Chapter 1937 Canyon Chase
Seeing them chasing after each other, Shui Linglong sighed in her heart, thinking that it was all her fault for being greedy and causing so much trouble.

"What kind of bullshit blood Ganoderma is this? If I had known this, I wouldn't have bought it."

But what has happened has already happened and there is no way to undo it.

Many things in this world are like this, always making people feel unhappy. At this time, she just hopes that Lin Tian can catch up with the evil grass quickly. After catching up with the evil grass, he can kill the evil grass. Beheaded.

"Lin Tian, ​​you must catch up, otherwise, this matter may not end well."

Two people have died in Wanbao Pavilion. Although the death of these two people was not directly caused by Shui Linglong, it is inseparable from Wanbao Pavilion. After all, people died in Wanbao Pavilion.

Shui Linglong also knew that this matter had to be spent to eliminate the disaster. If a sum of money was not spent, then this matter might not be solved.

"We must spend money to eliminate the disaster."

She planned to deal with the matters in Wanbao Pavilion first. After all, it was not a problem to delay the compensation matter. Sometimes the longer it was delayed, the more troublesome it became.

At this moment, Lin Tian and Fairy Bibo were already chasing the evil grass.

The Earth Warcraft is opening the way in front, and its speed is also very fast.

"The speed of the monster here is really too fast, we can't even catch up."

"Yes, although the Earth Demon Beast is just a small beast of the Earth Demon Beast, it is really very fast at the moment. Let's come up!"

Lin Tian pulled the Bibo Fairy, and then suddenly jumped on the back of the Earthly Warcraft. Riding on that Earthly Warcraft was really impressive. After all, this Earthly Warcraft was an ancient mythical beast.

After chasing for a while, the monster stopped, and the evil grass running in front also suddenly stopped.

After the evil grass stopped at this moment, it turned towards them. At this time, it seemed that it knew that it could not escape even if it wanted to.

"Don't run away anymore, because you can't escape anymore."

The earth monster is now roaring at the Xie Zui grass, as if it wants to eat it at any moment.

But just when Lin Tian felt that the evil grass could not escape, it suddenly jumped towards the canyon in front.

"What, jumped?"

Lin Tian really didn't expect that the evil grass would jump off the cliff, so at this moment he said, "What should we do now?"

"What else to do, keep chasing!"

Fairy Bibo felt that if she didn't catch up at this time, the next thing might be even more difficult to solve.

Therefore, they must catch up and resolve this matter, so that other things will not happen.

They quickly pursued it at this time. Although the cliff was very deep, they still wanted to pursue it because they did not want to give up.

After chasing for a while, Lin Tian felt a little nervous in his heart, because the bottom of the cliff was covered with fog, and there was some unknown gas in the fog.

I don't know whether these gases will cause harm to the body, so Lin Tian is a little worried. "Well, the fog here will have some bad effects on the body. The evil grass escaped here because it knew there was a lot of fog here, so it chose to escape here. Because of the sight here, so we It won’t be easy to find the evil weed.”

"Really? Isn't it easy to find?"

Lin Tian frowned, wondering if this was the case, would they really give up? If they gave up now, wouldn't they give up halfway?
He didn't want to give up halfway, and if the evil grass really escaped, he would do more bad things in the future.

So he didn't want to give up in his heart. At this time, he felt that he had to keep searching. No matter how difficult it was at this time, he could not give up at this time.

Once you give up on something, it becomes impossible to continue.

"What should we do now? Should we go back or continue searching?"

Hearing what Fairy Bibo said, Lin Tian said: "I feel that I must continue to search at this time, because if I give up now, then the evil grass may do a lot of bad things in the future. I I really don’t want that to happen again.”

Two people have already died in Wanbao Pavilion. If this evil spirit is not stopped, more people may die in the future.

"I agree with you, but it's not easy for us to find them here at this time. Now we can only rely on earth monsters."

Although there is a lot of fog here, the Earth Demon Beast relies on its own sense of smell, so even if the evil grass escapes far away, the Earth Demon Beast can still feel it.

"I feel that the Earth Warcraft will definitely be able to find the Evil Grass at this time, don't you think so, Earth Warcraft?"

The Earth Demon Beast nodded very humanely at this moment, and Fairy Bibo smiled and said: "The Earth Demon Beast's IQ is still very good, it seems quite high!"

"Why don't you say that? You don't even know who its owner is. It's me."

Over the past few days of getting along with each other, Earth Warcraft has acquired some human characteristics, such as being able to understand what Lin Tian said.

Lin Tian hopes that he can continue to train the Earthly Warcraft in the future so that the Earthly Warcraft has more abilities.


The demon beast roared and walked in one direction. Lin Tian looked a little nervous and said: "Fairy Bibo, after a while we found the evil grass. Do you think we can catch it? ?”

"Why do you ask that? Do you have doubts about your own strength?"

"Although I have no doubts about my strength, we don't know the strength of the evil grass!"

"Don't worry about this. Since the evil grass chose to escape, it shows that in terms of strength, it is indeed inferior to us, so we don't have to worry so much at this time. We can just follow the monsters to chase after us. .”

Lin Tian felt that Fairy Bibo was right. They must catch up at this time. Apart from this, there was no need to worry about anything else, because worry was completely unnecessary and would only distract them.

The footsteps of the earth monster are very calm, as if they are calmer than human beings.


At this time, the earth monster seemed to be saying that the evil grass was just ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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