Chapter 1683 Rules
Therefore, these powerful immortals who are above the central boundaries of the bright and dark universes and worlds, and those in the central boundaries of the bright and dark universes, would never think of provoking them again.

Invoke this massive amount of pure fairy power that pervades the world of the brightest and darkest universes.

Therefore, when these powerful immortals who are above the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds and the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds return to their own fairy families, .

Only then did they discover that as long as they no longer look for the aboriginal existence of the brightest and darkest universe and space world, they are like their grown-up natural visions and precious apprentices who are born as immortals.

To break through the rules customized by the massive amount of pure fairy power that permeates the bright and dark cosmic world.

Then the massive amount of pure fairy power that permeates the bright and dark universe will be the same as it has been for thousands of years.

I won't pay attention to any of their actions.

But if they are above the central boundaries of the bright and dark universes, the immortals who are in power in the central boundaries of the bright and dark universes will have their sights.

At a time when the aborigines of the world of the brightest and darkest universes existed, they were like grown-up natural visions and precious disciples born to be immortals.

They will feel that the massive amount of pure immortal power that permeates the bright and dark universe has also set their sights on them.

It was as if a very terrifying reality was once again placed before their eyes.

Therefore, after that, these powerful immortals who are above the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds and the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds have done this for the only time. After the test.

He has never tried to tease the bottom line of the vast amount of pure immortal power that permeates the world of the bright and dark universe.

Until now, their grown-up and precious disciple had a strange situation that happened to him.

Subconsciously, these powerful immortals who are above the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds, and the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds, associate everything with everything. That vast amount of pure immortal power that permeates the world of the brightest and darkest universes.

Only this vast amount of pure immortal power that permeates the world of the brightest and darkest universes can silently and silently move them above the central boundary of the brightest to darkest universes. The vision of these powerful immortals in the most central areas of the universe, from the brightest to the darkest, is all blinded.

Let this precious disciple of mine, who has grown up to be a natural vision and a human being, come here.

In the center of a small fairy storm created by massive amounts of pure fairy power that permeates the world of the bright and dark universe.

However, what is the purpose of this massive amount of pure immortal power that pervades the world of the brightest and darkest universes?

These powerful immortals who are above the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds really don’t know.

And even if they knew it, what the specific situation was and how to do it was still a mystery.

Or to put it more bluntly, they simply don’t know how to do it and they don’t dare to do it.They really don't want to face that kind of terror again.

However, just above the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds, these powerful immortals bowed their heads and remained silent for a period of time. .

Their grown-up natural vision and precious disciple who was born to be an immortal was in the room, and he could wait for him silently from the beginning.

The response of these powerful immortals on the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds.

But later on, I discovered that the powerful immortals who were above the central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds still had no power. Reaction.

At this moment, time has gone through a very long process.

It took so long that this precious disciple who had grown up and was born with a vision and was born to be an immortal began to feel a little anxious.


This precious disciple who has grown up and is born with a vision, and is born as an immortal, has been sitting in his seat waiting for him from the very beginning, those who are above the most central boundaries of the bright and dark universes and worlds. The response of these powerful immortal masters in the most central realm of the universe, the bright and dark universe.

It turned into a slight cough, and then stared at his own eyes, looking at the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds, and the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds. These powerful immortal masters in the realm of the earth.

Then I found that they still had no reaction.

This makes this precious apprentice who has grown up to be a natural wonder and a human being a bit embarrassed.

Originally, his Qi-nurturing skills were quite good.

But once he faced these powerful immortal masters who were in the most central realms of the bright and dark cosmic worlds, .

It's like I've returned to my childhood again.

The mood becomes increasingly irritable and impatient.

Slowly, when he discovered that his gaze did not seem to be able to arouse his thoughts about the most central boundaries of the bright to dark universe, those in the central boundaries of the bright to dark universe. The attention of these powerful immortal masters.

With no other choice, he could only stand up.

He kept walking around the room, hoping that the sound of his constant pacing would wake up his masters.

At least don't maintain this oppressive silence now
(End of this chapter)

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