Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1844 Lin Tian temporarily compromised

Chapter 1844 Lin Tian temporarily compromised
Lin Tian looked at his smile and wondered if he had any trump cards. If he really had any trump cards, then he must be careful.

Because he had suffered a loss last time, he must be careful this time so that he would not fall behind.

You must know that the other party is not a simple person, he is a master of formation, so Lin Tian must be extra careful when confronting such a person.

If he is not careful, he may fall into the opponent's game again, in which case it will be difficult for him to win.

Strength is a very important thing, but sometimes strength is not based on cultivation. Now at this time, he finally understands what this sentence means?

There are many types of strength, so at this time, Lin Tian is still a little worried about what kind of tricks the opponent will use.

If he used a cunning trick like last time, what should he do?

"Lin Tian, ​​I know you came here to seek revenge from me today, but I'm afraid I won't be able to let you get your wish today. Do you know why?"


"Although at this time, my strength is not as high as yours, it does not mean that I will lose to you. After the last battle between us, I have already understood you. Your heart is relatively soft. So you will never see them die, right?"

At this moment, he suddenly said to the group of women behind him: "Now your life and death are all in his hands, so you'd better ask him not to let you die!"

"What, you are too shameless. You are threatening me with the lives of these women. Don't you think it is too much? After all, you are also a cultivator. As a cultivator, you are too despicable and shameless to do this. Got it!"

"I also know that what I did was despicable, but compared to saving my own life, I still think that saving my own life is more important, don't you think?"

"Maybe some people will agree with you, but I think you are really despicable and shameless. Today, I have no way to defeat you. Please let these women go. As long as you If you let these women go, I will let you go, and I will never seek revenge from you again. What do you think of this deal?"

However, Yun Zhenzi suddenly burst out laughing: "Do you think I will believe you when you say this? Let me tell you, I won't believe anything you say at this time. I know you are a very kind person. Smart, so sometimes I don’t believe everything you say. At this time, you should hurry up and do what I say. If you don’t do what I say, then these Women will die!”

"Okay, I'll leave right now. Isn't that okay?"

When Lin Tian was about to turn around and leave, Na Yun Zhenzi shouted: "Who asked you to leave at this time? If you want to leave now, do you have my permission?"

"What's wrong? Isn't it okay for me to leave now? I've already said that I won't seek revenge from you in the future. Isn't it okay to say that?"

"Although you say you have said so now, who can guarantee that you keep your word, so I will not believe you!" "Do you think I will keep my word? Do you think I am the same as you? Are we the same villain? If I were that despicable like you, then I'm afraid you would have died under my hands!"

"Now don't talk so much nonsense to me. It's of no use at all. Since at this time, I already know what you are thinking in your heart, then let me tell you, I will never let you go today. Now I will draw a circle and you should stand in the circle quickly. If you do this, I will let these women go!"

When Lin Tian heard what he said, he thought about what kind of aperture this person was going to draw on the ground again, so at this time he felt very impatient and said: "Yun Zhenzi, can't you try a new trick? Why now?" Don’t you think it’s annoying to draw circles on the ground at this time?”

"I know it's very annoying to do this, but I also do it to save my own life, so I don't find it annoying. At this time, I will draw a circle here. If you want to protect The lives of these people now stand in this circle of light!"

Although Lin Tian felt very angry in his heart, he had no other choice now, so he nodded and said: "Okay, since I have fallen into your hands now, then It’s up to you how to do it!”

Because at this time, if Lin Tian does not do what the other party says, then these women will be killed by him.

What Yun Zhenzi said is indeed true. He has a relatively weak heart. How could he watch these women being killed like this?

So at this moment, he saw that Yun Zhenzi had already changed the aperture, so he walked towards the aperture.

"You want me to stand in here?"

"Yes, at this time, you should stand over quickly. If you stand inside at this time, then I will let these women go!"

Lin Tian now walked into the aperture. He looked at the other party at this time, and then said: "Okay, I have done what you said, so at this time, you should let these women go, right?"

"Well, it seems that your heart is really weak. I have also taken advantage of your weak heart. So what do you think, I have the advantage at this time, so what do you think I should do now? Only then can I punish you as much as possible?"

"Anyway, at this time, you can do whatever you want, as long as you can let these women go!"

"Haha, it turns out that you feel sorry for these women. It's really strange. You didn't know these women before. Why do you want to speak for them? You must know that these women are just my playthings. That’s it, but you feel very distressed, so I really don’t understand what you people are thinking in your hearts.”

"No matter what I think in my heart, at this time, you just need to let them go according to your previous promise."

(End of this chapter)

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