Chapter 1455 Meeting
Finally, Green Jacket summoned all the members of the tree demon clan who could incarnate, and gathered together.

He explained to them that he had decided to lead the tree demon clan in Cuiluo Forest to join the largest force in the eternal universe and today.

At first, there was some weak opposition from the people of the dryad clan.

But thinking about the burning feeling in the air before, and the threat index of the boiling immortal power that instantly soared.

And at the very beginning, that terrifying immortal almost drained away the immortal power of the entire Cuiluo Planet in one breath, making all the people of the Dryad Clan feel fearful.

I am both fearful and excited about my future. I am afraid that my future life will be like that of my ancestors, who were affected by the war, displaced and had nowhere to live.

At the same time, there is also a hidden excitement hidden in their hearts. They are excited to know that they can leave this green planet and go to the colorful and eternal universe among the inherited memories recorded by their ancestors.

To experience the endless mysteries of the vast universe, to experience brand-new trees that I have never experienced before.

In the hearts of every Dryad clan member, the courage of the three young Dryads to leave this green forest is indeed greatly encouraged and longed for. They agree with their actions, but they have been subjected to so many years of experience. The ancestral precepts are all about stable survival, and the continuation of the tribe is what the Dryad clan needs to do most.

Therefore, these so-called elders of the tree demon clan are trying their best to restrain their thoughts and desires in their hearts.

Until now, the leader of their tree demon clan, Green Jacket, said that he would leave this small corner of the eternal universe and go to the largest force in the eternal universe called Heaven to join them.

I no longer have to huddle in this small corner of the eternal universe and grow lonely on this green planet.

However, before that, the people of the dryad clan still had one last doubt.

That is, none of these tree demon clan members have ever seen the true glory of Lin Tian, ​​the Emperor of Heaven in Green Jacket's mouth.

Really powerful, all, for what Green Jacket said.

Heavenly Court is now the most powerful force in the eternal universe. Heavenly Emperor Lin Tianli fought against two immortal beings who were half a step to the peak of life, and he was able to win two times, directly establishing the title of the first immortal in the eternal universe.

In the future, millions and millions of years will be the peak moment of heaven.

These are actually very difficult for the people of the dryad clan to believe.

After all, none of these tree demon clan members have ever seen Lin Tian take action, nor did Xiao Xiner use magic to directly record some important events that happened in the eternal universe in the past ten thousand years like Green Jacket. Show it in front of you.

It’s just words that are unfounded, it’s best to see them to believe them.

Moreover, in the hearts of these Dryad clansmen, there is a deeply hidden yearning to leave this green world and venture into the vast space of the eternal universe.

But when this deeply hidden longing is really dug out, the day comes when it will be realized.

You will feel an inexplicable resistance and fear.

Maybe it's the mentality of being in danger, afraid of losing, afraid of dreams coming true and then disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Therefore, after a period of commotion, these tree demon clan members gradually became unified and somewhat doubtful of Lin Tian and Tian Ting's statement.

Although everyone believes in Green Jacket and respects him, it is not because he is the leader of the tree demon clan, but because Green Jacket is the longest living demon tree on this green planet.

Therefore, the people of the tree demon clan respect him, but because Green Jacket spends most of his time practicing and sleeping, he does not show his face in front of his own clan members on many occasions.

In fact, there are not many opportunities to show their faces. After all, the number of tree demons is limited, and they will not be separated into incarnations for any specific reasons.In the end, all the incarnations of the tree demon clan who listened to Green Jacket's summons because of the arrival of outsiders were talking about their own things, and no one cared about the Green Jacket standing high up. .

Green Jacket was like a speaker who got on the stage but couldn't get off. He stood there very innocently, looking at his fellow Dryad clan members, and began to feel a little anxious.

It was not easy just now for Emperor Lin Tian and Queen Xiao Xiner to agree to the tree demon clan and Cuiluo Planet to join the camp of Heaven.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the people of my tree demon clan would make such a big mistake again.

At this time, how can you tell Green Jacket not to be anxious?

In desperation, the last green coat could only generate a stream of immortal power, which directly shocked all directions and caused all the tree demon clan members to stop the noise of their discussions.

Everyone looked at the green coat on the high platform with confused expressions.

I saw that the green coat raised one hand and pointed at the starry sky. There were the Dryad clan, the protective layer of Cuiluo Planet, and the enchanting formation arranged by the mysterious power before he left.

Green Jacket said, "My ignorant tribesmen! Open your eyes and use your immortal power to feel. How long can this magical formation in the sky protect us? How long is left for us?" "

After hearing Green Jacket's words, the members of the tree demon clan unconsciously looked in the direction to explore the mysterious place in the sky that they had never paid attention to, or had ignored for too long. The fairy formation that can be arranged.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

Originally, the Dryad clan members thought that the Immortal Formation that could protect them for eternity unexpectedly opened a hole at some point, and the immortal energy leaked, causing the Immortal Formation to remain. Ten thousand years of time.

In other words, after 1 years, their Cuiluo planet and the tree demon clan will once again be exposed to the eternal universe.

An inexplicable panic, a feeling that the sky is falling, permeated the hearts of these tree demon clan members.

They suddenly made a loud noise again.

"What's going on! How could the Immortal Formation break a hole!"

"Oh my God! What should we do!"

"If anyone dares to invade, we can just fight back!"

Green Jacket sighed in his heart as he looked at the people of the tree demon clan who were even more chaotic below.

He didn't expect that things would develop completely differently than he imagined.

I originally thought that if I raised my arms and called out, I would be able to respond to thousands of calls, and directly join the heaven together.

To feel the true appearance of the eternal universe that I have never felt or seen before.

But he didn't expect that he would die before leaving the army and be directly given a difficult problem by his fellow tree demon clan members.

Green Jacket feels very headache.

(End of this chapter)

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