Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1987 Sun Yubo leaves

Chapter 1987 Sun Yubo leaves

The whisk turned golden in the sky, and emitted thousands of golden lights, as if pouring down from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian and the others immediately ran away, and the alloy chariot quickly headed towards the periphery of the area covered by thousands of golden lights.

But the scope of the golden light was getting wider and wider. After the scope got bigger and bigger, Lin Tian felt that if he didn't come up with a countermeasure in time at this time, he might really give the opponent an advantage. .

After some observation, Lin Tian suddenly discovered that the whisk used by Master Yunmeng had a weakness, that is, once the whisk started to emit light, it could not move.

Lin Tian took advantage of this and flew quickly towards the top of the whisk. Because the whisk was unable to move, the golden light could only pour downwards instead of radiating upwards.

Lin Tian stirred the Changhong Sword vigorously towards the middle of the whisk, and after hearing a crackling sound, the whisk exploded.

At this moment, Master Yunmeng did not expect that Lin Tian would break his magical weapon, the whisk, and shouted: "Good boy, it seems you have some ability!"

"Your magical weapon has been broken. Why don't you leave at this time? If you don't leave, then we will be rude."

Speaking of being welcome, at this time Lin Tian felt that they were really going to show their true strength. If they didn't show their true strength, there would be no way to defeat Master Yunmeng.

Although Master Yunmeng's magic weapon whisk was broken, this does not mean that Lin Tian and the others will be able to defeat her easily. After all, Master Yunmeng has the most holy cultivation level. Once he reaches this level of cultivation, he cannot Look down on the other person.

What Lin Tian didn't expect at this time was that the other party actually turned around and said: "Lin Tian, ​​my magical weapon has been broken, and today's matter is over. If you want to find Sun Yubo, then go find him. Well, he asked me to come after all!"

After Master Yunmeng finished speaking, he was about to leave. Lin Tian was stunned and didn't say anything, because Lin Tian really didn't expect that Master Yunmeng would take the initiative to leave at this moment.

Is she scared?
Lin Tian thought that she must be scared, because she knew that she was no match for them alone, so she took the initiative to leave now.

If not, then why is she leaving now?

After Master Yunmeng left, Lin Tian looked at his alloy tank and said, "This alloy tank is going to be remodeled again. After the battle just now, this alloy tank has been hit again. It must go." Make some repairs.”

"Why did this layman Yunmeng leave suddenly?"

"I don't know. This woman didn't choose to leave because a magic weapon was destroyed. If so, she has too little confidence in her own strength."

Lin Tian thought about it and felt that what Xiao Xiner said made sense. If she left like this, she must have too little confidence in her own strength.

But she was right to leave. If she hadn't left, I'm afraid the two of them would continue to fight fiercely, and both sides would lose again.

Although she is the most holy person in cultivation, if the two sides fight, she will not gain any advantage.

Then they returned to Tianbao Holy Sect together. After returning, Xiao Xiner felt very angry about what happened today. She thought of Sun Yubo. This person was really hateful.

"Sun Yubo, do we really want to forgive this man?"

Lin Tian thought of Sun Yubo and said, "Well, of course I can't forgive him. I've said it before, I gave him a chance, but he didn't cherish the opportunity I gave him."

"Then what should you do next?" What Lin Tian has to do next is actually very simple. You must go to Sun Yubo and make him pay for his actions.

Xiao Xiner wanted to go with Lin Tian, ​​so Lin Tian now came to Sun Yubo's original residence with Xiao Xiner.

But when I arrived at Sun Yubo's house, I found that Sun Yubo's house was now locked and there was no one inside.

This shows that he has already left here.

"Did he say he escaped?"

Lin Tian nodded and said to Xiao Xiner: "Maybe Sun Yubo knew that I was coming to find him, so he escaped now. But it doesn't matter. Although Sun Yubo escaped, I will definitely be able to find him. .”

"We must find him, because Sun Yubo is really not worthy of forgiveness."

"Yes, this person is not worthy of forgiveness."

After they left the house at this time, they inquired about Sun Yubo's whereabouts. A little boy passing by heard about Sun Yubo and said to Lin Tian: "He seems to have left the local area and will never come back again. "

"is it?"

When Lin Tian heard what the little boy said, he asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Gouwa."

The names of children in this village are very casual. In order to make their children easier to support after they are born, parents will name their children Gou Wa, Gou Dan, etc.

"Forget it, since Sun Yubo has already escaped, let's go back too!"

Knowing that Sun Yubo had already escaped, Lin Tian felt that there was no point in staying here any longer, so at this moment Lin Tian told Xiao Xiner that they should go back first and let Sun Yubo's matter be a thing of the past!
Now that Sun Yubo has left, no matter how hard they search for Sun Yubo's whereabouts, it will probably be of no avail.

The world is big, and since a person has left this place, it is possible for him to go anywhere, but Xiao Xiner said: "I know where he might go?"

"Where to go?"

"Go to layman Yunmeng. This layman Yunmeng accepted his benefits, but did not help him complete the task of teaching you a lesson. In this case, he may go to layman Yunmeng to seek justice."

Now that Lin Tian heard about it, he felt that what Xiao Xiner said was reasonable. This Sun Yubo had given benefits to the layman Yunmeng and asked him to teach him a lesson, but now he failed to do so. If so, would Sun Yubo go to Master Yunmeng because of this matter?

Everything is possible, and the possibility of this thing is still very high.

If Sun Yubo goes to see layman Yunmeng, then Sun Yubo will be in danger, and he might be killed by layman Yunmeng.

Master Yunmeng is a strong man. Since he is a strong man, why would he take a thief like him seriously?

(End of this chapter)

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