Chapter 1429
In fact, these two beings in the holy realm did not pay much attention to the realm of the immortals at the forefront of their men.

No matter how high or high they climb, so what.

The holy realm is not just a single realm.

What it has to break through is not only the ordinary realm, but also many, many other immortals, which are simply unimaginable difficulties.

Therefore, they don't care at all how far these immortals under their hands can break through.

Because no matter how many breakthroughs are made, it is impossible to reach the level of the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness.

The army immortals in the bright world and the army immortals in the dark world still showed a very brave and skillful performance in fighting the opponent's immortals in this battle.

However, no matter how fierce the battle was, there were no casualties.

I originally thought that in this war, both the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness would exhaust all their immortal power, and they would have to withdraw their troops from the battlefield and return to their own world to recuperate.

However, he did not expect that not long after the war started by the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, the Super Immortal Technique that the Lord of the Ming Dynasty usually had to wait until a very late stage to use would actually be used before what could only be called a warm-up. When playing.

The fierce battle began immediately.

This was completely beyond the expectations of the immortals in the bright world and the dark world.

But this does not mean that they will make any other special moves.

Because your ultimate leader fights against the opponent's ultimate leader, you will follow your opponent's fight.

They are still doing what they are supposed to do and acting as they should.

It can be said that the only ones really fighting are the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness in the distant sky.

The Lord of Light became so angry that he wanted to fight the Lord of Darkness.

That's why after the beginning of the battle, he immediately entered a state of soaring strength, completely disrupting the battle rhythm of the Lord of Darkness, and of course his own battle rhythm.

Originally, the Lord of Light thought that his sudden attack would definitely startle the Lord of Darkness, and then with the help of the frightened Lord of Darkness to distract him, he immediately seized the gap and immediately Use your strongest magic.

Although the Lord of Light knows that this level of attack cannot directly defeat the Lord of Darkness.

But it can also cause a lot of damage to the Lord of Darkness.

The original and fundamental purpose of the Lord of the Ming Dynasty in starting this long-lost battle was to ruthlessly return to the Darkness all the injuries and humiliations he had suffered in his base camp during the battle. Lord.

However, what the Lord of Light did not expect was that when he did not play his cards according to the routine, the Lord of Darkness also did not play his cards according to the routine at all.

On the surface, it looks like the Lord of Darkness has fallen victim to the Lord of Light's super tactical trick, but in fact he has not.

Because the Lord of Darkness whom the Lord of Light attacked was not the Lord of Darkness himself at all.

"Pfft!" With a sound, the Lord of the Supreme Ming actually vomited blood. At this moment, the Lord of the Supreme Ming couldn't understand anything.

I am afraid that I have been fooled by the Lord of Darkness again, or in other words, the thing that I least want to admit has finally happened.

(End of this chapter)
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