Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1839 Entering the subconscious

Chapter 1839 Entering the subconscious

Now trapped in this magic circle, Lin Tian didn't know how to get out.

If this formation has a barrier, then Lin Tian can also use his strength to forcefully break the formation, but the strange thing about this formation is that it has no barrier. Although there is no barrier, he can never get out.

"Teacher, you really can't get out, right?"

Zhang Lingyan looked at Lin Tian, ​​her eyes full of hope, but Lin Tian smiled bitterly and said: "Ling Yan, I haven't come up with any solution yet, but this doesn't mean there is no hope of getting out. Don't worry, let me go now." Let me think about it and see if I can come up with something.”

"All right!"

Now, Lin Tian sat cross-legged on the ground and began to think of a solution.

He has read a lot of books on Na Fei Lu Novel Network, many of which are about this magic circle and the like.

After a while, he filtered through all the books about magic formations in his mind, and then said: "It turns out that it is a tantric formation. Tantra integrates human senses into this formation, so it is said that people As long as the senses are there, you can't get out!"

People rely on their senses to perceive the world, but what they don't know is that when they use their senses to perceive the world, they are also bound by their senses.

Therefore, if you want to break the eye of reincarnation, you must first abandon your senses.

But if one abandons one's senses, one cannot move, so how can one get out of this place?
"The reason why we can't go out is because we have been deceived by our senses. The circle of the Eye of Samsara has been deceiving our senses, making it impossible for us to really get out of here. Although we seem to be walking, In fact, in the real world, we go around in circles all the time.”

"Oh, then teacher, what should I do to get out?"

"According to Tantra, only by giving up one's senses can one not be bound by the senses. But if one really gives up, then the person will have no ability to act."

"Yeah, what should we do? Let's think of a way!"

After Lin Tian thought for a while, he felt that he was really exhausted mentally and physically. He couldn't move without using his senses, let alone get out.

He knew that the mystery of the Eye of Samsara formation was that it could capture people's various senses and then use them, so they wanted to go out, but they couldn't.

"Everything is visual deception and auditory deception. Ling Yan, what we see and hear now are actually fake."

"is it?"

"It's like this. Since we entered this magic circle, what our senses sense is no longer the real world. We have been trapped in our own world of consciousness."

"Then what should we do, teacher, if even you can't break the formation, then aren't we really going to die here?"

"Let me think about it again. I have read a lot of books, and I will definitely be able to find a way to crack the Eye of Reincarnation in the books!"

Now, Lin Tian hoped that he could come up with a solution, and he continued to think.

Finally, this time he thought of a method, which is meditation. Through meditation, one can enter the subconscious mind. The human subconscious mind is rarely controlled by the five senses, so when he enters the subconscious mind, he can then use the subconscious mind to control the body. , similar to sleepwalking, in that case, the eye of reincarnation can be broken.

"I've thought of a way to break the formation."

"what way?"

"Let yourself sleepwalk. People can move while sleepwalking, but it is not controlled by their senses, but by their subconscious mind!"

"But most people don't sleepwalk. Anyway, I have never sleepwalked before."

Lin Tian now said: "I can make you sleepwalk through hypnosis. Do you want to try it?"

"Well, you can try." Now Lin Tian asked Zhang Lingyan to sit in front of him, and then wanted Zhang Lingyan to sleepwalk. After a while, Zhang Lingyan began to sleepwalk in a daze.

"Humph, I'm in the mood!"

Lin Tian watched Zhang Lingyan start to sleepwalk, and thought that Zhang Lingyan could successfully walk out, but what happened was beyond his expectation. Unexpectedly, Zhang Lingyan entered the magic circle again.

"What's going on? It failed!"

Even in the sleepwalking state, is there no way to get out of the Eye of Samsara Circle?

"Teacher, it failed. It seems that this method will not work!"

"what should we do?"

Lin Tian frowned now. Suddenly he looked at Zhang Lingyan and asked, "Weren't you hypnotized by me? Why did you wake up?"

"I don't know either, I woke up suddenly."


Lin Tian looked at Zhang Lingyan, thinking about something in his mind at the moment.

Zhang Lingyan looked at Lin Tian and asked, "Teacher, why are you staring at me?"

"You are not Zhang Lingyan."

"What, I'm not Zhang Lingyan, then who am I?"

"As I said just now, since I entered the Eye of Samsara Array, all my senses have been deceiving me. The Zhang Lingyan I saw may not be the real Zhang Lingyan, so the Zhang Lingyan I hypnotized is also It’s not the real Zhang Lingyan who was hypnotized by me, nor is the sleepwalking Zhang Lingyan Zhang Lingyan.”

"what are you saying?"

Zhang Lingyan looked at Lin Tian in front of her, but Lin Tian was unmoved. He sat down cross-legged.

There is only one way to meditate now, and that is self-hypnosis. Yes, only self-hypnosis is possible to get out. Although the senses can deceive yourself about some things, the only thing that the senses cannot deceive is the self.

People have only one self, so they cannot deceive themselves. This is like being a superb liar. He can deceive others, but he cannot deceive himself.

Lin Tian wanted to enter his own subconscious space and then hypnotize himself.

Although there were some difficulties at the beginning, after Lin Tian's hard work, he finally succeeded.

He gradually lost consciousness and entered his subconscious mind. He stood up and started walking, because he had already planted a setting in his subconscious mind, and he would wake up in about a few minutes after being hypnotized.

When he woke up, he suddenly found himself standing under a big tree, and Zhang Lingyan was not far from him.

"Successful, really successful!"

Lin Tian finally walked out of the Eye of Reincarnation Array. He saw that Zhang Lingyan was still looking around. It seemed that he still hadn't stepped out of his conscious space.

There were several small blue flags around Zhang Lingyan's body. Lin Tian thought that these were the flags used by Yun Zhenzi to set up the magic circle, so he pulled up the flags.

(End of this chapter)

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