Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1787 Unlocking the Formation Barrier

Chapter 1787 Unlocking the Formation Barrier
Her parents had died a few years ago due to a hereditary disease in the family, so she couldn't help but sigh when she thought about it.

"What's wrong with you, Shuxiang? Did I ask something wrong? If I asked something wrong, please forgive me!"

"it's not your fault!"

She paused and then said: "Didn't you envy the blood talent of our Jin Chan clan just now? In fact, you don't need to envy it!"

"Why aren't you envious? Didn't you say that one day of cultivation for your clan is equivalent to a million years of cultivation for ordinary people?"

"But you know, our Jin Chan clan seems to be cursed. No one can live past the age of 30!"

"What, no one can live past 30?"

Lin Tian suddenly became a little stunned. In this case, the life span of her family is too low, right?
You must know that although one day of cultivation is equivalent to a million years of cultivation for ordinary people, they will not live to be 30 years old, so what is the meaning of this life?

Lin Tian, ​​who was envious of Qin Shuxiang just now, suddenly felt that he didn't envy her at all. What is there to envy for someone with a bloodline that cannot survive the age of 30?

"Yes, because of this, in our clan, although strong men emerge in large numbers, they are only short-lived and will soon wither away."

"Is there any way? If there is a way to cure your bloodline problem, can you live longer?"

"There is a way, and that is blood exchange!"

"Exchange blood?"

"Yes, exchange blood!"

Lin Tian heard Qin Shuxiang say that blood transfusion can make her live longer, so he said to her: "Miss Shuxiang, I suggest you do a blood transfusion, replace it with the blood of ordinary people, that way you can live longer." !”

"However, if we say that after the blood exchange, we will lose the cultivation talent of our Jin Chan clan!"

"If you lose it, you lose it. Anyway, as an ordinary person, through hard work and cultivation, sooner or later you can become very powerful. Take me for example, I am just a mortal, but through my own hard work, now I am We have almost reached the point of cultivating the Holy Saint."

Qin Shuxiang looked at Lin Tian and smiled and said, "What are you so proud of? Isn't it that you are almost at the holy level? I'm afraid you have been practicing for many years before you are almost at the holy level, right?"

Lin Tian thought to himself that it had indeed taken him many years of practice to reach the semi-sage level, but this was better than dying before he reached thirty, right?
"Yes, it took many years of cultivation to reach the semi-sage level. I still don't know when I will reach the level of sainthood, but after you change your blood, you can at least live longer, right?"

"But blood transfusion is dangerous!"

"What, blood transfusion is dangerous?"

"Yes, blood transfusion only has a [-]/[-] success rate. If it doesn't succeed, you can only wait for death!"

Lin Tian wondered why blood transfusion only had a [-]/[-] success rate, but was it wrong to say it was the blood type?

Lin Tian had learned about blood types before. He knew that if people with different blood types had a blood transfusion, there would be some rejection reaction. But if people with the same blood type had a blood transfusion, there would be no such reaction, or the reaction would be very small. The blood transfusion will be successful.

"Well, is it the wrong blood type?"

"What blood type?"

Qin Shuxiang couldn't understand what Lin Tian was talking about at all, because there was no such thing as blood type in this world.

"Shuxiang, you may not know that everyone's blood is different. There are four common blood types. If people with different blood types exchange blood, not only will it not be successful, but it will also lead to death. This is why You just said that if a member of your family undergoes a blood transfusion, there is only a [-]/[-] success rate. That is because the blood types do not match. Of course, the blood transfusion will not be successful." "Oh, although your words are hard for me to understand, but it seems to me that the blood transfusion will not be successful. It makes some sense, that is to say, can you make my blood transfusion [-]% successful?"

"Well, after this blood type analysis, as long as you know your blood type and then find someone with the same blood type as yours for blood exchange, the success rate will be [-]%!"

Jin Chanzi didn't expect that Lin Tian knew this knowledge that she didn't know, so she said: "In that case, I really have to consider a blood transfusion. Although after the blood transfusion, my bloodline talent will no longer exist, but at least it can I lived past 30!”

"Haha, if you succeed, you will not only live beyond 30 years old, but you can also live for many years. Like the Diming Holy Ancestor, there is no problem in living for millions of years!"

"Well, I don't expect to live for so many years. After all, it's so boring to live for so long!"

Lin Tian waved his finger and said: "Then you are wrong. The world is infinite. No matter how long we live, we cannot explore the entire world. Since there are still many new things waiting for us to explore, , how could that be uninteresting?”

"Yeah, but what you said makes sense!"

"That's natural!"

They were chatting and flying, and the alloy chariot finally arrived at the Wind Chime Valley after a while.

"Is this Orchid Valley?"

"No, Orchid Valley is below Wind Chime Valley, we still have to fly down!"

"It's so high up here!"

Lin Tian smiled lightly and said: "It's very high, but don't worry, you'll be able to fly down soon. Sit tight!"

The alloy chariot also has the function of vertical flight, so Qin Shuxiang was very surprised and asked Lin Tian: "Did you build this alloy chariot yourself?"


"You are really a genius, you can create such a treasure!"

"What kind of treasure is this? It's just an aircraft. Did you know that there were aircraft in my past universe, and some of them were much larger than this one and could travel thousands of miles in a day? Do you know?"

"Really, then I really don't know!"

Lin Tian thought that this was right. After all, this universe is actually different from the previous universe. This universe is actually a cultivation universe with a relatively backward civilization.

They relied on the most primitive way to practice, and they had no contact with those high-tech civilizations.

After the alloy chariot flew vertically for a while, it arrived at the entrance of Orchid Valley.

Lin Tian pointed to the entrance of Orchid Valley and said, "Did you see it? The valley erupting with heat is Orchid Valley!"

"What, that place is Orchid Valley, I'll go, this Orchid Valley seems to be a crater, you can't get it wrong, right?"

"I can't be mistaken. This place is the entrance to Orchid Valley. I have formed a formation barrier here last time. Now I will open the barrier and we can go in."

Lin Tian pinched a trick with his hand, and the formation barrier was released by him.

(End of this chapter)

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