiao Xiner and continued with a smile: "Well, I don't practice anymore. I was hit by Master Yunmeng just now. She said that I am practicing this technique. a bit dangerious."

"is it?"

Now Xiao Xiner looked at Lin Tian and said, "Well, if that's the case, then let's stop practicing!" Lin Tian felt that he had been hit today, so he felt that in the next period of time, He couldn't even practice hard anymore.

But at this moment, layman Yunmeng did not go to the library, but returned to the room where he lived.

Although she just glanced at the Star Jue just now, her memory is very good and she has almost a photographic memory.

So at this time, she smiled lightly and said: "Lin Tian, ​​I have remembered everything I saw just now, so I will continue to practice at this time, even if I encounter any danger in the end, I won’t give up either!”

If Lin Tian knew that Master Yunmeng said one thing and did another, he would definitely be very angry.

But there are some things he doesn't know at this time. If he doesn't know, then it's probably impossible to be angry.

After practicing for a while, Master Yunmeng felt why there seemed to be no effect when he was practicing.

She really felt something strange, why she had seen the exercises, but why they were of no use at all during practice.

"It's really strange. I've obviously seen that technique and fully understood it, but why doesn't it have any effect at all during practice?"

In fact, what layman Yunmeng didn't know was that Lin Tian had to rely on the Star Stone to practice the Star Art. Without the Star Stone, even if he knew the Star Art, he would not be able to practice it.

It is a pity that there is no such record in Xingchen Jue. If Lin Tian knew that Master Yunmeng was practicing like this at this time, he would definitely feel very funny in his heart.

Although she felt that she had encountered some bottlenecks during her practice, she still continued to practice.

No matter what kind of bottleneck she encountered, she felt that as long as she continued to practice, she would be able to find some skills, but the final result made her feel very confused.

Because no matter how she practiced, she felt that she was really encountering difficulties, as if the practice had no effect at all.

"Lin Tian, ​​are you lying to me? Why did I find that no matter how much I practice, it has no effect at all during my practice?"

She wanted to find Lin Tian, ​​but although she wanted to ask Lin Tian for clarification at this time, if she really did that, Lin Tian would know that she was practicing the Star Art.

"Forget it, it's better not to ask. If you do that, Lin Tian will definitely feel very angry in his heart!"

The next day, Lin Tian got up early in the morning. Although he felt very confused yesterday, he had adjusted his mentality today.

Therefore, during the training process today, he will no longer feel confused. He will set a goal for himself and then arrange some specific training tasks.

No matter what, this practice must continue. If it must continue, then why are you still hesitating at this time?

If he continued to hesitate at this time, he felt that he might have wasted another day.

Time waits for no one, so all the time today must be spent entirely on cultivation.

Master Yunmeng didn't sleep well last night because she spent the whole night thinking about what was wrong with the Star Jue, but after thinking about it all night, there was no result.

(End of this chapter)

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