Chapter 1477 Embrace
Lin Tian remained silent. In fact, he also knew in his heart that based on his current battle insights after two battles with Holy Ancestor Diming and Holy Ancestor Xuanfei, because he did not have any sense of pressure or crisis on the verge of death, Lin Tian Compared with the insights and breakthroughs Tian Cong gained from these two battles, the Diming Saint Ancestor and the Xuanfei Saint Ancestor were compared.

In fact, it is very small. For Lin Tian's current cultivation level, it is a drop in the bucket and cannot have any effect.

Therefore, when Xiao Xiner said that Lin Tian had to take a shortcut, Lin Tian actually understood what Xiao Xiner wanted to say.

However, the reason why Lin Tian did not make up his mind was not because he discovered that he seemed to have destroyed the back-up plan of a mysterious power hidden in the eternal universe that was suspected to be the holy realm.

As a result, Lin Tian is now a little helpless. He is very worried that once he and the Diming Holy Ancestor leave the eternal universe, will the mysterious power hidden in the eternal universe who is suspected of being the holy realm directly jumped out.

After all, when he pushed Cuiluo Planet away from that small corner of the eternal universe, he had placed the mysterious power that was suspected to be the holy realm hidden in the eternal universe outside the small corner of the eternal universe with just one slap. , the fairy formation used to hide Cuiluo Planet was destroyed by the culprit.

It is impossible to say that the mysterious power hidden in the eternal universe, which is suspected of being in the holy realm, has destroyed the Immortal Enchanting Array he set up and has no sense at all.

Although I had sensed the Immortal Enchanting Array before, I didn't find any aura with the presence of the Holy Realm in it, so I destroyed the Immortal Enchanting Array without hesitation.

However, who would have thought that by now it would be deduced that this person who did not know the Immortal Formation was actually a mysterious power hidden in the eternal universe that was suspected of being in the holy realm.

This is like a timed explosion magic, placed closest to you at any time.

Therefore, after Lin Tian was silent for a while, he decided to tell Xiao Xiner that he wanted to stay for the sake of Xiao Xiner's safety and the safety of Heaven.

Lin Tian looked firmly into Xiao Xiner's eyes, analyzed all his thoughts and told Xiao Xiner, "No, I still decided to stay."

But before Lin Tian finished speaking, Xiao Xiner stretched out a slender hand and gently pressed Lin Tian's lips.

Xiao Xiner shook her head and said to Lin Tian: "You really have no need to stay. Let's not mention the mysterious power who is suspected to be the holy realm hidden in the eternal universe. If it is the mysterious power hidden in the eternal universe, The mysterious power in the universe, which is suspected to be in the holy realm, really noticed that the Immortal Formation he had arranged was destroyed. How could there be no reaction? This is a back-end move that has been arranged by millions. You I am well aware of the importance of the Dryad clan and the Green Jacket. That unique talent will make anyone's heart flutter no matter who it is. That is to say, the Diming Holy Ancestor is a weird one among the half-step peak saints. Beings can

Not moved by it, but what about other immortals? "

Listening to Xiao Xiner's analysis, Lin Tian somewhat agreed in his heart, but he still had some doubts.

Because he is really not sure about the true state of this mysterious power that is suspected to be the holy realm and is hidden in the eternal universe.

Xiao Xiner, on the other hand, continued: "Back then, Green Jacket and his tree demon clan were able to arouse the spying and seizure of the entire eternal universe, but at the last critical step, they were killed by the person hidden in the eternal universe. He was rescued by a mysterious power who was suspected of being in the holy realm, but the mysterious power who was hiding in the eternal universe and was suspected of being in the holy realm did not directly take advantage of Green Jacket and his tribe of tree demons. What does this mean? This means that now is not the time, it is not the turn of Green Jacket and his tree demon clan to show up yet. Do you understand?"

Lin Tian nodded with a frown. He actually understood this truth in his heart, but what he said subconsciously was: "But, I am still very worried about you. I am very worried. If that person is hidden in the eternal universe, The mysterious power that is suspected to be in the holy realm did not leave the eternal universe, but fell directly, or was hidden in some corner, so what should we do?"

After listening to Lin Tian's words, Xiao Xiner suddenly felt a little annoyed for some reason.

She reached out again and clenched her palm into a fist. It looked heavy, but it hit Lin Tian's head very lightly.A soft "dong" sound sounded, and Lin Tian was stunned by Xiao Xiner's sudden knock. He stretched out his hand in confusion and nodded his head.

Looking at Xiao Xiner, she said aggrievedly, "Xin'er, aren't I worried about you? Why are you hitting me?"

Originally, Lin Tian thought that Xiao Xiner would at least soften him up after he suffered this sudden attack from Xiao Xiner.

Who would have thought that Xiao Xiner actually put on a face that she had never seen before, looked at herself and said: "This matter does not need to be discussed, I alone have the final say, why are you such a mother-in-law?" Yeah, like a girl!"

"Huh?" Lin Tian was confused by Xiao Xiner's sudden change.

He looked at Xiao Xiner's figure with dizzy eyes, and suddenly felt a very domineering aura rising suddenly from Xiao Xiner's body.

Lin Tian unconsciously felt that his body seemed to be infinitely smaller, and Xiao Xiner's figure was like a growing mountain, rising up in front of him.

Under this ebb and flow, Lin Tian felt as if he was facing a volcano that could erupt at any time. He felt that his body was trembling unconsciously.

What else could Lin Tian say about Xiao Xiner's sudden change?

All he could do was nod his head crazily.

Seeing Lin Tian's perverse look, Xiao Xiner instantly returned to the original gentle and lovely Queen Xiao Xiner in Lin Tian's eyes.

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, but the worry in my eyes still did not diminish.

Xiao Xiner gave him a step down, and he felt both relieved and a little sorry.

Lin Tian actually really wanted to take Xiao Xiner with him to that void world.

However, there are too many worries. Let’s not talk about the wonderful places in the void world. Just talking about the heaven if it loses the guard of the Emperor and Queen at the same time, there will be no problems in a short time.

However, as time goes by, there will always be some unnecessary mistakes.

In order to prevent these mistakes from appearing, one of Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner must guard the heaven.

The best candidate is naturally Xiao Xiner.

(End of this chapter)

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