Chapter 1671 The Picker

The reason for choosing them is actually very simple.

Generally, for some reasons.

The aboriginal beings in this world of bright and dark cosmos generally will not go to this most remote corner of the world of bright and dark cosmos.

Because there is no inhabited place in this most remote corner of the bright and dark universe.

Although it is said to be a good place for meditation, there is always a feeling that it will drive people crazy.

Therefore, unless there are some special reasons, the aboriginal existences of these bright and dark cosmic worlds generally will not go to this most remote corner of the bright and dark cosmic world.

So, slowly, the aborigines of the bright and dark universe in this most remote corner of the bright and dark universe really started from the very beginning.

He was born in this most remote corner of the bright and dark universe.

This also leads to the immortals who are in power in the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds to choose these most remote bright areas. This is the reason why the immortal beings in the corners of the darkest universe have moved to the center of the brightest and darkest universe.

Because the immortal existences in these most remote corners of the bright and dark cosmic worlds do not have any power.

Even if there are some particularly talented natives of the bright and dark universe and space world.

It is also because they are not willing to surrender in these most remote corners of the bright and dark universe.

And chose to leave and come to the most central boundary of this bright and dark cosmic world to seek his own opportunities.

This also leads to the indigenous people of the bright and dark universe in this most remote corner of the bright and dark universe.

Everyone lives like a left-behind immortal soldier, and there is no particularly powerful immortal among them.

In some cases, only a few indigenous people in the worlds of the bright and dark universes exist to survive.

And the hanging city built on the most remote corner of the bright and dark universe is gathered together.

It is the final struggle of the immortal beings in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe.

And now, these powerful immortals in the most central boundaries of this bright to dark cosmic world directly give them their original lives.

An even heavier burden was added.

And this burden is still the most difficult multiple-choice question that the immortal beings in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe have no way to resist.

Because no one knows, if you disobey the orders issued by the immortals who are in power in the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds, .

What are the consequences?

And the most important thing is that at the very beginning, the aborigines in the most remote corners of this bright and dark universe were replaced by children who had grown up and were born as immortals.Above the central boundaries of his bright and dark cosmic worlds, and on the central boundaries of his bright and dark cosmic worlds, these powerful immortal masters inform the entire bright and dark cosmic spaces. world time.

These immortal beings in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe did not immediately jump out to stop this move.

Instead, they huddle silently in this most remote corner of the brightest to darkest universe, because they think that their level of immortality is really very low. .

The combat power is also very weak, especially compared to the immortal beings in the central boundary of the bright and dark universe.

Not even comparable to a hair.

Therefore, it is natural to think of the existence of immortals in these most remote corners of the bright and dark universe.

When this grown-up child who was born with a vision and was born to be a fairy takes his place.

Above the central boundaries of his bright and dark cosmic worlds, and on the central boundaries of his bright and dark cosmic worlds, these powerful immortal masters inform the entire bright and dark cosmic spaces. In the world, it is absolutely impossible to choose immortals like them in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe.

In particular, these selected immortal beings are going to march in the same direction, to form the army of the darkest universe and space world, at the most central front position of the brightest to darkest universe.

To fight with the immortal army in the bright universe.

There is no reason to choose these immortal beings in the most remote corners of the bright to dark universe to go to the center of the bright to dark universe to deliver food to others.

After all, if there are two masters of the most holy realm in the most bright world space, such as the Lord of Light or the Lord of Darkness, under the noses of the two most holy realms of the darkest world space.

There is a one-sided situation, especially those who are selected by the immortals who are in power above the most central boundaries of the brightest to darkest universes and worlds. of.

The immortal beings in these most remote corners of the bright and dark universe were massacred by the immortals in the bright universe.

No one can get away with it.

Therefore, the existence of immortals in these most remote corners of the bright and dark universe is very depressing.

But the final negative voice that I had been waiting for for a long time did not appear.

There is no such bright world space as the Lord of Brightness or the Lord of Darkness, and there are two masters of the Holy Realm in the dark world space who speak out for them.

There are no other immortal forces in the bright and dark universe to intercede for them.

There are only these immortal beings in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe.

Lonely back.

(End of this chapter)

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