Chapter 1914 Family Mark
"That was an ancient curse. At that time, our clan and the Tuoba clan were actually two big races in the same village. Later, a demonic dragon appeared in the nearby mountains."

Yang Ling'er started talking now. The general idea was that the two families worked together to kill the demon dragon, but the demon dragon put a curse on them before dying, and then cursed them to stay in the far north forever. You must never leave the land, otherwise you will die suddenly if you leave it for too long.

After telling this story, Lin Tian wondered whether this thing was true?

Is there really such an evil curse in this world?

"Is this curse real? Have you verified it?"

"Of course it has been verified. In the past, some members of our family wanted to leave this place, but if they left here, their bodies would undergo some mutations before long, and later they would get some diseases, and then they would die of the disease."

Lin Tian thought to himself why this was the case, and asked, "Does it mean that no solution has been found over the years?"

"There is no solution at all. We can only stay here. Only by staying here can we save our lives and continue to have children."

Lin Tian thought to himself that Yang Ling'er was already so powerful at this time. She was the most holy cultivator. Could it be that she couldn't leave here for too long?
"If you leave here for too long, how will your body feel? If you tell me now, maybe I can help you solve it, because I have learned some medical skills before, so I Maybe we can help you solve it."

"Haha, are you telling the truth? Have you really learned some medical skills? Can you help me solve this problem?"

"Although I don't know if I can help you solve it, I can only give it a try at this time. Do you believe me?"

"Why should I not believe you at this time? Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

She lifted her arm, then smiled and said, "Did you see this mark on my arm?"

Lin Tian saw that there was indeed a black mark on her arm. At this time, he said, "What kind of mark is this? It's so ugly. Why do you have this on your arm?"

"This is the mark that all members of our family have been cursed with. When everyone is born, there will be such a mark on their arms. When we leave here, the color of this mark will gradually deepen. When this black mark When it finally turns completely dark, the body will get sick and eventually die!"

"Oh, that means that the color of this mark will not deepen as long as you live here, is that what you're saying?"

"That's right. As long as you stay here, the color of this mark will not deepen. When you leave this far north, the color will deepen. The last time I saw the color on my arm began to deepen, I If you rush back here, the added color will gradually fade away after you return here."


Lin Tian felt a little curious and asked at this moment: "Can you let me touch this black mark?"

"Of course, because you regard me as your sister now, then you can naturally take a look. If you can really help me, that would be great!"

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and touched the mark on her arm. At this time, he found that the mark was a little hot, like a flame. Lin Tian thought that he was not too nervous, so he felt Something went wrong?

"Why did I feel that the mark was so hot just now?"

"You are not wrong. This mark is indeed very hot. This is why our people stay in this far north and feel that our bodies are not very cold, because our bodies can originally emit high temperatures due to this mark to resist Severe cold." "Oh, so that's what it's like, I really feel something strange!"

The shape of this mark reminded Lin Tian of a kind of hieroglyph. Lin Tian probed his spiritual power into it. At this time, he discovered something, that is, his spiritual power was bounced back. The mark seemed to be full of A very powerful force appeared, preventing him from entering and exploring.

"There is no way for my spiritual power to enter it. This is really a strange mark!"

"Are you feeling very curious?"

"That's natural. When I encounter such a strange thing, of course I will feel it in my heart and become very curious!"

"Not only you, I also feel very curious in my heart, but at this time there is no other way to solve this problem. This is the ancient curse of our family. If you say there is no way, then forget it. !”

"Well, although there is nothing I can do, I feel that there is someone who might be able to do something."

"Who are you talking about?"

"This person is none other than Old Man Tianshu."

"Old man from Heaven's Book?"

Lin Tian then smiled and said: "Yes, it is the old man Tianshu from Feilu Novel Network. If you are willing, then follow me to Feilu Novel Network now. I guarantee that you will gain something after going. of.

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course, the old man Tianshu is knowledgeable and memorized, so there are many things that are very difficult for us, but for him, they are the simplest things. So now, do you want to go with me? Woolen cloth?"

You must know that Yang Ling'er has been cursed by this curse for a long time. She has been cursed since she was a child, so she has always wanted to lift this curse, but she doesn't know how to lift this evil curse. , so as she grows up, she hates this curse more and more.

But even if there was hatred in her heart, it would have no effect at all. She had no way to undo this group of meat, because she didn't know how to undo the curse.

Legend has it that they killed the ancient dragon and were cursed by it. Now, she heard that it was possible to break the curse, so she naturally felt a little happy in her heart.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, she will never give up. As long as she can give it a try, she is still willing to give it a try.

"If you are willing to take me with you, then let's leave now!"

"Well, well, let's leave now. I believe Old Man Tianshu can help you break this curse!"

After Lin Tian and Yang Ling'er were ready, they left the Far North and prepared to return to Lingyue City.

(End of this chapter)

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