Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1729 Coming here unintentionally

Chapter 1729 Coming here unintentionally (2)

"Lin Tian, ​​don't even think about trying to divorce me. I won't fall for your trick."

"Oh, won't you be fooled? Then you can only wait for death. Luo Wushen will destroy you sooner or later!"


Wu Xin looked at Lin Tian now, sweat dripping from his forehead, because he knew that what Lin Tian said was true.

"How about it, haven't you figured it out yet? Although Luo Wushen has great supernatural powers, our Tianbao Holy Sect is not a vegetarian. We now have three and a half steps of holy cultivation. With you, there are four. To deal with Luo Wushen, that’s enough!”

"Are you kidding me? I've heard a long time ago that even the three of you couldn't fight back against Luo Wushen. You were sealed in the purple gold bowl last time. If you hadn't escaped quickly later, , I believe he has died long ago!”

Lin Tian saw that Wu Xin was still saying this, so he said, "Well, if you say that, there's nothing you can do about it. Since you're not a friend, you're an enemy. Come on, let's take action. I'll go one-on-one with you, how about that?"

"Okay, I've wanted to have one-on-one with you for a long time, come on!"

Wu Xin's body now exudes powerful energy, his clothes Wu Feng automatically move, and now he attacks Lin Tian directly.

Lin Tian stood there, thinking that Wu Xin's strength was far inferior to Luo Wu Shen, and now he planned to fight directly.


Wu Xin hit Lin Tian with a palm, but Lin Tian did not dodge at all. An energy shield was immediately activated around his body, which offset the opponent's attack.

"Yeah, the attack is good, but the power still doesn't break my shield!"

"What, didn't break the shield?"

At this moment, Wu Xin looked at Lin Tian and thought something was wrong. The opponent's strength was the same as his own, and he was a half-step saint. How could he not even break the opponent's shield with his full blow? This was impossible, it was simply not possible. possible.

Seeing his surprised expression, Lin Tian's shield still emitted green light. This green light shield protected him tightly. At this moment, he said: "Are you dissatisfied? If you are dissatisfied, Then come again!”

"That's what you said!"

At this time, Wuxin attacked Lin Tian again, but this time he attacked Lin Tian and strengthened the energy shield. The green light was even stronger. Wuxin really couldn't even break the energy shield around Lin Tian's body!
"What a powerful energy shield. Even with my half-step holy cultivation, I can't even break through your energy shield. What's going on? Could it be that you are stronger than Luo Wushen?"

"Am I more powerful than Luo Wushen?"

Lin Tian heard what Wu Xin said and wondered if what Wu Xin said was true. You must know that the last time three of them faced Luo Wushen, they were all taken into the purple gold alms bowl by Luo Wushen, and he and Luo Wushen In comparison, one is a half-step saint and the other is a saint, so he is not as powerful as Luo Wushen, right?

"Yes, I feel that you are even stronger than Luo Wushen. Even Luo Wushen cannot emit such a strong energy shield, but you can do it!"

Lin Tian thought to himself that Wuxin was from Luo Tianzong, so he naturally knew Luo Wushen better than he did. Why not get some secrets about Luo Wushen from him?

"Ahem, you said that I am stronger than Luo Wushen. Do you mean that Luo Wushen can't form such a powerful energy shield?"

At this moment, Wuxin said with certainty: "Yes, I'm sure he can't do it!"

(End of this chapter)
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