Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2013 You are the only descendant

Chapter 2013 You are the only successor
The human body has many meridians and acupuncture points, but these meridians and acupoints do not correspond to many stars. According to the description in Star Art, starry sky acupoints must be opened in order to practice Star Art.

The so-called starry sky acupoints are actually the most suitable acupuncture points for accommodating the power of stars.

Those who practice spiritual power inject spiritual power into the Dantian, but practicing the Star Art is different. You must open up another so-called Dantian in the human body. This Dantian is different from the Dantian of the original body and is more suitable for absorption. The power of the stars.

Moreover, there is more than one Dantian, and there must be tens of millions of places to open up.

"Can such a small body be able to open up so many acupoints in the starry sky?"

Lin Tian was very surprised. If what was said in this Star Jue was true, then it would be too hard to accept.

"If this is the case, won't people explode and die?"

Although the energy a person can absorb is theoretically limited, by pouring spiritual power into the Dantian and then compressing it, a person can absorb a lot of spiritual power.

The more and purer the spiritual power is, the smaller the space occupied by the compression of spiritual power. In this case, a person will become more and more powerful.

But this Star Technique opens up thousands of acupuncture points in the middle of the human body. In this case, it is not very convenient to compress the power of the stars.

If someone is not careful, then the person will explode and die.

"By the way, I haven't asked his name yet?"

Lin Tian didn't ask for his name before he disappeared. Now that he thought about it carefully, he really shouldn't have.

If he could find out his name, Lin Tian would be able to do more research on his history. But now that he doesn't even know his name, where should Lin Tian investigate?

He continued to open the back part of the Star Art, and found that the part behind the Star Art was even more mysterious. When practicing, if you follow this method, a person will become an energy container, a huge and complete energy container.

"Is that still human?"

After reading this Star Technique, Lin Tian felt a little disappointed in his heart. Although this cultivation method is feasible, even if people practice to the highest level, they will have powerful energy and may really become invincible in the world, but in that case If you practice cultivation, you will also have many sequelae, and you may become disabled.

Therefore, before he disappeared, he said that practicing this Star Art was a very dangerous thing.

Lin Tian was originally very happy, but now, he was a little disappointed. He wondered whether he wanted to practice the Star Art or not?
"Forget it, it's not my thing in the first place, let's leave it to Saint Ancestor Di Ming to handle!"

However, Xiao Xiner stopped Lin Tian and said to Lin Tian: "Are you going to hand it over to the Diming Saint Ancestor?"

"Yes, the leader of the Tianbao Holy Sect is the Diming Holy Ancestor. Since the secret of my Sky Star Stone has been cracked, of course I have to tell him."

"But if that's the case, doesn't he already know the secret of the Tianxing Stone? I still hope you can hide this secret. Wouldn't it be better for the two of us to practice together?"

"I understand what you mean, but after all, this stone is a sacred object of Tianbao Holy Sect. Now that it has become like this, I must tell Holy Ancestor Diming."

"Well, if you say so, then you can tell him now, but I am going to be angry!"

"Even if you are angry, there is nothing I can do. After all, he gave me the Star Stone today, so I must tell him now!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he left, and Xiao Xiner stomped her feet angrily. , said: "This piece of wood, with this Star Technique, you don't keep it for yourself to practice, but give it to the Diming Saint Ancestor, hum, sooner or later you will regret it!"

In Lin Tian's eyes, Xiao Xiner seemed a little selfish now. He felt that although the Star Secret was left to him by the patriarch, he felt that he could not keep it to himself at this time.

If he swallowed it all to himself, then his conscience would be somewhat troubled.


Arriving at the door of Saint Ancestor Di Ming, he knocked on the door.

Holy Ancestor Diming and Fairy Bibo were already resting at this time. When they heard Lin Tian's knock on the door, Holy Ancestor Diming said, "I'm already asleep. If you have anything to do, come back tomorrow!"

"Now that I know the secret of the Tianxing Stone, don't you think you don't want to know?"

"What, do you already know the secret of the Sky Star Stone?"


Saint Ancestor Di Ming heard that Lin Tian already knew the secret of Tianxing Stone, so he immediately put on his clothes and opened the door.

"Brother, have you really cracked the secret of the Tianxing Stone?"

Lin Tian walked in, then placed the Heavenly Star Stone and the Star Art in front of the Diming Holy Ancestor, and said: "There is an ancestor in our Tianbao Holy Sect, and he placed the Star Art here!"

Then Lin Tian told everything. After hearing this, Holy Ancestor Diming sighed: "So there is still such a thing, Lin Tian, ​​why didn't you let me see the founder of our Tianbao Holy Sect just now? ?”

"The Patriarch has said that his time is limited, so given the situation at that time, I did not have time to come to you."

"Oh, I see. Is this Star Technique really that powerful?"

"Yes, the Patriarch has said that if you practice the Star Art to the ninth level, no one in this world will be your opponent. Although the Patriarch taught me the Star Art, I feel that I cannot do it on my own. If you practice cultivation, after all, this Heavenly Treasure Saint Sect is yours, and the Heavenly Star Stone is naturally yours as well."

"No, no, Brother Lin Tian, ​​what you said is wrong. Tianbao Holy Sect does not belong to me alone. This Sky Star Stone is the treasure of our Tianbao Holy Sect. But since the founder has taught you the Star Art, Then you are the only successor of this Star Art, so take both the Heavenly Star Stone and the Star Art, practice well, and don’t let down the founder’s painstaking efforts.”

Fairy Bibo next to her also said: "Yes, Lin Tian, ​​we are all very relieved that you can tell us this matter without hiding it, but since the Patriarch has taught the Star Art to you alone, then we will You can’t covet and practice this Star Art.”

"But I am willing to tell you this Star Technique!"

"Even if you are willing to tell us, we are not willing to practice. I will take what the Patriarch said to heart. The person the Patriarch said is destined to be you, Lin Tian. In this case, you are the only one who can practice. , Do you understand, Lin Tian!"

Lin Tian now somewhat understood what he meant, and said, "Well, if that's the case, then I will take away the Sky Star Stone and the Star Art."

(End of this chapter)

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