Chapter 1998 Inheritance
Lin Tian really felt very strange at this time, because the star stone looked very ordinary this time, as if it was just a black stone.

Why can such an ordinary black stone become a sacred object enshrined in the sect's tower?
Moreover, Shi Xingshan also wanted to get the Sky Star Stone. Is there really something unusual about this Sky Star Stone?
"Is this Sky Star Stone any different from ordinary stones?"

"I heard that this Sky Star Stone hides a big secret of our sect, but until now, I don't know what kind of secret it is."

"Holy Ancestor Di Ming, don't you even know about it?"

"That's right, even I don't know, because the age of the Star Stone is already very long, probably more than 2000 million years old!"

"It actually has such a long history?"

Lin Tian looked at that day's star stone and felt even more surprised. This seemingly ordinary stone had actually experienced 2000 million years of vicissitudes.

"Can I pick it up and take a look?"

"Is this?"

Holy Ancestor Di Ming felt a little hesitant now, so he said: "Okay, take a closer look, but don't break it. You must know that this is a treasure. If you break it, then Oh no!"

"I understand. Since it is a treasure in our sect, I will not break it. I will definitely be careful!"

Lin Tian now held the stone in his hand. He seemed a little nervous. Although this stone looked ordinary, what kind of secret was hidden in it?

After looking at it for a while, he didn't see the reason. If that was the case, then at this time, he felt that it was better to put the stone where it was.

So at this time, he put the stone back to its original place, and then sighed and said: "After looking at it for a while, I still can't figure out what is wrong with this stone. It seems to be the same as the stone." Ordinary stones are no different."

"Do you really think this stone is no different from an ordinary stone?"

Lin Tian nodded and said: "Yes, after my careful observation, I felt that this stone is no different from ordinary stones, so at this time, I really doubt in my heart that this stone is Isn’t it just an ordinary stone?”

He already suspected that this was an ordinary stone, because after his observation, this stone was an ordinary stone.

If it contains spiritual power, then Lin Tian should be able to discover it quickly, but until now, he has not found anything wrong with this stone.

"When I heard what you said, I felt a little disappointed. If this is really an ordinary stone, then what is the reason why our Tianbao Holy Sect has been enshrining it?"

Holy Ancestor Di Ming is really a little disappointed. If this is an ordinary stone, then there is no need to continue to worship it at this time.

"But even though I can't detect anything special about this stone, I can still feel that this stone is definitely not an ordinary stone."

"What do you mean by that?"

"If it can become the inheritance of Tianbao Holy Sect, it is naturally extraordinary. Okay, let's go back now!"

"Wait a minute. Since the Star Stone is already being targeted at this time, it cannot be placed here now. We must take it back!" Lin Tian thought to himself that the Holy Ancestor was right. , since the Tianxing Stone has been targeted by Shi Xingshan, the best way now is to bring this stone back.

Then take this stone with you, so that the safety of this stone is guaranteed.

Although it seems a bit cumbersome to do so, they have no other choice now because they have to do this at this time.

After a while, they took the Tianxing Stone out.

Along the way, Holy Ancestor Diming still felt a little worried, so he asked: "Lin Tian, ​​do you think it is really appropriate for us to do this now?"

"What's wrong with that? Because we can only do this at this time, because we don't have any other choice, don't you think so?"

"Well, I feel that what you said makes some sense. So now this stone is placed on your body. Do you think this is okay?"

"You said you want to put this stone on my body? I feel like this won't work. After all, you are the sect leader of Tianbao Holy Sect!"

"Although I am the sect leader, your strength is far higher than mine, so I still think it is more appropriate for this stone to be placed on your body. Lin Tian, ​​please don't refuse. I feel Only you can shoulder such a heavy responsibility."

Lin Tianzhen really didn't expect that he would put such a big label on himself, so he felt very funny at this time.

But he had no reason to refuse. What Saint Ancestor Di Ming said was indeed true. Among all of them, he was the strongest.

Since you are the strongest, then of course you have to shoulder such a responsibility.

Every moment he was thinking about how great it would be if he could get a treasure that could improve his strength.

You must know that strength is a very important thing. In this world, it is impossible to have no strength. If you do not have strength, you can only be bullied by others.

So what he wants to do most at this time is to find ways to improve his strength.

If after his strength improves, he will be able to completely control his own destiny, but now, how should he improve his strength?

It is impossible to improve his strength just by relying on his own cultivation. After all, the speed of cultivation is too slow. He must now improve his strength through some other methods.

This Star Stone may be an opportunity. He felt that such an opportunity would be a pity if he gave up.

No matter what, he could never give up such an opportunity.

Since the Diming Holy Ancestor asked Lin Tian to keep the Sky Star Stone at this time, he naturally couldn't refuse, and he didn't want to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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