Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1977 Bull-Headed Python

Chapter 1977 Bull-Headed Python
Whether to wait and see what happens, or to sit back and wait for death, Xiao Xiner feels that she can't tell yet.

She saw that Lin Tian was thinking now, so she said at this time: "Don't worry, I feel that with your intelligence, you will be able to figure this matter out."

"When did I become smart? You must know that my culture is not as high as yours."

Xiao Xiner smiled, didn't she?
But although her education was higher, her head was not as fast as Lin Tian's, so she said: "Well, I can only rely on you at this time anyway. If you can't get out, then I There is nothing you can do about it, you just have to figure it out yourself!"


Lin Tian nodded now and said: "Okay, I think you must be sleepy now. After all, you have walked for a day, and it is already dark now. You should have a good rest. I will think about it again." I wonder if there is any other way!"

Lin Tian asked her to rest here now, and he continued to think about it. No matter what, he must find a way.

If they can't think of a way, then they can only sit here and wait for death.

You have to know that he has never done anything like sitting still and waiting for death. No matter what kind of crisis he encountered before, he was able to quickly come up with a solution.

But what happened today really felt like something he was used to, because no matter how fast his brain turned, he still had no clue.

"Are we really going to be trapped here?"

He felt a little disappointed in himself. Why did he seem so incompetent at this time?
He closed his eyes and carefully observed the flow of air around him, and suddenly he seemed to realize something.

"There seems to be something wrong with the air here!"

Yes, Lin Tian did find something wrong with the air here at this moment. It seemed that there was a sweet smell in the air.

"Could it be that a certain smell made us hallucinate?"

Lin Tian thought that this kind of thing might really happen, so he started to hold his breath, and then started to meditate here.

In this way, they waited until the next morning.

In the morning of the next day, the sun rose from the sky. Lin Tian found that everything was back to normal, so he said to Xiao Xiner: "Xin'er, wake up quickly now!"

Xiao Xiner now got up from the ground and said, "What's wrong?"

"Look at whether everything has returned to normal at this time. Take out the map and take a look at it to see if it is still a blank piece of paper!"

Xiao Xiner took out the map, took a look at it and said, "It's really strange. Why was this map blank yesterday and now it's back to normal?"

"Because the air is wrong. There was a smell in the air here last night. I think it was because of the air that we fell into a fantasy."

"What you said can't be true, is it possible?"

"It is indeed possible, and what happened yesterday has proven my judgment. As it approaches evening, the air here will become a little sweeter, and by that time we will be The air affects you, and you fall into an illusion."

"If what you say is true, that's terrible!"

Xiao Xiner felt a little nervous in her heart. If what he said was true, then fortunately they only had the illusion of being lost last night, and not other illusions.

If other illusions arise, then terrible things may actually happen. "Let's continue walking at this time. At night, we must take precautions and stop breathing in air at that time. Only in this way will we not be in trouble again!"


She nodded, because they all knew the Turtle Breathing Technique, so even if they didn't breathe for a night, nothing would happen.

They continued on the road at this time, and after a while they saw a large river in front of them.

A big river was very wide. They were a little thirsty now, so they ran to the river to drink water.

But at this moment, a very tall creature emerged from the river. This was a bull-headed python, a very high-level monster.

The bull-headed python suddenly emerged from the water and attacked them.

Xiao Xiner felt that she was very nervous at this time, and she quickly stepped back, while Lin Tian was worried about her and rushed forward quickly.

"Xin'er, be careful!"

Lin Tian grabbed Xiao Xiner's body and pulled her over at once.

Fortunately, he was faster and Xiao Xiner was not injured in any way.

The bull-headed python looked very scary, because it was so huge that it was unimaginable, about 50 meters tall.

"It's really a giant creature. I never expected to see this bull-headed python here!"

The bull-headed python is an ancient mythical beast, so seeing the bull-headed python at this time, Lin Tian actually felt a little excited in his heart.

Many monks have never seen this bull-headed python in their lives. After all, this bull-headed python is a very rare ancient beast.

"Will it continue to attack us now?"

"I feel that they will continue to attack us, but don't worry about anything, I will protect you!"

The bull-headed python now let out a loud roar towards them, and at this moment, it quickly rushed towards them.

Seeing the bull-headed python rushing towards them, Lin Tian pulled Xiao Xiner and said, "Let's run quickly, because it is very powerful at this time, so it's better for us to escape quickly. !”

If they fight head-on, Lin Tian cannot guarantee that he will be the opponent of the bull-headed python. Since there is no guarantee of victory, the best way at this time is to escape.

As long as they can escape at this time, then that is a very good thing, at least there is no threat to their lives.

But what they didn't expect was that the bull-headed python was about to catch up with them at this moment.

"Let me go, why is this bull-headed python chasing us now? If it is really caught up, it will be dead."

Lin Tianzhen really felt helpless. This bull-headed python must be at the level of an ancient mythical beast anyway. It was so heartwarming to keep chasing after the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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