Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1890 The attack does not work

Chapter 1890 The attack does not work

Moreover, he couldn't bear the idea of ​​medicinal materials being stolen, so no matter what, he must get what he deserved this time.

"You still won't give it to me?"

Yang Ling'er stood in the air, looked into Lin Tian's eyes, and said word by word: "I can't give it to you. If you want it, then grab it from my hand!"

"Huh, if that's the case, don't blame me for bullying the younger. Although you are a girl, I didn't want to argue with you, but at this moment, you actually stole my medicine garden. Such a thing It’s really unbearable!”

The six-pointed mirror flew directly into the sky. This six-pointed mirror was a very powerful magic weapon. Using the six-pointed mirror proved one thing, that is, Lin Tian did not intend to hold back at this time.

Although the other party is a girl, if Lin Tian holds back at this time, I am afraid that he will be the one injured in the end.

Strength is always the most important criterion to measure a person, so at this time, he felt that he could not take it lightly. The opponent's strength seemed really strong, because it could be seen from her speed!
She was very fast, even faster than Qin Shuxiang, so he felt a little unimaginable just by guessing how powerful such a person was.

"The Six-pointed Divine Mirror?"

Now when Yang Ling'er saw Lin Tian taking out the six-pointed mirror, he smiled lightly. At this time, I smiled and said, "Even if you have such a powerful magic weapon, you are still no match for me!"

"Do you know the Six-pointed Divine Mirror?"

"That's natural. Although such a magic weapon can emit thousands of golden lights, I have a protective shield made from ice crystal beasts, so you can't break my defense!"

"is it?"

Lin Tianxin wanted to see that the other party's confidence showed that she was really a very powerful cultivator. Maybe he had underestimated her this time.

The six-pointed mirror emitted thousands of golden lights in the sky. The light was even more dazzling than the light emitted by the sun. Such strong golden light shone directly towards the opponent.

"I've told you before, your attacks have no effect on me!"

Yang Ling'er suddenly condensed a layer of ice on the surrounding body, and the light could not penetrate the ice layer.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian felt that something was not right. What was going on?

Although the Six-pointed Divine Mirror is said to be very powerful, it has no effect at all at this time. Could it be that the opponent's defense is so powerful?

After seeing this situation, Holy Ancestor Di Ming also felt a little speechless, and said to Lin Tian: "Brother, your attack doesn't seem to be effective, so what should you do at this time?" What to do, should we change the attack method?"

"It's impossible. How could such a thing happen?"

When Lin Tian heard what Saint Ancestor Di Ming said, he also felt a little unwilling to believe it. The Six-pointed Divine Mirror was obviously a very powerful magic weapon. How come it didn't react at all when it shined on the ice layer, and the ice layer didn't even react at all? Not even an iota of melting.

In his opinion, it was impossible to happen, but now such a thing really happened.He felt something incredible. Even if the ice was extremely cold, it couldn't possibly melt at all!
But at this time, the ice layer had not melted at all, so he felt something strange in his heart. How did the other party do it?

"How did you do it, and why does your defense look a little strange?"

"You don't have to be surprised at this time, because I won't tell you. Haha, now you know that you are not my opponent. Now that you know that you are not my opponent, then leave now, because even if you follow If I fight, you will also fail!"

"Yang Ling'er, do you think you can really defeat me? Although I can't break through your defense, at this time, I can still defeat you with my own strength!"

Although the Six-pointed Divine Mirror is a very powerful magic weapon, the attack of this magic weapon is based on light, but such an attack has no effect.

So now Lin Tian plans to use another attack method. Diming Saint Ancestor said that if one attack method does not work, you can change to another attack method.

Lin Tian flew directly towards the opponent. If this is the case, let you taste the power of the flying sword.

"What, you dare to come directly, then I will let you see my true strength!"

After Yang Ling'er finished speaking, the temperature around his body suddenly dropped. The temperature dropped a lot in an instant. Lin Tian found that his body was suddenly frozen.

"What's wrong? I've been frozen. How did she do it? The speed was so fast. I didn't even have time to dodge before I was already frozen?"

Lin Tian felt very surprised in his heart. When he thought this, it was already too late. Ice had formed around his body, and he couldn't move at all even if he wanted to move his body.

He suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

The lump of ice was huge, just sitting on the ground, and it didn't mean to melt at all.

Saint Ancestor Di Ming saw that Lin Tian was covered in ice at this time, so he opened his mouth wide and said to Yang Ling'er: "Girl, how can you do this? He won't die, right?"

"Whether he will die or not depends on me. If I let him go now, then of course he won't die. But if he hasn't come out after a while, will he? Death, I’m not sure.”

"Girl, you should let him go. Can't I apologize to you now? This is all my fault, so just let him go!"

"What's the use of apologizing to me, because the person who offended me just now is not you, but him, so I just want to hear him apologize to me himself!"

Holy Ancestor Di Ming was really speechless, thinking that Lin Tian has been frozen now, how can he apologize to you?
Then Holy Ancestor Di Ming smiled and said: "Girl, please let him go first, then he can apologize to you, don't you think so?"

Yang Ling'er smiled lightly and said, "Yeah, but what you said is right, then I'll let him out now!"

(End of this chapter)

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