Chapter 2023
Lin Tian knew that the curious layman Yunmeng would ask this, so he directly told her that he practiced the Star Art.

Star Art is the top skill of Tiandao Sect. Of course, the way to practice it is also very difficult.

Originally, Lin Tian didn't want to practice, but it would be a pity to give up this technique.

Lin Tian told Master Yunmeng the origin of the Star Technique. After hearing this, Master Yunmeng said, "Can you let me practice it too?"

"Do you also want to practice this Star Art, but it will be very difficult to practice it, and you will have a narrow escape from death. Are you really willing to practice it?"

"I am willing to practice. Can you let me practice?"

Master Yunmeng felt that if she practiced the Star Art at this time, she would definitely become more powerful, right?

After the last fight with the monk Shi Xingshan, Master Yunmeng felt that although he said he had reached the holy level at this time, his real strength was still very weak.

She felt that she had to practice a very powerful technique, and this Star Technique might be the technique that could make her stronger.

"Well, if you really want to practice, then I can let you practice. But in the end, if you encounter any difficulties and dangers, don't blame me for not warning you!"

"Don't worry about this. Even if I encounter any danger during my cultivation, I won't blame you."

Now that Lin Tian thought about it, he felt that something was not quite right.

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Saint Ancestor Di Ming said that this Star Technique only belongs to himself and cannot be learned by others.

Lin Tian felt a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "I'm really sorry. There is one thing I seemed to have forgotten before, that is, this Star Art cannot be passed on to others."


After hearing this, Master Yunmeng felt very speechless and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not joking with you. What I said is true. This Star Technique really cannot be learned casually by others. If you don't believe it, then go and ask the ground now. Ming Shengzu is well."

"Okay, you might as well just say you don't want to teach me."

"It's not that I don't want to teach you. What I say is true. Don't you believe what I say?"

"Humph, I don't want to believe it."

She seemed a little angry, as if Lin Tian had deceived her. Lin Tian felt speechless. He really didn't mean to deceive her!

"Okay, I'm going back now. Don't talk to me anymore. I'm really getting more and more angry when I talk to you now."

After a while, she went back, and Lin Tian continued to practice in the yard. At this time, he felt that he was not in a good mood to continue practicing.

Why is this laywoman Yunmeng's temper like this? Her temper is so hot that she seems to be unreasonable and unforgiving.

But she was unreasonable. Why was she so unforgiving?
After thinking about it carefully, Lin Tian felt a little relieved. Many people in this world are like this, they are unreasonable.If this is the case, then Lin Tian feels that there is no need for him to think so much.

Since there are so many unreasonable people in this world, why does he think so much?
What he has to do now is to go back to the room and have a good sleep. Maybe after returning to the room and having a good sleep, some things can be solved.

That's what he was thinking now, so he went back to his room directly and planned to have a good sleep.

After returning to the room, Xiao Xiner saw Lin Tian coming back, so she smiled happily and said, "Why are you back at this time? Why don't you practice for a while?"

"Well, something happened in the courtyard just now. I met Layman Yunmeng, and we seemed to have some quarrel!"

"Really? Why did she have a quarrel with you?"

Lin Tian told everything about what had just happened. Xiao Xiner laughed after hearing it: "Haha, I didn't expect that you could have a quarrel because of this matter. The same goes for Master Yunmeng. He has such a terrible temper." It’s really not good at all!”

Lin Tian thought to himself, isn't it? Master Yunmeng's temper is really not good at all, so at this time, he smiled and said: "Okay, let's not talk so much, let's sleep well and wait. Get some rest and continue practicing tomorrow!"

"Are you going to bed now, but it's still early!"

"I was so tired just now that I lost my mood, so now I just want to have a good rest and sleep, okay?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. If you want to sleep at this time, then have a good rest!"

Lin Tian lay on the bed, and fell asleep after a while. He felt that it would be better to have a good sleep.

After a good sleep, your body can recover as quickly as possible. After recovery, the next practice will become smoother.

He used to do this when he was practicing. Only by resting his body well could he be more efficient in the subsequent practice.

If you don't rest well, you will be very inefficient in the process of cultivation.

It is not a good thing to have poor efficiency. It could have been completed within an hour, but if the efficiency is very low, then it may not be possible to complete it within an hour.

Master Yunmeng was practicing in her courtyard. She felt that she was in a bad mood. After practicing for a while, she felt that she couldn't swallow it. Why could Lin Tian be able to cultivate himself but not himself?

"No, I can't just let this matter go. If I say let it go, then that would be too frustrating, right?"

She felt that this matter could never be left like this, so she came to the door of Saint Ancestor Di Ming's room and knocked on the door.

"Holy Ancestor Di Ming, are you in there?"

Hearing the voice of Layman Yunmeng, Saint Ancestor Diming felt something unexpected, so he looked at Fairy Bibo next to him and said, "It's Layman Yunmeng, should we let her in now?"

"What do you ask me about this matter? If you want her to come in, then let her come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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