Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1872 Hidden Weapon Penetrating Bone Nail

Chapter 1872 Hidden Weapon Penetrating Bone Nail

"Are you cowards just hiding under the water and not coming out?"

While Lin Tian and the three of them were using water-repelling beads to hide under the water, the evil cultivator was screaming on the sea surface.

He hoped that they could come out quickly. After all, he was afraid of water. It would be absolutely impossible to go under the water.

So only when they come out can he have a chance to deal with them.

Especially Fairy Bibo, he really wanted to kill her and then use her Nascent Soul to practice.

Under the sea, Lin Tian asked Fairy Bibo: "Do you know what other weaknesses the demon cultivator has? We can use his weaknesses to attack him."

"I know that in addition to being afraid of water, he is also afraid of one thing, and that is thunder and lightning. However, my ability is limited and I cannot draw thunder to attack him. I wonder if you can do that?"

"Are you afraid of thunder and lightning?"

Lin Tian held his chin and smiled and said: "I have a way to completely defeat the evil cultivator. After all, this person is afraid of water and thunder and lightning, so we can give him these two things together."

"You mean to use sea water and lightning to attack?"

"That's right, Holy Ancestor Diming, after a while, you stir up the sea water, and I stir up the thunder and lightning. Let's put these two things together, so that the evil cultivator will be left with broken chrysanthemums and wounds all over the place."

"Haha, you are awesome, if that's the case, then do it like this!"

The demon cultivator is indeed stronger than them, but that doesn't mean they can't attack him. As long as they master his weaknesses, attacking him is actually very simple.

Weakness attack means to seize the opponent's weakness and then attack the opponent's weakness. It's actually that simple.

When the demon cultivator was shouting, Lin Tian suddenly flew out of the water. The demon cultivator saw Lin Tian flying out and wanted to chase him, but Lin Tian directly raised the six-pointed mirror and faced it directly. Aim at the sky.

Injecting spiritual power into the six-pointed mirror, the six-pointed mirror emitted a ray of light that shot straight into the sky, and thunder and lightning suddenly began to appear in the sky.

"Lead thunder into the sea!"

"Overturn the river and the sea!"

Holy Ancestor Di Ming controlled the sea water and flew directly into the air. The thunder and lightning entered the sea water and made a piercing sound.

At this moment, the water-resisting bead controlled the already conductive seawater and smashed it directly towards the demon cultivator.


He was caught off guard and was hit like this. His entire body was submerged in the sea water, and then a fishy smell spread in the sea water.

The fishy smell was very unpleasant and came from the body of this evil cultivator. It turned out to be toxins. Many fish in the surrounding seawater floated to the surface after being poisoned.

"Is he dead?"

Holy Ancestor Di Ming watched him lying in the water like this after being attacked. He didn't know if he was dead.

It would be great if he died. When the Holy Ancestor of the local Ming Dynasty approached him, he suddenly opened his eyes: "Humph, I didn't expect that you guys know how to be clever. You know my weakness and use it to attack." Me, but I am a holy cultivator, how can I be killed by such a small attack!"

He suddenly flew up from the sea water, and his body radiated a strong heat, which evaporated all the sea water on his body. "Well, I was attacked by you just now, and my body suffered some injuries, but this does not affect my ability to deal with you at all. Today is the day you die."

"Really? Today is the day we die. You are so brazen, do you know the consequences?"

The six-pointed mirror once again erupted with a burst of fire, shooting straight into the sky. Thunder and lightning were once again in the sky. Because the thunder and lightning this time was even worse, the storm suddenly started falling from the sky.

Under the intertwining thunder and lightning, the evil cultivator finally became afraid. He waved his hand and said: "Okay, this time I am afraid of you, and I will settle the score with you next time!"

But Lin Tian didn't wait for him to escape, he smiled faintly and said: "Do you think you can still leave? I will never let go of a villain like you!" "

Lin Tian saw the other party trying to escape, so he turned into a bolt of lightning and chased after him.

You know, it is not difficult to catch up with the opponent, because he does have an advantage in flying speed, and the three of them worked together to catch up with him and surrounded him.

"Don't even think about escaping. We won't let you escape under any circumstances today. Evil devil, you never thought that you would be in such a predicament, right?"

"I really didn't expect to be surrounded by you here today, but it's very difficult for you to kill me!"

As he spoke, a very strong poisonous mist emitted from his body. The demon cultivator was good at using poison and was a poison master. The poisonous mist emitted directly from his body, making people feel that he was really caught off guard.

"It turned out to be poisonous mist!"

The poisonous mist spread to the surroundings, and Lin Tian immediately held his breath, knowing that he must not inhale the poisonous mist into his body now, otherwise he would be poisoned.

"Hmph, do you think you can escape my poisonous mist this way? You are really too naive."

He flew higher into the sky and directly dispersed the poisonous mist in all directions. The poisonous mist mixed with the rainwater and headed directly towards them.

If this rainwater soaked in poisonous mist falls on them, their bodies may become rotten and poisoned.

Lin Tian immediately formed an energy shield around his body.

This energy shield could completely isolate his body from the outside world, and Saint Ancestor Diming and Fairy Bibo also used the same method to protect their bodies.

The rainwater dripped on the energy shield and made a sizzling sound. It seemed that this thing was very corrosive, and even some of the energy shield was corroded.

Lin Tian looked at the evil cultivator and felt that today either you will die or I will die. If that's the case, let you feel the taste of the bone-penetrating nails.

Lin Tian is usually good at using some hidden weapons, and this bone-penetrating nail is one of them. It is not easy for his bone-penetrating nail to hit the opponent, but if the bone-penetrating nail is mixed in the sea water, then it will hit the opponent's The probability will be greatly increased.

"Holy Ancestor Di Ming, stir up the sea water, let's do it again!"

"Okay, let's do it again!"

Holy Ancestor Di Ming immediately stirred up the sea water, and Fairy Bibo assisted him with water-repelling beads. The two of them controlled tens of thousands of hectares of sea surface to churn directly, heading towards the evil cultivator.

"Hmph, you are so despicable, always taking advantage of my weaknesses to attack me."

The demon cultivator suddenly retreated back. Although he was a little afraid of the sea water, the sea water would never kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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