Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1767 Becoming a God

Chapter 1767 Becoming a God

When the little boy Mao Erwa said this, Lin Tian shook his head.

"No need, because we can fly!"

Mao Erwa was even more surprised when she heard what Lin Tian said. She said that gods can fly, but it turns out that they can really fly!
"Can you really fly in the sky?"

"Of course we can do it, but you don't have to be so surprised. We are just cultivators. It is normal to be able to fly in the sky!"

"But in my eyes, you are gods, real gods!"

"Don't mention immortals or not, because I feel that there are no immortals in this world who will last forever. Everyone will die. It's just that we are stronger now, so in your eyes we are all He is a god, don’t say so much, and come cross the river with me now!”

Lin Tian grabbed Mao Erwa and flew up quickly.

After flying into the air, Mao Erwa felt more nervous inside. At this time, he not only felt very nervous in his heart, but also felt very excited at the same time.

You must know that he has never experienced flying in the sky before. At this moment, he really doesn't know how to describe his heart.

After a while, several of them crossed the river. At this moment, Mao Erwa patted his chest and said, "I really didn't expect that I would meet you gods!"

This Maoer baby has always said that they are gods, so Lin Tian has nothing to refute at this moment. Since this little boy regards them as gods, then they will not say anything. Gods are gods, and there is nothing wrong with them. OK

"Well, Mao Erwa, then which direction should we go next?"

"You should go in that direction next, I feel that that direction should be the direction you should go!"

"Really, why do you think we should go in that direction?"

"Because I am originally a herb collector in the Wind Chime Valley. I don't need to take you to the places I have already visited, because I can know that those places do not have what you are looking for. In this Wind Chime Valley There are also some places I haven’t been to, maybe there’s what you’re looking for there!”

"Really? It seems like you are quite smart, little guy!"

"Of course, I have always been very smart, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you following me!"

"Then let's continue on our way now!"

Maoerwa held the torch and continued to walk forward at this time, because she had not passed through the foggy area yet, and there was a lot of fog around her, so the distance where she could see clearly was not far away.

"But you haven't said why you haven't been to that place before. Did I say that you can't go to that place?"

Lin Tian is now thinking about what Mao Erwa said. Mao Erwa said that he had never been to that place before, so he felt some doubts in his heart at this time.

"I heard that there are some man-eating beasts there, so for the sake of safety, I have never been to those places before, but now, I don't have to worry about it, because you are all gods, since you are all gods If so, what kind of wild beasts are you afraid of? If I really encounter any wild beasts, then you will definitely protect me!" Long Lanxin touched Mao Erwa's head and said, "You are right, If you really encounter any wild beast, we will definitely protect your safety, just lead the way, you don’t have to worry about safety!"

"Sister, how come I can smell the scent of a beast from your body?"

"What, can you smell the scent of a beast on my body?"

Now, Long Lanxin felt very nervous in her heart. You must know that she had already cultivated into human form, but why at this time, this Maoerwa could smell the smell of wild beasts from her body?
Lin Tian was also very surprised and said: "Mao Erwa, why do you say that? She is a human, not a beast!"

"No, I can really clearly feel the beast on her body, yes, it's in her abdomen!"

"What, belly?"

Long Lanxin felt even more surprised at this time and said, "How did you know there was something in my abdomen?"

"It smells!"

In fact, there is a secret that Long Lanxin has hidden in her heart all this time, that is, when she was in the mountains, a parasite penetrated her body.

So since then, she has often felt some abdominal pain. Although she later cultivated into a human form, she has never been able to force the parasite out of her body.

And that is not an ordinary parasite, it is very powerful and has very strong vitality. Now that parasite has made a home in his body.

She felt that the little boy named Mao Erwa was talking about the parasite in her body.

"It seems that you are really a very smart child. You are right. There is indeed something in my body. It is a parasite that has been inside my body and refused to leave!"

Now, Lin Tian looked at Long Lanxin and said, "Miss Long, what you said is not true, is it? What kind of parasite can be parasitic in your body?"

"Actually, I also felt very strange. That day I was practicing in the mountains and forests, and suddenly a bug came out of the river, and then it got into my body along my throat. It has never been seen again. It came out, and now I feel it in my belly!”

When she was still practicing, she had to concentrate sometimes, especially when she was making a breakthrough. She couldn't move her body, so Lin Tian felt that the bug should have crawled into her body at that time.

"Long Lanxin, don't worry about this, I think I will definitely find a way to help you solve this problem!"

"Thank you very much, but it's hard to think of a way. If there is a way to solve it, I'm afraid I would have figured it out a long time ago. But this problem has been with me for a long time. Even if it can't be solved for a while, it doesn't matter. It doesn’t matter, let’s find Bluebell quickly!”

At this time, Mao Erwa shouted: "Come here quickly and see what is in front of you. I have never seen anything like this before!"

Lin Tian looked in the direction Mao Erwa said, and suddenly saw some shiny things in front of him. When he looked carefully, he discovered that they were pairs of eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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