Chapter 1568 Fang Heiyue

Then Fang Heixianfei, the lord of the hanging city of Tianliang City, where this immortal at the peak of the immortal realm existed, waved his hand, and a black long sword appeared instantly from his hand.

Then Fang Heixian, who was holding the black long sword, inserted the black long sword directly into the ground of his city lord's mansion.

I saw that the black sword was centered on the crack that sank into the ground.

Black ripples continued to appear one after another, spreading outward and spreading.

Circle after circle, from small to large, extending to the entire hanging city of Tianliang City.

Finally, Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City's Hanging City, who was an immortal at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, began to feel his grief and anger, and the mentality of wanting to protect his daughter.

He opened the city defense formation in the suspended city of Tianliang City to [-]%, and then closed it again from [-]% to [-]%.

Little by little, circle after circle, when Fang Heixianfei, the lord of the hanging city of Tianliang City, where the immortal at the peak of the immortal realm existed, kept using the black long sword.

Before that, Tianliang City's suspended city protection formation, which was [-]% activated by Fang Hei, was slowly shut down.

However, it is easier to invite gods than to send them away. This move consumed a huge amount of immortal power and concentration from Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City, who was an immortal at the peak of the immortal realm.

But fortunately, in this world of bright and dark cosmic space, there is not much else but pure immortal power.

As long as Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City's Hanging City, who is an immortal at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, has not passed out directly and still has one breath left.

You can draw a large amount of pure immortal power from this bright to dark cosmic world space to make up for your losses.

So don't look at the existence of this immortal at the peak of Tianliang City. Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City's hanging city, directly opened the Tianliang City's city protection formation and then closed it directly.

Although he did fall back, his daughter Fang Heiyue helped him, but it didn't take more than a few breaths.

Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City's Hanging City, who was an immortal at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, immediately stood up again with his head held high and his chest high.

He gently stroked his daughter Fang Heiyue's head, and looked at the very obvious black star mark on her forehead, feeling extremely relieved.

Indeed, if his daughter were placed in the central area of ​​the entire bright and dark universe, all the immortal forces and major sects would be vying to have her daughter.

As, for millions of years, among the millions of bright and dark aborigines, there will be an aboriginal of the bright and dark universe with a black star mark. This represents the talent of his daughter Fang Heiyue. .

It is very high, as high as the sky. You don't have to say any false words. As long as your daughter Fang Heiyue continues to practice from now on, sooner or later one day.

His daughter was able to be promoted to the immortal existence of Da Luo Dao Ancestor with great momentum.

This is something that makes Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City's Hanging City, who is an immortal at the peak of the immortal realm, unable to help but want to fly just thinking about it.

That's why Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City's Hanging City, who is an immortal at the pinnacle of immortality, is so nervous about his daughter.

He would rather take his entire Tianliang City Hanging City and surrender to another nearby Tianhong Hanging City.

As long as he can protect his daughter Fang Heiyue and hide her well.The future is limitless. Sooner or later, he will be able to help him regain his Tianliang City Hanging City, and then trample the Tianhong Hanging City under his feet.

When the time comes for Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City's Hanging City, who is an immortal at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Immortal realm, he will really feel proud.

But now, we still have to temporarily avoid the sharp edge and avoid the hanging city of Tian Bang City.

Wouldn't it be better to leave all hope for the future?

So Fang Heixianfei, the lord of Tianliang City's Hanging City, who was an immortal at the pinnacle of Heavenly Immortal Realm, stood up again and came back vigorously. He watched as he slowly activated the Tianliang City's city defense array that he had just started. After closing.

After sealing the black sword in his hand again.

Prepare to sit down and listen to what kind of discovery your daughter Fang Heiyue has to tell you.

On the other side, Saint Ancestor Di Ming and Lin Tian laughed crazily. They looked at each other and slowly stopped laughing.

Because, somewhere in the dark, they suddenly felt an indescribable gaze falling on the heads of Di Ming Saint Ancestor and Lin Tian.

Saint Ancestor Di Ming and Lin Tian felt on pins and needles.

"Senior Holy Ancestor Di Ming, do you feel it?" Lin Tian asked Holy Ancestor Di Ming in a somewhat uncertain voice.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming also very carefully transmitted the message to Lin Tian, ​​"Well, I feel it, do you feel it too, Lin Tian?"

"Yes, I feel it. We seem to be targeted by some terrifying existence?" Lin Tian slowly approached the Diming Saint Ancestor.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming also remained silent and approached Lin Tian.

Lin Tian and Diming Saint Ancestor both had a kind of suppressed but eager to explode fairy power fluctuations all over their bodies.

What Saint Ancestor Di Ming and Lin Tian suppressed was their own cultivation and combat power that was half a step to the holy realm and half a step to the peak of life.

Because the current actors Di Ming Shengzu and Lin Tian are two relatively powerful ordinary immortals in the Golden Immortal realm.

Rather than two immortal beings whose combat power is half a step to the peak of life.

However, why it broke out again is because the local Ming Saint Ancestor and Lin Tian noticed the gaze from the underworld in the air, or in this bright and dark cosmic world space.

Let Holy Ancestor Di Ming and Lin Tian understand very deeply that if they and the other party are still relatively strong based on this strength, they are still at the level of combat power in the Golden Immortal realm.

There is absolutely no way to deal with the feeling of gaze from the darkest universe.

I'm afraid I can only expose all my combat power to be able to fight against the mysterious gaze in this bright and dark cosmic space.

(End of this chapter)

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