Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1437 Time to Counterattack

Chapter 1437 Time to Counterattack

However, at this time, the Lord of Earthly Light no longer cares about the passing of these lives.

If you are in infinite life, you will not be able to do what you want to do, and you will not be able to experience things you have never experienced before.

Then life, no matter how infinite, has no meaning, it is so empty and boring.

But in a limited life, if you can do what you want to do and experience things you have never experienced before, then even in a short life, it is the most meaningful existence, and that is truly living.

As the saying goes, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening. This is the truth.

Therefore, at this time, the Lord of the Supreme Brightness did not care at all about the shortage and loss of life caused by burning and sacrificing his own life mark vines.

The current Lord of the Supreme Brightness only wants to control and take away the physical body of Lin Tian, ​​a life form from another world.

Through his body, he can take a look at this extraordinary and wonderful world that he has never seen before.

However, the Lord of the Brightness, who had sacrificed his own life-marked vines and directly received part of his soul, discovered a very strange problem.

That is his own life mark vine. It seems that the weight of the burning sacrifice is not enough.

So much so that the Lord of Brightness originally calculated that he could bring a quarter of his soul into the soul world of Lin Tian, ​​an alien life form, directly take away Lin Tian's body and annihilate Lin Tian's soul. idea.

It turned into just one-fifth of his soul weight descending into the soul world of this alien life form Lin Tian.

It turned into a gray force that swept through Lin Tian's entire soul world, causing the entire soul world to fall into a state of pause in time and space.

In this state, Lin Tian and Lin Tian's light beams and two white light beams were unable to move after being shrouded in gray light.

However, the Lord of Supreme Brightness still has not thought about the reason why the weight of his soul has not completely descended.

Could it be that the distance between these two universes is just too far?

Therefore, there was an inexplicable loss during the transmission process of his soul.

Or is it that after burning and sacrificing his life mark vine, the passage created can only allow one-fifth of his soul to pass through the barrier?

The Lord of Supreme Ming couldn't understand this problem, but he didn't want to think about it anymore.

As long as this current situation can achieve the effect you want, that's all.

As for the others, the Lord of Mingming felt that there was nothing special about them.

Therefore, when the Lord of Brightness successfully transferred one-fifth of his soul to the soul world of Lin Tian, ​​a life form from another world.

The next step is to expand from this soul world to the real world.

This move is actually very easy.

Because Lin Tian's soul world, including Lin Tian's own soul, was all enveloped and swept away by the gray light of the Lord of Brightness, and fell into a state of absolute stillness.

Therefore, the soul of the Lord of Ming successfully descended and occupied Lin Tian's body.

This is how gray-eyed Lin Tian appeared in front of Xiao Xiner.

However, the good times did not last long. The Lord of the Brightest Bingmi had the direct ability to achieve a [-]% perfect fit with the physical body of Lin Tian, ​​a life form from another world.Instead, it was because Lin Tian, ​​a life form from another world, injected all his immortal power into his soul world.

As a result, Lin Tian, ​​a life form from another world, had no trace of immortal power left in his body.

This put the Lord of Ming into a very embarrassing situation, that is, although the Lord of Ming occupies Lin Tian's body, he does not have any immortal power to move Lin Tian's body.

Moreover, it is also bound by a black stone celestial rope that the current Lord of Brightness has no way to break free from.

Finally, it was the Lord of Ming who had no choice, that is, Gray-Eyed Lin Tian.

He returned to the soul world of Lin Tian, ​​a life form from another world, and found the two white light dragons left by Lin Tian, ​​a life form from another world.

This is where all Lin Tian's immortal power lies. It is the absolute immortal power that Lin Tian gained by destroying so many immortal stones and immortal sources.

Since the Lord of the Ming Dynasty has taken over Lin Tian's body, how can he let go of Lin Tian's legacy?
But the first thing now is to take possession of these two white light dragons directly.

Ever since, the Lord of Brightness directly unveiled his own gray light, so that Lin Tian, ​​a life form from another world, no, let his two white light dragons regain freedom, so that he could operate his two white light dragons. .

So, it all comes back to the hands at the beginning.

That was when the Lord of Supreme Ming pressed his hands on the heads of these two white light dragons.

I want to directly use the most understandable contact to establish a connection between myself and these two white light dragons.

Then let these two white light dragons obediently shatter their physical bodies and turn them into bits of fairy power, directly covering the various meridians of their physical bodies.

But what the Lord of Brightness didn't expect was that at the moment when his hands were about to directly touch the two white light dragons.

A huge earthquake shook the entire soul world.

From the depths of the soul world, it started instantly.

The constant rumbling sound sounded like a thunder strike, startling the Lord of Brightness.

Although he didn't know what happened suddenly, the Lord of Brightness' inner premonition told him that nothing good was going on.

The gray light that wanted to retract his hands immediately and release himself once again covered the surface of the entire soul world, and was used to directly imprison the entire soul world.

However, it was too late, but it was too late, just at the moment when the Lord of Brightness stretched out his hands back to the two white light dragons.

Two white light dragons that were originally very docile suddenly became violent.

He opened his bloody mouth ferociously, and on both sides, one dragon bit at a time, biting the Lord of Ming's hands tightly and not letting go.

The pupils in the eyes of the Lord of Ming shrank tightly once again.

The bad premonition in my heart came true again.

Immediately afterwards, a huge crack opened on the earth of the soul world due to a huge earthquake, which just corresponded to the crack in the sky.

A huge beam of light roared out from the crack again!

(End of this chapter)

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