Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 143 Placement No. 19!

Chapter 143 Placement No. 19!
In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

exactly ten in the morning.

All the students of the three Galaxy Universities gathered in a square and stood in neat rows.

Today is the day for the trial and the time for their lottery.

The entire Gulong Star is a trial ground, but where to conduct the trial requires allocation, it is impossible for everyone to be in the same place, and the number of students is too large, which is not conducive to the trial.

The high-level officials of Galaxy University divided the trial site into 100 places, and each dozens of people landed in one place. In this way, thousands of students were scattered.

And who lands where, this all needs to be randomly arranged, and the lottery can ensure fairness.

Whoever wins the draw must land there without any dissatisfaction.

At this moment, a Void Realm instructor appeared in the air and said to all the students: "100 drop points, numbered 1 to 100, there are boxes on that table, and there are boxes with numbers in them. Paper, each person draws a number, and carries the number on a different aircraft. Numbers 1 to 10 go to aircraft No. 11, numbers 20 to 2 go to aircraft No. [-], and so on, let’s go and draw numbers!”

After speaking, the instructor turned around and disappeared.

More than 6000 students went to the stage to draw numbers one by one. Everyone drew numbers at will and very quickly.

It didn't take long for more than 6000 students to draw their numbers and boarded the corresponding aircraft.

"Number 19!"

Xiao Xiner glanced at the number in her hand and walked towards the No. 2 aircraft.

At this time, she found some acquaintances, including Sun Ze and others in her class, who were also the No. 2 aircraft.

Seeing that Xiao Xiner was also walking towards the No. 2 aircraft, Sun Ze hurried over and asked, "Xiao Xiner, what is the launch location for you?"

"Number 19!"

Xiao Xiner gave Sun Ze and the others a look at her number.

"What a coincidence, we are also the 19th!"

Sun Ze was very excited.

In this way, they will land at a test site with Xiao Xiner.

"Xiao Xiner, why don't we form a team?" Sun Ze suggested.

This time the trial does not require a team, it can be a single action, or you can team up with each other to experience.

"Forget it, I'm going to test alone!"

Xiao Xiner directly refused.

It's not that she looks down on the strength of Sun Ze and others, but it is more convenient to be alone, but she can hunt down powerful dragon blood creatures, and if she forms a team with Sun Ze and others, then she must take into account the safety of Sun Ze and others. The problem is that it is impossible to hunt and kill powerful dragon blood monsters at will.

In this case, it will be difficult for her to compete for the first place in the score.

Considering these, she refused Sun Ze's invitation.

Seeing Xiao Xiner refusing to form a team, Sun Ze was a little disappointed, but did not force it.

Immediately, several people boarded the No. 2 aircraft together.

When all the students got on the aircraft, the aircraft took off.

Aircraft No. 2 followed the established route to fly on Gulong Star, and encountered some flying monsters on the road, but these flying monsters knew the terribleness of the aircraft, so they avoided one by one and did not dare to compete with the aircraft.

"The 11th drop-off site has arrived, and the students who landed at the 11th drop-off site jumped from here!"

One of the aircraft personnel opened the aircraft door, shouting.

At this time, the aircraft is not very high from the ground, only about 40 meters high.

The students of Galaxy University are all awakeners above the blood exchange level. Such a height is nothing to them, and there is no need to use a parachute like ordinary people.

Wow! ! ! !One student jumped out of the aircraft door and landed firmly on the ground one by one, starting their half-year trial.
The aircraft door is closed and the flight continues.

In a short while, the 12th delivery site arrived!
Just like the previous students, the students who landed at the No. 12 launch site jumped from here one by one.

After half an hour.

The 19th place has arrived.

Xiao Xiner, Sun Ze and others jumped down here together.

Boom! ! ! !
Xiao Xiner's feet stepped on the ground, and the dust flew up immediately.

"This is a valley!"

Xiao Xiner glanced around and said secretly.

There is no danger in the valley, and there are no powerful dragon blood monsters.

The 100 locations chosen by Galaxy University are relatively safe places. Naturally, they will not choose the lair of the powerful dragon bloodline monsters to put them in. Isn't that taking the lives of the students as a bet?
As soon as they landed, the group of students started to form a team in twos and threes, but they also prepared to be a loner like Xiao Xiner, and tried alone.

Swish swish! ! ! !

A famous student left and disappeared into the valley.

At this time, Sun Ze followed the other three students.

"Xiao Xiner, let's go first!"

Sun Ze said.

Obviously, the four of them acted together.

"Well, pay attention to safety, don't hunt down monsters that you can't deal with!" Xiao Xin'er told them.

"Don't worry, we know our strength and won't be blind."

Sun Ze nodded.

After Sun Qian and the others left, Xiao Xiner also randomly chose a direction to walk.

In a slightly dark forest.

Xiao Xiner walked slowly. This forest is located in the east of the valley just now. She felt a lot of powerful monsters in this forest, so she resolutely entered this forest.

Perhaps due to the planet’s environment, the trees on Gulongxing are so huge that even a few people can’t surround a tree, and the height is almost hundreds of meters high.

These trees are enough to be called towering giant trees on the earth, but they are very common here.

Boom boom boom! ! !
A slight vibration came from the ground.

Obviously, a huge object was walking towards Xiao Xin'er.

"Lin Tian, ​​a monster is approaching!"

Xiao Xiner said to Lin Tian in the guardian spirit space.

"Xin'er, let's just follow the voice." Lin Tian suggested.

Xiao Xin'er nodded, her body moved, and she flew in the direction of the vibration.

After a while, a behemoth appeared in the sight of Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian.

This is a demonic beast about 50 meters long and seven or eight meters high. The skin of its body is covered with thorns, each of which looks like a sharp weapon. Its body is similar to a lizard.

Seeing the shape of this monster, Lin Tian couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is an enlarged version of Spinosaurus!"

(End of this chapter)

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