Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1944 The last day of 3 days

Chapter 1944 The last day of three days

"How are you doing?"

Lin Tian saw that Fairy Bibo was injured, so he asked with concern at this time.

"It's okay, I can't die for now."

Lin Tian saw that her arm had suppurated at this moment, and the suppuration speed was too fast. It seemed that the Nanhai Ancestor had injured her, and not simply injured her.

"What should I do? This wound seems to be decaying very quickly."

"It's okay, I can control it."

Fairy Bibo drew a talisman in the air, which directly suppressed the deterioration of the wound, and then said: "Take care of the Nanhai Ancestor, he can't live."

"it is good!"

Lin Tian walked towards the Nanhai Ancestor step by step at this moment. The other person's eyes were full of fear. He now finally knew what fear looked like.

Lin Tian kicked him over and kicked him a dozen meters away. After he fell to the ground, he vomited blood and seemed to have no breath.

"You've become half-demonized, and I can't keep you."

He raised the Changhong Sword, and then cut it towards the ground in the air. Suddenly a crack appeared on the ground, and he threw the body of the Nanhai Ancestor down.

"Keep it underground forever. I hope this earth can purify your soul."

In fact, every evil person may not be so evil at first. Although Lin Tian did not spare him during his lifetime, he hoped that his soul could be purified after his death.

After killing the ancestor of Nanhai, Lin Tian asked Fairy Bibo: "How are you now?"

"Although I have temporarily stopped the deterioration of the wound at this time, the deterioration will continue. I must use my spiritual power to continue to maintain the wound from deteriorating."

"How long can you last?"

"It can only last for three days. After three days, the injury will continue to worsen. I'm afraid even gods won't be able to save me after three days."

When Xiao Xiner heard what Fairy Bibo said, she felt very nervous and said, "What should we do? How can we help you?"

"I don't know how you can help me. I'll search the ancient books carefully after I go back. Maybe I can find a treatment method from the ancient books."

"Then what are you waiting for now? I'll go back now!"

There was no time to waste now, because it was related to Fairy Bibo's body, so they went back quickly at this time.

Back at Tianbao Holy Sect, when the Diming Holy Ancestor saw that Fairy Bibo's arm was injured and it looked very serious, he worriedly said: "Fairy Bibo, what's wrong with you? This wound looks very serious. !”

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry about me. I believe that a cure can be found!" Although she has been injured, Fairy Bibo believes that a cure can be found. There are some things in the world that always bring down one thing after another. Yes, although he was scratched by the ancestor of Nanhai, she believed that she would definitely think of a way to treat him.

"I was already scratched by the semi-demonized ancestor of the South China Sea, but in fact, the reason why this wound deteriorated so quickly was because it was eroded by the evil grass. I must find something to restrain the evil grass, so I said Don’t bother me until I find something like this!”

After she finished speaking, she walked into the room.

And Lin Tian thought that they couldn't do nothing, so Lin Tian quickly came to Feilu Novel Network and asked the old man Tianshu if there was anything that could restrain the evil grass.

When Old Man Tianshu heard that Fairy Bibo was scratched by the South China Sea Ancestor who ate the evil evil grass, he touched his beard and said: "Everything in the world has the opposite of restraint. What is the opposite of the evil grass?"

When he said this, he suddenly stopped talking. Lin Tian looked at him and asked: "Teacher, why don't you stop talking now? Tell me quickly, who can restrain the evil grass?" what?"

"I can't seem to remember it. I don't know which book I read this knowledge in before, but now I have almost forgotten it."

Hearing what Old Man Shu said that day, Lin Tianzhen felt really speechless. How could he choose to forget at this time?
"Teacher, you must not let your guard down at this time. This is a matter of human life, so you must remember it!"

"I really can't remember it for the moment, Lin Tian, ​​please don't rush me. The more you push me, the less I may be able to remember it."

Lin Tianzhen really didn't know what to say. As long as she found something that could restrain the evil weed, she could save Fairy Bibo. But at this moment, Old Man Tianshu said that he couldn't remember.

Wu Long stood aside and said to Lin Tian: "Junior brother Lin Tian, ​​don't rush the master. After all, the master's memory is not as good as yours. There are some things that, although he remembered them at the time, he will still forget them later. "

"Okay, then, teacher, I'm asking you, you must remember that Fairy Bibo seems to only have three days. After three days, her wounds will worsen, and by then no one will be able to save her. "

"Go out quickly and give me time to think carefully!"

Old Man Tianshu also seemed a little impatient. He was an old man now, how could he be urged like this?

Lin Tian walked out and sighed, thinking what to do if he couldn't find a way to restrain the evil grass. Fairy Bibo couldn't really die on the evil grass in the end, right?
"No, Fairy Bibo was injured this time because I failed to protect her, so she was injured. No matter what, I must find a way to save her this time!"

Wu Long said to Lin Tian: "Junior brother Lin Tian, ​​don't worry like this. I believe that Jiren has his own destiny, and Fairy Bibo can definitely turn the danger into safety."

"Thank you for your relief, but what I need most right now is treatment."

At this moment, Lin Tian finished speaking and left. He had to find more people to search for the classics. Although he knew that searching like this was like finding a needle in a haystack, there was no other way.

He couldn't do nothing at this time. If he did nothing, wouldn't it be the same as giving up?

Time passed very quickly at this moment. Two days had passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Tian felt extremely nervous in his heart. Fairy Bibo had three days to relieve her injury, but now two days have passed. God, there is only one day left.

In the last day, they must find something to restrain the evil grass. Otherwise, Fairy Bibo's wounds will inevitably worsen and become uncontrollable.

(End of this chapter)

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