Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 169 Chinese Character Exhibition Hall!

Chapter 169 Chinese Character Exhibition Hall!
"I contacted the WZ Sky III spaceship of the Earth Branch of the Ancient Script Research Association. This spaceship is engraved with many complex real runes, and the materials used for construction are top space materials, so its performance completely surpasses other spaceships. Spaceship, if we use this spaceship to travel, we can reach the headquarters of the Ancient Script Research Association in less than three days."

After Long Ling finished speaking, he made a phone call and contacted a relevant person.

Soon, the relevant personnel arranged the spacecraft and could set off at any time.

"Let's go, the spaceship is already in contact!"

Long Ling said.

The WZ Sky [-] spacecraft is not very large, similar to Xiao Xiner's Tianxin, but its materials and quality are far from comparable to Tianxin.

This time, in addition to Xiao Xiner and Minister Long Ling, two experts also went to the headquarters of the Ancient Writings Research Association, plus a few spacecraft control and technical personnel, a total of eight people opened the WZ Sky [-] space The spaceship goes to the headquarters of the Ancient Script Research Association.

three days later.

The WZ Space III spacecraft arrives at the headquarters of the Association for the Study of Ancient Writings.

When the spacecraft landed on a space station, Xiao Xiner looked into the distance and was stunned.

"Not a planet!"

Beneath the space is a continent, a huge continent that exists in the starry sky of the universe.

"Do you think that the ancient text research agreement is on a planet?"

Long Ling appeared beside Xiao Xiner and said with a smile.

"Yes, there are basically planets in the universe. I didn't expect this to be a continent, a continent in the void of the middle universe, and this continent is too big, it is much bigger than the earth! "

Xiao Xiner was surprised.

Lin Tian was not too surprised, this kind of continent would appear in the novels of the Huaxia era, so he accepted it quickly and was not surprised.

At this time, Long Ling explained: "The founder of the ancient writing research association discovered this continent and felt that the resources of this continent were relatively rich, so he established the headquarters of the ancient writing research association here, and then it was under the Human Federation. The planet has opened a branch. Such a continent is very rare in the universe, and its resources are much more than some planets. It is very suitable as the headquarters of the ancient writing research association. Come, I will take you to the place where the ancient writing research association headquarters is located. "

Most parts of this continent are still in the wild, but the headquarters of the Ancient Script Research Association is like a modern science and technology city.

The aircraft flew to the giant city where the headquarters of the Ancient Script Research Association was located and stopped.

Afterwards, Long Ling arranged a place for Xiao Xiner, after all Xiao Xiner would at least stay here for a while.

After arranging the accommodation, Long Ling and the two experts left, but they arranged a robot nanny for Xiao Xiner to arrange some things for her, which is also equivalent to a guide.

the next day.

The Huaxia Characters Exhibition of the Ancient Chinese Characters Research Association officially started. Long Ling ordered someone to tell Xiao Xiner to go to the Huaxia Characters Exhibition. At that time, a big person from the Ancient Chinese Characters Research Association will go to the exhibition to meet Xiao Xiner. .

As for Long Ling, there was something he couldn't leave. After all, Long Ling was not an expert. This time he just brought Xiao Xin'er to the headquarters of the Ancient Text Research Association. The real matter had nothing to do with Long Ling.Under the leadership of the robot, Xiao Xiner set out at eight o'clock in the morning and arrived at the Chinese Character Exhibition Hall.

After entering the Chinese Characters Exhibition Hall, Xiao Xiner found that there were many people visiting various Chinese characters.

Among them, many experts are explaining these Chinese characters to those who come to visit, and one of them is speaking: "We have recorded a total of 1326 Chinese characters in the Ancient Chinese Character Research Association, of which 856 Chinese characters have been interpreted. As for the remaining 470 Chinese characters, we are trying to decipher them a little bit, and I believe that one day, these Chinese characters can all be deciphered.”

Xiao Xiner glanced at it. The entire exhibition hall is very large and divided into large exhibition rooms. Each exhibition room contains an item engraved with Chinese characters, some are stone tablets, some are statues, some are special metals...

There are all kinds of things, and it can be said that they are ancient things that have existed for a billion years, and these ancient things are engraved with some Chinese characters. These Chinese characters are one of the most precious treasures. As for antiques, they are not much wealth. .

The headquarters of the Ancient Script Research Association only cares about these Chinese characters. If there are no Chinese characters on these antiques, it is no different from the soil. There are many soils and ores on each planet that are billions of years old, and they are not worth much at all.

But these things are engraved with Chinese characters, so they are of infinite value. They are real treasures and priceless treasures in the long river of human history!
These ancient antiques engraved with Chinese characters are covered by a glass cover, but these glass covers are not ordinary glass covers, but a special material that is very strong.

Xiao Xiner knew the name of this kind of glass, but it was Kobelco glass, which was claimed to be able to withstand the attack of the Void Realm.

The value of so much Kobelco glass in the entire exhibition hall is also an astronomical sum, and only a big force like the Ancient Chinese Character Research Association can easily get it.

"If these ancient cultural relics and antiques are placed in our Huaxia era, they are worthless at all, and there are such things everywhere." Lin Tian looked around and couldn't help but comment.

"Can a billion years ago be compared to a billion years later? It can be preserved for a billion years, and these Chinese characters have not been wiped out. The value of such things is naturally extraordinary!" Xiao Xin'er rolled her eyes and said.

Compared to Xiao Xiner who watched with relish, Lin Tian had no interest at all.

After all, he can travel to and from the Huaxia era at any time, and naturally he doesn't care much about the cultural relics of the Huaxia era.


In an exhibition room, many people are watching a stone tablet. Many of the writing on the stone tablet have disappeared. The stone tablet is also very broken, and there are cracks everywhere, but one word is very clear.

But at this time, many people did not know this Chinese script, because it was a Chinese script that had not been interpreted.

"This expert, hasn't this text been deciphered?"

one person asked.

"No, this text is relatively complicated and has not been deciphered yet, and several big experts estimate that this text should be very rare in the Huaxia era." An expert from the Ancient Script Research Association explained.

Guardian Spirit Space.

Lin Tian saw this character and couldn't help but said: "Isn't this just the capital '一' character? Such characters are very simple and very common!"

(End of this chapter)

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