Chapter 1963 Mass Order
After discovering this matter, Zhao Linxin felt that this was definitely not a good thing.

Originally, she came here to do business, just to defeat Wanbao Pavilion and become the most famous shop in the area.

I originally wanted to suppress the other party by lowering the price, but I didn't expect that the other party was about to be driven to death, but miraculously revived.

"This Shui Linglong seems to have two skills. She thought of using the method of selling Suzaku Pill to regain those old customers, but I will not give you such a chance."

Zhao Linxin wanted to deal with Wanbao Pavilion, and she had come up with all these methods. As long as she was willing to think about it, there would definitely be some methods.

She immediately asked her subordinates to come over and whispered something to them.

After finishing speaking, those people quickly left the store, and Zhao Linxin smiled to herself and said, "Well, if you want to fight with me, you are a little too young."

The sales of Wanbao Pavilion's Zhuque Dan are very good, and the number of people is increasing.

What Shui Linglong didn't expect was that more than 200 Vermilion Bird Pills were sold in one day. Although Wanbao Pavilion didn't make much money, it finally regained some customers.

In the evening, several people came outside, and each of those people purchased a large amount.

"Boss, give me two hundred Vermillion Pills."

A man with a mustache now walked to the front desk and asked for two hundred Suzaku Pills.

After hearing that this man wanted two hundred Vermillion Bird Pills, Shui Linglong felt a little surprised and asked again: "Are you really sure you want two hundred Vermilion Bird Pills?"

"I'm sure."

"Then I would like to ask you, what is the purpose of purchasing such a large amount of Vermillion Bird Pill?"

"My family has a great business, so of course it is reserved for the children of my family. What's wrong? Your Wanbao Pavilion can't even get out two hundred Vermillion Bird Pills, right?"

"Of course not. Meeting the needs of customers is what Wanbao Pavilion should do."

At this time, Shui Linglong didn't realize what was going on. Since the other party bought two hundred Vermillion Bird Pills, she sold them directly to him.

Later, the person in line was a fat man. This fat man was dressed in rich brocade and said, "I'll give you three hundred Vermillion Pills."

"Three hundred?"

Shui Linglong was even more surprised now. Did this person want to buy too many Vermillion Bird Pills?
"Have it?"

"Yes, of course there is!"

Shui Linglong also sold the remaining [-] Vermillion Bird Pills to the other party.

Later, another man walked in. This man was in his 40s and relatively muscular. He just asked for the Vermilion Bird Pill, but Shui Linglong said, "Sorry, our Vermilion Bird Pill has been sold out. If you need it, If so, wait until tomorrow!”

"I need a lot of Suzaku Pills, ten thousand pills."

"Ten thousand?"

"Do you accept orders here? If possible, I would like to order [-] Suzaku Pills from you. The price is negotiable."

Shui Linglong was really surprised at this moment. She thought that although the Vermilion Bird Pill was a very good pill, it wouldn't be so popular, right?

"Are you really sure you want to order [-] Suzaku Pills?" "Yes, because I am doing business in other places. I decided to order [-] Suzaku Pills and sell them to other places. What's wrong? Are you saying that I am asking you to Isn’t Wanbao Pavilion satisfied?”

"No, why can't our Wanbao Pavilion meet your needs? It's just that today's goods are really sold out. If you need to order, it will take some time."

The strong man then asked: "How long will it take to prepare ten thousand Suzaku Pills?"

"It will take about a month!"

"Okay, it's just one month, here's the deposit."

After Shui Linglong accepted the deposit, she watched the man leave.

What happened tonight was really weird. Three people actually made large purchases, and the last person ordered [-] Suzaku Pills at once.

This kind of thing made Shui Linglong feel a little uneasy.

Because in fact, he is not producing these Zhuque Pills to make profits at all, but just to win back customers. But if that person wants to order [-] Zhuque Pills, and Wanbao Pavilion cannot get them, it will also damage Wanbao Pavilion’s reputation. .

"Someone must have tripped me up!"

Now after thinking about it for a while, Shui Linglong finally figured it out. Yes, someone must have tripped her up and wanted to trick her.

"What to do about this?"

Shui Linglong knew that it was not possible to sit still and wait for death at this time, so she had to go to Lin Tian to discuss it immediately.

After finding Lin Tian, ​​she told Lin Tian what happened that night. After hearing this, Lin Tian felt that someone was really behind the scenes.

"Now that I have listened to what you said, I roughly understand what is going on. Those people must want to buy a large amount of the Vermilion Bird Pill sold by your Wanbao Pavilion. In this case, Wanbao Pavilion's Vermilion Bird Pill can only be supplied to ordinary customers. Naturally, it will not be enough. In this case, although Wanbao Pavilion says it has made a big business, it will lose some ordinary customers."

"Yes, that's what I'm worried about. Lin Tian, ​​what do you think I should do?"

"Actually, you don't have to worry about this. Since you have accepted this order, then take it. Our Tianbao Holy Sect will increase the production of Vermilion Bird Pill. In addition, starting from tomorrow, we must limit the purchase of Vermilion Bird Pill. Every day Individuals are only allowed to purchase one per day.”

"You're right, why didn't I think of the purchase restrictions?"

Lin Tian looked at her and said with a smile: "It's normal that you didn't expect it. At this time, don't think too much, because there are some things that will make you nervous when things come to a head and make some wrong decisions. .”

After Shui Linglong returned, Lin Tian felt that the speed of refining the Vermilion Bird Pill had to be accelerated. Otherwise, there would be no way to help Shui Linglong.

You must know that Shui Linglong is a very important friend to Lin Tian. If this is the case, then of course Lin Tian hopes that he can help her well.

The next day, Lin Tian asked the people of Tianbao Holy Sect to speed up the elixir refining. They were refining during the day and others were refining at night. The speed was naturally accelerated a lot.

According to what Shui Linglong told Lin Tian before, Lin Tian wouldn't have to do this at all, but he heard that Shui Linglong seemed to have been tricked, so he had to help her get through this difficulty.

The Vermillion Bird Pill, which originally took a month to refine, now took only half a month to refine. Lin Tian found Shui Linglong and told her the good news.

Shui Linglong felt very happy after hearing this and said, "Thank you very much, Lin Tian. If you hadn't helped me, I might have really been in big trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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