Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1652 The junction of reality

Chapter 1652 The junction of reality

Of course, this is also why later on, when the Lord of the Brightest World and the Lord of the Darkest World are decided by the two rulers of the Holy Realm of the Brightest World Space and the Darkest World Space.

At the junction of the brightest and darkest universes, the war between the brightest universes and the darkest universes begins.

Those powerful immortals who were originally very loyal to the Lord of Darkness in the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds chose .

A completely different choice than before.

After all, before this, if the powerful immortals in the most central boundaries of these bright to dark cosmic worlds had not discovered it.

These are the true words of the vast amount of pure immortal power that permeates the world of the bright and dark universe.

These powerful immortals who are on the most central boundary of the light to dark universe and world are absolutely the absolute supporters of the Lord of Darkness.

He will definitely bring the most elite immortals from the bright to dark cosmic worlds among his own immortal forces.

All of them were sent without reservation to the most central front position in this world of bright and dark cosmos.

Go to war with the armies of the immortals in this bright universe.

But after the last time, the reality of the massive amount of pure immortal power that permeated the world of the brightest and darkest universes was hit hard.

It was drawn on the faces of these powerful immortals on the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds.

The thoughts of these powerful immortals completely changed.

Since they are above the central boundary of the bright to dark universe, these powerful immortals in the central boundary of the bright to dark universe are not the real acting managers.

What really manages the entire darkest universe and space world on behalf of the Lord of Darkness is the vast amount of pure fairy power that permeates the brightest and darkest universe and space worlds.

That is to say, in fact, the Lord of Darkness does not need the most elite immortals from the bright to dark universe to be at the center of the bright to dark universe.

Go to war with the armies of the immortals in this bright universe.

So why can't these powerful immortals who are above the most central boundary of the bright to dark cosmic world, those in the most central boundary of the bright to dark cosmic world.

Cherish your own feathers and cherish the precious combat power of your own immortal family?
Why can't we choose to protect our loved ones in the bright and dark universes?
Then why can't we select the army of the darkest universe composed of immortal beings from this most remote corner of the brightest to darkest universe to go to this most remote corner of the brightest to darkest universe? What about the army in the darkest universe composed of immortal beings above?

Facts have proved that it is possible.

Because when the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds are above the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds, these powerful immortals are on a small scale.

When some immortal beings from the most remote corners of the bright to dark universe were sent to the center of the bright to dark universe to form the army of the dark universe.

The vast amount of pure immortal power that permeated the world of the brightest and darkest universes and the Darkest Holy Lord had no reaction at all.Then these powerful immortals who are above the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds and the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds will understand.

Their previous guess was correct.

The ruler of this darkest universe and the vast amount of pure celestial power that pervades the brightest and darkest universe don't even care about going to the center of this brightest and darkest universe. Location.

How powerful are the immortal beings in the bright and dark cosmic worlds?

Rather, they care about whether there are immortals in the world of the brightest and darkest universes, and go to the most central front line position in the world of the brightest and darkest universes to form the army of the darkest universes.

Therefore, the powerful immortals who are above the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds are relieved.

They are not willing to work for a master who doesn't take them seriously anymore.

In this case, you should protect your feathers even more.

Therefore, these powerful immortals who are above the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds and the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds passed through that small area.

After the experiment of sending these immortal beings from the most remote corners of the light to dark universe to the central front position of the light to dark universe to form an army of the dark universe confirmed that there was no problem.

Only then can we confidently and boldly send a large number of immortal beings from the most remote corners of the light to dark universe to the central front line of the light to dark universe to form the dark universe world army.

And this is exactly on the most central boundary of the bright and dark universe. Why do these powerful immortals choose those central boundaries of the bright and dark universe.

The reason why the immortals who exist in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe and world are not very powerful at all go to the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe and space.

Because they just want to complete a task of making up the numbers.

As for the situation after the existence of this immortal who makes up the number, he will be directly killed by the military immortals of the Zhiming Universe Space World.

Or there will be other situations.

They, the immortals who pretend to be in power, don't want to care about it at all.

What they have to do is just when there is a shortage of military immortals in this darkest universe world.

Then the immortal beings in the most remote corners of the bright to dark universe will select enough people and send them to the most central front position in the bright to dark universe.

As for the rest, they won't care about it.

This is the chain reaction of cruel reality leading to even crueler reality.

(End of this chapter)

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